Sugar daddy dating & info ??

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Who wants a sugar baby!

I Love to be spoiled... <3 Originally Posted by Miss Dreams
You want a SD one hour at a time right?
Gotyour6's Avatar
I say the younger the better for a SB, as long as she's of legal age. The younger the girl, the fewer bad habits she'll have, generally, and the more willing she'll be to take instruction. Also, the younger the girl, the less chance she'll be jaded, burned out, have a rugrat, a criminal history, or external signs of aging. Originally Posted by ShysterJon

Mine is 18

Any younger and I would go to prison.
ForumPoster's Avatar
400 + 600 = 1000 not 1050 Just sayin' Originally Posted by John Bull

400 + 650 = 1050. Just saying
John Bull's Avatar
400 + 650 = 1050. Just saying Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Yes but that's not what is in your Showcase so which is correct? Your Showcase shows $400 + $200 per hour over the first hour. You might want to change it if it isn't accurate.
ForumPoster's Avatar
Yes but that's not what is in your Showcase so which is correct? Your Showcase shows $400 + $200 per hour over the first hour. You might want to change it if it isn't accurate. Originally Posted by John Bull
Oh damn, I forgot I offer discounted rate to ECCIE members. Better fix it right away!

Seriously, we are going to nitpick on me for discount offered in ECCIE showcase vs rate published on my website? I just posted prebooking special for my Foxwoods trip on TER .. should I go and have it fixed too?

The original question was "how can even low volume providers claim that becoming sb negatively impact their income?" which I answered using my current rates, not taking into consideration various discounts offered either via ECCIE showcase or pre-booking promotions. I am also not taking into consideration the fact that in september rates will be actually increased.

Lets use some HYPOTHETICAL low volume provider in major metro area with rate of 400/h. Even if she is doing two one hours a week, her potential SD would still need to cough up 800 a week. Thats 3200 a month, plus expenses related to two people going out and having good ole times.

Percentage of men capable and willing to bankroll such expense is extremely limited. Thus, most providers in major metropolitan areas, even those who are extremely low volume, will experience serious reduction in income.

Can the math class be dismissed now?

Gotyour6's Avatar
You dont get it.

Its not all about the money sweet pea

This is what you obviously cant grasp.

Yes, they dont make 800 a week but they dont want to.

They want to be taken out, admired, have the door opened for them.

They are not in it for just the money.

Again, they.... are... not.... in .... it .... for.... just.... the ..... money

You are. Thats ok. You are not a sugar baby.

So lets look at a HYPOTHETICAL sugar baby...

I pick up a girl and we go do a little shopping, get something pretty for her to wear.
Then we have a little dinner and a drink or two afterwards.
We grab a room with a hot tub and I go out of the room to grab some bottled water (Yes, the mini bar has it there but wait, it gets better) Remember we went shopping?

I walk back into the room and I see a beautiful, young college girl with beautiful blue eyes wearing a Victoria outfit of a thong, corset and stockings. She is shy and smiling a little with that look of "Do I look ok?"

I drop the water bottles right there where I stand. Not thinking about them any more. Like they were not even there.

I walk up to her and smile and with out saying a word but mouthing the word "Wow"

She giggles a little bit and smiles knowing I really mean it. She was worried about what I thought of her. She cared to make sure the lines on her stockings were straight, she cared that her panties were in just the right area and her corset was pushing her breasts up just perfect. When I touched her she got goose pimples (This was our 3rd time together)

The night goes on and we wake up, I take her back to our spot where we meet (She walked a block in the rain to meet me there) She walks back to her parents house where she lives.

The next day she went to buy her mother a gift for her birthday. It was a few hundred dollars. She picked it up, swiped her green dot card and it said approved. She smiled again.

Or i can have an hour with you for the same price.

Can the math class be dismissed now?

Oh, you were off topic, my bad
I loved to be spoiled and I am accepting applications for SD at present Time

PM me for details and look at my showcase for more!

Gotyour6's Avatar
I loved to be spoiled and I am accepting applications for SD at present Time

PM me for details and look at my showcase for more!

Brianna Originally Posted by playtimewithbrianna

How much an hour lol

Wouldnt be the same.
bladtinzu's Avatar
I loved to be spoiled and I am accepting applications for SD at present Time

PM me for details and look at my showcase for more!

