CLIMATE CHANGE THREAD, get used to it...

Redhot1960's Avatar
So yous are a climate denier? Or do yous have an inability to properly express yourself?

Seems like the latter, young lady.

And thanks for the well wishes. I hopes your business is good, but from what I'm reading it looks like you've been seeing a lot of crazies. That's right, girl. Looks like yous are fucking nuts.

Be careful or yous will wind up with assteroids!

Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Yous be a SorosFeltcher...


A person who drinks cum from his/her partner's asshole usually via an auxillary aparatus such as a straw or radiator hose.
Redhot1960's Avatar
This video is for the skeptics... 5 minutes
Redhot1960's Avatar
Thank GOD for all this CO2... 25

skip to 3:40
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Thank GOD for all this CO2... 25

skip to 3:40 Originally Posted by Redhot1960

so we're having a carbon drought??? 400ppm not enough and we need more???? lol!

who would have thunk it???

I'm sure we had 1000ppm long time ago, not sure exactly how long ago that is before the reduction to the 400ppm we have today.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar

January 19, 2020

Earth's Climate History: What the Doomsayers Don't Want Voters to Know

By John Eidson
Absent historical context, extreme weather can be overhyped in ways that lead uninformed voters to conclude that acts of God such as severe droughts and floods never happened before humans began using fossil fuels.

In fact, extreme weather has occurred with monotonous regularity for millions of years. Below is an infinitesimal sampling of the endless multitude of catastrophic weather events in Earth’s past, many of which occurred long before the Industrial Revolution.

● The Great Hurricane of 1780 killed 30,000 people in the Caribbean.

● Epic dust storms in the 1930s caused catastrophic ecological damage to the Central Plains of the U.S. and Canada.

● Massive flooding that hit Tokyo, Japan, in 1910 destroyed more than 400,000 homes.

● Consecutive years of extreme weather took the lives of one-third of the population during the Russian Famine of 1601-1603.

● In 1927, weeks of heavy rains in Mississippi caused flooding that covered 27,000 square miles, leaving entire towns and surrounding countryside submerged up to a depth of 30 feet.

● A catastrophic hurricane that hit sparsely populated Sea Island, Georgia in 1893 killed 2,000 people.

● The Blizzard of 1888 was so extreme that snow and ice covered the entire northeastern U.S., from Maine to the Chesapeake Bay.

● On Sept. 8, 1900, a Cat-4 hurricane obliterated the island of Galveston, Texas, killing an estimated 10,000 residents.

● In 1889, heavy rains that lasted for days caused massive flooding in Jamestown, PA, killing 2,200.

● Caused by a protracted drought, the Bengal Famine of 1770 killed 10 million people in South Asia.

● And, for those who believe in the Bible, Genesis 7:12 reports that rain fell upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights, an extreme weather event by any definition.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

January 19, 2020

Earth's Climate History: What the Doomsayers Don't Want Voters to Know

● And, for those who believe in the Bible, Genesis 7:12 reports that rain fell upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights, an extreme weather event by any definition. Originally Posted by Redhot1960

speaking of really extreme events, the last point. the last point has to be a puzzler. I've given some thought about that.

40 days and night of rain.

I think what happened on this one. I think only way you can that is from a meteor/comet strike in the arctic where you have glacial Ice that was 2 miles high and thick. Just for kicks, the impact site is at the Hudson bay, Canada. Meteor/comet strikes the ice, a good chunk of the ice is evaporated. alot of the glacial ice would be evaporated into the atmosphere and would come back down as rain, lots of rain as per the story.

the impact creates a boiling hot water channel from the impact site cutting through the ice like a hot knife on a butter. the hot water reaches the edge of the glacier wall before it cools off. At this point, it has become an ice dam holding back tons of melted ice water. the ice dam is structurally weak at several points of the glacial ice in Europe and America. Once it breaks which will take several days, you got your world wide flood.

anyway, that's my theory...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

We've put the heat equivalent of 3.6 billion Hiroshima bomb explosions into the oceans. The water was hotter last year than ever in recorded history.
  • Last year, ocean temperatures were the highest they've been since scientists started keeping track in the 1950s.
  • According to a new study, the oceans have absorbed the heat equivalent of 3.6 billion Hiroshima bomb explosions over the last 25 years.
  • Warmer oceans can kill coral, fish, and seabirds.
  • Higher ocean temperatures also cause sea levels to rise, leading to coastal flooding and more severe hurricanes.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
2020: The Lowest Solar Activity In Over 200 Years

As we move further into 2020, solar activity dwindles. This year, solar activity will be marked as the lowest in over 200 years. The low in the sun’s 11-year cycle will also have at least some repercussions for the climate here on Earth.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Oh sure NOW the green warriors will want to FIX the suns cycles ,,,,,idiots
Redhot1960's Avatar
Welcome to the club! fuck you very much. skip the first 15 minutes. enjoy!
  • oeb11
  • 01-22-2020, 08:54 AM
Oh sure NOW the green warriors will want to FIX the suns cycles ,,,,,idiots
Originally Posted by rexdutchman

It would give the Soylent Green New Deal supporter something to run around in cirlces and wail to cnn about - and they are welcome to shoot themselves into sun orbit to wave flags and "protest" the sun cycle all their tiny little hearts and mins desire.
Cendell M's Avatar
So yous are a climate denier? Or do yous have an inability to properly express yourself?

Seems like the latter, young lady.

And thanks for the well wishes. I hopes your business is good, but from what I'm reading it looks like you've been seeing a lot of crazies. That's right, girl. Looks like yous are fucking nuts.

Be careful or yous will wind up with assteroids!

Originally Posted by HoeHummer
LOL, babe my business is great but once again you're focused on the wrong thing and not understanding my views as i have "expressed" and know to be true!

The Climate is Changing, so again yes climate change is "real" but there is nothing "yous" or your party can do about it NO MAN or SCIENTIST. WHY? because its what GOD has planned along with the rest of the things that are happening. Persecution of Christians, Nation against Nations hence crazy democrats against the the best Republican president this country has every seen since Reagan but better, natural disasters and the biggest is trying to obliterate Israel the Jews are the "apple"of Gods eye, it will never happen again since Hitler tried to eliminate them.

It will never happen again!

So what does all this mean? Well clearly you dont believe in the word of God if you did you would realize "climate change" IS inevitable. NO one can fix what my God has planned.

So before you start trying to put me down or say im "crazy" get right with the lord and not worry about me because you just sound ignorant.

Thanks for visiting ttyl #TRUMP2020 first president to be impeached then will be re elected choke on that for a minute LOL
Cendell M's Avatar

January 19, 2020

Earth's Climate History: What the Doomsayers Don't Want Voters to Know
Originally Posted by Redhot1960
Need I say more, silly "HOE" what i said well in a "nut" shell LOL

"Thewatchman" HOEHUMMER get up to speed. Praying for you doll. LOL!!! or "GLOBAL WARMING"