On the abuse in the Houston board and Eccie's reluctance to deal with it

tikkler33's Avatar
OK, I have just invested massive amounts of time reading this thread. I could compose a reply to numerous points one by one, but I thinck not. I only have so many brain cells left after reading this whole thing.
However, I cannot rest without responding to one thing which always pisses me off beyond measure.
Let me begin by saying that, as far as I know, Raphael and I have not engaged in particular animosity toward each other on this board, so I bring no longstanding feud into this.
But when I see references to someone claiming to have "seen" combat with a fake ID in hand, it makes me want to stick that fake ID where it belongs.
There are those of us here, including myself, who have "seen" combat with a rifle in hand, not out of morbid curiosity to travel to interesting places to watch what was going on, but to do a dirty and dangerous job. If you want to see combat as a mere observer, may I suggest the History Channel? There are too many good men seeing combat every day for me to be silent on such an issue.
OK, go ahead and hit the RTM button.
Tiklkler33.... Your post is about 1% more intelligent than Ralphy's, and he is the King of the fukking Houston morons. Why dont you go back and try again.
tikkler33's Avatar
Thank you for your opinion, Mr. Smith. In the future I will PM you with all of my posts so that you may pre screen them for me. Maybe you saw combat with a fake ID, too.
If you want to go down down that road, my email is MrSmith8691@gmail.com.
Sisyphus's Avatar
.....The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. It's drawn the finest people....

I gotta be the biggest loser of them all...I've read the whole thread a coupla times! Even after lots of belly laughs I'm still not sure what all of the bruhaha is about. Most of it seems to be before my time. I've followed along as best I could. From all the brickbats & guttersniping...a couple of comments rose above the din for me...

I am the single dad of a teen-age daughter. When the blog was initially mailed to me (by Curator I believe) I did not tell her about it. Recently (for reasons that are none of your business) I did. Since then she has been very concerned with it. The photo of the house especially concerns her. She keeps asking: did they see me? Did they take photos of me? Did you find out who did it? Will the police help? I have not seen her concerned like over any subject, since the aftermath of september 11. Originally Posted by Raphael
No one is ever going to confuse me with Robert Anderson...certainly not my kids! Still...if what you do for "fun"...in your spare time...with disposable income...starts to result in awkward conversations with your teen-age daughter then perhaps it's no longer a hobby. Maybe...and I'm just spit-ballin' here....it's now a personal problem of some sort of the other. No shame in seeking help in that regard, if needed.

Not a sermon...just a suggestion....

What's the point closing threads in Houston if they allow the Houstonians to pursue their drama here?

(+ thread highjack) Originally Posted by Raphael
Do you ever....and I mean EVER...listen to the words that come out of your mouth?!?!?!?

[Ok...technically...read the words that come out of your fingertips...BEFORE you click, "Submit Reply", that is...]

I know we didn't invent it but...in where I'm from...we've a popular saying for just such an emergency. Let me see if I can recall how it goes. Oh yeah.....

Don't START no shit...won't BE no shit!

I think that's how it goes. Still brings a tear to my eye....
Where is Ralphy? There are 12 pages of him spewing excrement all over the national board, and no one is doing anything about it.

Ralphy starts all this, disappears, and leaves everyone waiting. WTF.

SMITTY OUT. I am unsubscribing from this thread and going back to basket weaving.
"Houston we have a problem" re-accredited to Raphael... LMAO
It seems to me that a member with 23 reviews should be considered a valued site member and his issues be addressed in a more professional manner. His concerns definitely have merit. Anyone with a brain knows his "concerns" are pretty accurate. Now that said, I feel bad for your daughter. You need to have more discretion than that Sweetie. If I were you, I would focus more on that than the hobby. You REALLY need to undo that damage to the best of your ability.

Tikkler, I do agree with your point. I believe that your post makes the MOST intelligent point I have seen in a while. There are too many veterans being insulted by some statements made in here. I don't believe that it can be pinned on one person though. I can understand your point but it did take some guts, yeah?

To ALL you Viet Nam vets... "WELCOME HOME". I hope it makes you smile to know that I always give a special rate and extra time to my vet clients just as a lil "thank you for your contribution to the freedom of others". You are all beautiful in my eyes. Let me also say I am not accepting new clients at this time. Bless you though!
Mr Clever's Avatar
Where is Ralphy? There are 12 pages of him spewing excrement all over the national board, and no one is doing anything about it.

