For me, there has never been any guilt. I served in the military for over 30 years working my way up to colonel from airman. During all of my years of service, I was never unfaithful until my last year. Our first seven years of marriage were great, four kids and everything great. After that, sex was vertually nil. She didn't want to do anything anymore. For both of us, divorce was out of the question, because of our religious upbringing and the kids. It was pure agony when I came home from hours of flying, more than a few missions in a war zone and our plane having taken hits, all horny and worked up only to always being greeted with a kiss and hug, and later when in bed, "Just hold me," she'd complain. I was put on orders to go to Tampa for duty flying tankers and had to stay at a Marriott due to McDill AFB FL Billeting being filled. Just for grins and giggles, I brought up Eros and found a beautiful young girl and called her. I told her I'd like an overnighter and later that evening, I had a bed partner. I wondered, "Will I be upset with myself in the morning? Will I suffer guilt pangs? Will it affect my piloting skills?" In a word, "NO" That next morning, I felt great. My boom operator said, "Colonel, you look like a million." I felt like a million and those two flying days were my best ever. Instead of demanding work, I was having fun and my copilot was cracking up with me. In fact, young Miss Ashley came back over the following two nights. She said she really enjoyed herself, that I knew what I was doing and the sex was great. She really fixed herself up to look super sharp, as if she hadn't been during our initial meeting. I've been in this hobby for over five years now and have no regrets. These escorts probably don't know how many marriages they've saved, mine for one. My wife has no idea what I do to get sexual relief. I've found that her sisters are the same as she, unsexual. All six of them have been married and divorced at least once. She resumed her teaching career after my retirement and I help her. She's happy and I get a joy and satisfaction in helping some of her slower kids (5 year olds) prepare for 1st grade. She's happy that I don't bug her about sex and she must think I'm no longer interested in it either. I am very highly oversexed and being independenty well to do, it is no problem for me and I don't deny her needs, as I take care of the money, give to various charities and the church, help our grown children when they need it, and when I get horny, there's always Eros and Preferred411. If I sound like a cad, perhaps I am, but I'm a man with needs, like obviously many of you out there and I love a passionate escort and value my time with them and I'm told, by many repeats that they value my time and friendship. There must be a reason why we are hobbyists. I just gave you mine. Good luck on coming to grips with your thoughts on the hobby.
RE: It's easy to oversimplify and say that we're all just horny dudes with crappy sex lives at home that want to meet young, attractive women - and that providers are all women who are seeking some sort of validation or affection. It's easy to say that we're all sex addicts and drug addicts who cyclically enable each other, but I find that those statements are a load of crap. The common narratives and generalizations I think we can agree are not adequate to describe our experiences as providers and hobbyists. What do you think?