How about them Buccos!!!!!!

flows-with-water's Avatar
Ugly win it was. But a win is a win and not a L
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
OK, they lose 2/3 to the A’s. Pretty pathetic I admit. But they’re 4/2 in this home stand with the Big Money Mets coming in. Go Bucs!!!!
bambino's Avatar
Bucs double up the Money Ball Mets 14/7. In first place again!!!!
bambino's Avatar
Bucs win the series with the Mets. The 300 million dollar Mets!!!! Cutch gets hit # 2000. So far, so good.
HDGristle's Avatar
Kinda mine also to be honest. Nutting is the worst owner in Pittsburgh sports history but what can we do. I wasn’t gonna admit that while the OP was around. Lol
I’m actually going to a game soon, but I don’t buy them from Nutting. Ticketmaster. I’ll reluctantly buy his beer.
Hope we have a nice run. Maybe catch lightning in a bottle for a little bit anyway.
I was hoping they would be near 500 by the AllStar break. instead of 35 and 41
  • Typo
  • 06-24-2023, 09:43 PM
We've had other exciting season starts in the past many years only for them to end in a losing season. They consistently prove they can't sustain the momentum. I wish this outcome wasn't so predictable, but I don't see anything different happening this year.
We've had other exciting season starts in the past many years only for them to end in a losing season. They consistently prove they can't sustain the momentum. I wish this outcome wasn't so predictable, but I don't see anything different happening this year. Originally Posted by Typo
Exactly what a few of us were saying on Page 1 of this thread. Lol! How many more times do we need to see this movie? Happens every April/May.
Now this thread didn’t age well did it?

Is anyone but the kool aid drinker surprised? Now they’re blaming the coach and GM, which is bullshit.

You can’t make fire with wet wood. When you’re constantly in the bottom 5 payroll your chances are slim. When they do happen it’s a short window.

I did go to a game though. I buy them from resellers because I won’t give Bottom Line Bob any of my money.

We lost 9-0. Lol
bambino's Avatar
Well, the Buccos lost to the Yankees today. The Yankees have the second highest payroll in MLB. They’ve won SIX more games than the Pirates so far. It’s Mid September and the Pirates still have a mathematical chance to make the playoffs. It won’t happen, but they’re playing meaningful games in the middle of September. BTW, the thread is now alive and well. Charley even skeezed is way into a game!!!! Oh those sacred “entertainment dollars”!!!! I mean, the “guy” buys a second hand Pirate ticket and doesn’t think that ticket didn’t go to Nutting!!!! LMAO!!!
flows-with-water's Avatar
They managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory tonight.
bambino's Avatar
They managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory tonight. Originally Posted by flows-with-water
Well, they did have the lead. But they fight to win. It’s a bunch of young guys. They’ve already exceeded expectations. This was a building year, not a tanking year. They’re on the right track.
HDGristle's Avatar
Perpetual rebuilding years confirmed