Ralphy starts all this, disappears, and leaves everyone waiting. WTF.

SMITTY OUT. I am unsubscribing from this thread and going back to basket weaving. Originally Posted by MrSmith8691
That's his usual Motis Operandi.

He cry's...then gets his ass handed to him....takes off and pouts.

He will be back.....usually, like nothing has happened. His post will resemble those of a god fearing christian...then like a flip of a switch...he will begin his usual rhetoric.

Its a circadian cycle we have all seen one too many times.
A couple of days ago I received a text from a buddy implying there was either a banning or a strong possibility of one in the near future. I was unsure why so I thought I would investigate. I soon found this thread which I have now read in its entirety.

Whew, I need to go to the office and rest my weary eyes!
tikkler33's Avatar
I'm still trying to figure out DH getting banned. Whatever he said to get the ban must have been removed, because I didn't see it.
It's kind of hard for the rest of us to know what the offending comments were if they are removed from our sight.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
BANNED Originally Posted by the vet
What does that have to do with anything on this thread?!? Go back and read the last post on this thread from DH and learn a little something..... he and Blowpop have the 2 most rational, well thought out, pertinant posts on this entire thread......... he got his vacation for other reasons........ but that is for him and the powers that be to discuss....... IMHO I think they were threated by his brilliance in the "ASK THE FUCKING PROPHET" Thread...... I'm just sayin'

"Houston we have a problem" re-accredited to Raphael... LMAO
It seems to me that a member with 23 reviews should be considered a valued site member and his issues be addressed in a more professional manner. His concerns definitely have merit. Anyone with a brain knows his "concerns" are pretty accurate. Now that said, I feel bad for your daughter. You need to have more discretion than that Sweetie. If I were you, I would focus more on that than the hobby. You REALLY need to undo that damage to the best of your ability.

Tikkler, I do agree with your point. I believe that your post makes the MOST intelligent point I have seen in a while. There are too many veterans being insulted by some statements made in here. I don't believe that it can be pinned on one person though. I can understand your point but it did take some guts, yeah?

To ALL you Viet Nam vets... "WELCOME HOME". I hope it makes you smile to know that I always give a special rate and extra time to my vet clients just as a lil "thank you for your contribution to the freedom of others". You are all beautiful in my eyes. Let me also say I am not accepting new clients at this time. Bless you though! Originally Posted by Lacey Companion

Thank you, LC for your well plAceD thoughts on this matter....... too bad you are nearly completely off base here........

Reminds me of a line from one of the greatest movies of all time.....".....You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know whats going on......"

"Donny you're outta your element!"

Wrong place to start dropping your "he has 'X' number of reviews so he must be a valued site member..." agenda. Know the back story before you interject please....... As to the rest of your posts, there is too much to comment on, and don't want the RTM banged on my for "Thread Hijack" responding to it, but next time try not to bring a butterknife to a gunfight....... but thancks for letting us know your discounts for vets, but oh you're "not accepting new clients"...... Glad to see your "biznass" is going so well....

As far as the disparaging comments on veterans and those who have served........ I am actually gonna give Rafe his one pass on this one..... I don't thinck that he was directing that comment in general, I thinck (hope) that it was a an comment said out of anger towards one member in particular....... So I will give him a pass on this ONE time........ we all get worked up and say stupid stuff from time to time that we don't mean, and I am hoping that this time is one of them......... I know there are many MANY hobbyist on this board that are Vets from many wars/conflicts, and whether you agree with the reasoning for our troops being at whatever conflict they were stationed or not, you can not disrespect those individuals who put their lives on the lines in the name of the people of this country............ Being around war/conflict is about as close as being engaged in it as watching a video of a train wreck, and standing on the tracks staring down the locomotive........ until you are in those shoes, you have no right to comment in any disrespectful matter to those who have.........

Ok...... Rant over...... Smitty.... move over and hand over the wicker......

Wakeup's Avatar
I'm loving this thread...just biding my time till I post something interesting...

To ALL you Viet Nam vets... "WELCOME HOME". Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
Well, a welcome home almost 40 years after the war ended is better than no welcome home at all I guess!

P.S.-You do know that the current conflicts we're engaged in aren't the Vietnam War...right Lacey?
I hit the me likey button on that one.

abdclub's Avatar
All I can say is "Good grief - get over yourselves!!! This is supposed to be fun!"
