pyramider's Avatar
Pinck ninjas?
dearhunter's Avatar
The whore is always the last to know.......heh
missconstanceflow's Avatar
The money......
Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I remember now, Htowner
Those were some great times. I miss some of the ladies that got out of the business and would love to reconnect with them just to check in. Mainly... Creole Lady, Allystorm and Bianca Page.

BBKid you also had some access to some very nice UTR via my buddy Splendor. Those were the days.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-30-2018, 07:10 AM

BBKid you also had some access to some very nice UTR via my buddy Splendor. Those were the days. Originally Posted by i_land_her
Indeed, those were the days, my bud. I actually turned a couple of them in to some ltr stuff. Whew!!!!!........ such memories.
Italia DiBella's Avatar
The term multi-bells instead of MSOG,cute

How some things have changed.
pyramider's Avatar
How some things have changed. Originally Posted by Italia DiBella

Trannies would agree to that statement.
Monica Fox. When she could still fit into her Hooters girl outfit.
wanna_be_rode's Avatar
Not all of us stayed hidden for ever lol
chicagoboy's Avatar
Next thing you know, BNI & RBJ will turn up.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Not all of us stayed hidden for ever lol Originally Posted by wanna_be_rode
Hey dog, what's up?
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-05-2018, 07:16 AM
Next thing you know, BNI & RBJ will turn up. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
  • pxmcc
  • 02-05-2018, 07:35 AM
Trannies would agree to that statement. Originally Posted by pyramider
Well said pyramider. Btw, been meaning to ask, is your avatar photoshopped? i mean, i know bats are mammals n all, but your bat with a huge ass boner and prominent nutsacks strains credulity. That shit real or Memorex?
Btw, heard bats swing both ways. Never thought male bisexuality was a thing, just gays tryin to keep up with the Joneses..
You could just do a Google search or buy a ticket and go to the zoo and find out your damn self.