Brianna Originally Posted by playtimewithbrianna

Good luck with that...
bladtinzu's Avatar
Lets use some HYPOTHETICAL low volume provider in major metro area with rate of 400/h. Even if she is doing two one hours a week, her potential SD would still need to cough up 800 a week. Thats 3200 a month, plus expenses related to two people going out and having good ole times.

Percentage of men capable and willing to bankroll such expense is extremely limited. Thus, most providers in major metropolitan areas, even those who are extremely low volume, will experience serious reduction in income.

Can the math class be dismissed now?

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina

There we go back with that hourly rate yet again. You seriously do not get it. It is not about the hourly rate (which is why escorts fail when trying to be a SB) but about her needs. She doesn't NEED $400 bucks an hour but thinks she needs some UGG boots, or a Coach handbag. And she may need a hundered bucks to buy some supples for school. It is not about hourly.

As for affording $3200 a month.. You would be quite shocked. Some of us own our own businesses and make more than that daily (yes net not gross). Some do even better. And a lot of us are not flashy either. Me I'm 39 and tend to be flashy when it comes to vehicles and boats. Clothing I could care a less about. And jewlery.. I don't "Over gold" lol. Understated works best for me in those departments. Though I do have a serious watch fetish so if you know what Panerai, Hublot, Bell & Ross, Audemars Piguet, and Patek Phillipe are then I am a dead give away.. If not.. Understated.
(I see Bladtinzu throwing out that SB bait......)
Thanks and let me know if you Want to meet With Me and see what Happens!!
ForumPoster's Avatar
There we go back with that hourly rate yet again. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
yeap, here we are .. to answer very specific question. This one:

No offense to any of our fine young ladies here, but providers commonly say they won't be a SB because of the reduction in income. Yet those same providers often say they're low-volume. I'm not good at math, but there seems to be a contradiction here. Originally Posted by ShysterJon

You seriously do not get it. It is not about the hourly rate (which is why escorts fail when trying to be a SB) but about her needs. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
Actually I do. REAL sugar baby / sugar daddy arrangements involve intimacy, exclusive relationship and all of woman's financial needs being taken care of by her sugar daddy. It is pretty much marriage with an expiration date and no alimony. This is not what absolute majority of self proclaimed Sugar Daddies are looking for.

As for affording $3200 a month.. You would be quite shocked. Some of us own our own businesses and make more than that daily (yes net not gross). Some do even better. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
You personally may be making that kind of money, but you gotta agree that 99.99 percent of population does not. What's the gross income necessary to officially be a part of "one percent"? 250k?

Though I do have a serious watch fetish so if you know what Panerai, Hublot, Bell & Ross, Audemars Piguet, and Patek Phillipe are then I am a dead give away.. If not.. Understated. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
Yeah, those are a dead give away

We keep going in circles over same old same old. Providers do NOT make good sugar babies (see multitude of reasons listed already). Sugar babies are providers without website or reviews. I know, it kinda kills the self delusion so masterfully cultivated by some people on this thread.

I would buy this whole "my sugar baby is more than a whore" thing if I did not read what some folks on this thread post on not so private forum. REAL sugar daddies do not discuss in detail how to get a free trial run out of prospective girls, do not post their pics, do not brag about getting X number of hours for 100 bucks, do not ask other mongers if they want to split expense of maintaining apartment for a girl, etc etc etc. Mongers looking for cheaper pros do.
Yes, they dont make 800 a week but they dont want to.

They are not in it for just the money.
Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Sure she does and sure she is. If the SD/SB model was not P4P, why is it even discussed on a hooker board? Why does it even have its own forum?

The bottom line is this:

In the SD/SB model, the Sugar Daddy is in control. He decides how much money he is going to spend, when he is going to spend it, and what he is going to spend it on. If he only wants to dole out $500 per month on his SB, and would rather just buy her gifts than give her straight up cash, he can do that. And since most sugar babies have little to no negotiation experience (in fact, thats a desirable, if not necessary trait for most SD's), they willingly accept. It's easier to have your fantasies fulfilled when you control the parameters around them. "She's not a hooker! She only sleeps with me and her SO and I don't pay her hourly!" This is why so many hobbyists are going this route. Can't say I blame em, but let's just call a spade a spade.

It's the sugar baby's ignorance that provides for the sugar daddy's bliss. Since she doesn't know how to value her time the way a pro would, she doesn't. But make no mistake, if she did, she would.
Gotyour6's Avatar
They know what they can make. Dont let them fool you.