Was the former Illinois Gov just playing politics? Originally Posted by WTF
No, he was SELLING a Senate seat for money.

Perry wasn't trying to get money. He was PUBLICLY pressuring her to resign and threatening a veto

Kinda different, don't you think?

Kinda different, don't you think? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Does he think?

That's an obvious no
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  • WTF
  • 08-24-2014, 12:52 PM
No, he was SELLING a Senate seat for money.

Perry wasn't trying to get money. He was PUBLICLY pressuring her to resign and threatening a veto

Kinda different, don't you think? Originally Posted by ExNYer
He was horse trading. Same as Perry....Perry had 7.5 million dollars he was trying to horse trade to get her to resign.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
He was horse trading. Same as Perry....Perry had 7.5 million dollars he was trying to horse trade to get her to resign. Originally Posted by WTF
Are you really, really that fucking dumb?
Blago was going to keep the fucking money for himself. Perry wasn't getting the money.
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  • WTF
  • 08-24-2014, 01:02 PM
Are you really, really that fucking dumb?
Blago was going to keep the fucking money for himself. Perry wasn't getting the money. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Perry was showing people in that office what happens when you fuck with Rick Perry. Do you know how many other DA's got DWI's and Perry asked them to resign?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Perry was showing people in that office what happens when you fuck with Rick Perry. Do you know how many other DA's got DWI's and Perry asked them to resign? Originally Posted by WTF
How many others where in charge of public integrity for the entire state?
Plus, you are deflecting from your fucking comparison with Blago, you illegal immigrant exploiter and supporter of coyotes and their stealing and raping industry.
People who hire, or cause to be hired, illegal aliens, should go to jail. They create the demand that gets people to risk their life to come get a job, lower wages for low income Americans born here, and bring their family to get on the government gravy train.
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  • WTF
  • 08-24-2014, 01:35 PM
Speaking of deflecting you asian slave fucker....

how about we let the judicial system play out just like we should in Ferguson Mo. In the mean time you keep on embarrassing your religion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fact is, Perry is shitting bricks right now about what might/will come out if this thing goes to trial. You boys can twitter and shitter as much as you like, but it ain't about Rosemary Lehmberg.

Hence the "little" PR campaign.
ThroatChoker's Avatar
Perry was showing people in that office what happens when you fuck with Rick Perry. Do you know how many other DA's got DWI's and Perry asked them to resign? Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, mate. I am not from here, but chose to come here for the way Mr. Perry has governed this magnificent state. He is tough on criminals, NO STATE INCOME TAX and its' run with a surplus. Buying firearms is a breeze is also a big plus.

His job is to RUN the state with the tools given to him by the people and the legislature. He felt it in the best interest of the people to have a DA (a DA!!!0, who got shit faced AUSSIE drunk!!!) step aside while in this condition. Surely you would not want yourself or anyone to have to face her in a court of law, given her lack of self control. A good cop will excuse him/herself from a case if they feel they cannot perform their duties.

Personally, I thank Governor Perry for trying to protect the citizens of Texas. How can you look at this any differently, objectively that is.
LexusLover's Avatar
WTF, mate.

How can you look at this any differently, objectively that is. Originally Posted by ThroatChoker
"objectively"? He prefers incompetent government officials.

Otherwise you wouldn't be able to profit from illegal aliens as workers here.

Apparently, he doesn't want a budget surplus and positive job growth.

Just drunk, belligerent, obnoxious, butt-ugly DA's.
BigLouie's Avatar
WTF, mate. I am not from here, but chose to come here for the way Mr. Perry has governed this magnificent state. He is tough on criminals, NO STATE INCOME TAX and its' run with a surplus. Buying firearms is a breeze is also a big plus.

His job is to RUN the state with the tools given to him by the people and the legislature. He felt it in the best interest of the people to have a DA (a DA!!!0, who got shit faced AUSSIE drunk!!!) step aside while in this condition. Surely you would not want yourself or anyone to have to face her in a court of law, given her lack of self control. A good cop will excuse him/herself from a case if they feel they cannot perform their duties.

Personally, I thank Governor Perry for trying to protect the citizens of Texas. How can you look at this any differently, objectively that is. Originally Posted by ThroatChoker
Are you fucking nuts?

Tough on Criminals? - An innocent man was going to executed. Changes in the science of fires and understanding how they spread and how they start was about to prove him innocent. So what does Perry do? He dissolved the state panel about to give a report on the findings which would have a direct effect on the case. Nation wide this change in the science has changed a number of cases. Perry dissolved the panel and had the guy executed post haste although there was ample evidence he was innocent.

He has passed numerous laws that protect companies so that employees and consumers have absolutely no rights what-so-ever. I sincerely hope that some company cheats you just so you can see just what Perry has done for you.

He cut funding on this NOT because of the DA but because they were about to look into his handled of millions of dollars of funds which were basically given to his friends. He has gutted the school systems in the state, tried to do it to the Universities until his big, old money supports told him to STFU and stay away.
LexusLover's Avatar
Are you fucking nuts? Originally Posted by BigLouie
No, he's not. You assign personal bullshit motivations for his decisions.

The Texas economy is good. The school systems here a competitive.

Texas is still a right-to-work state, and attractive to businesses moving here.

Perry is quietly going about the country making friends and connections.
ThroatChoker's Avatar
I am probably fuckin' nuts. I am not going to get into a pissin match over every little detail of what's wrong with the state. You ought to live in CA where the fuckers take 13% of your income and are still broke. How about NY where you can't own a handgun to keep the fuckin turds away. Live in New Hampshire and commute to NY for work and .... guess what.... you will pay two state income taxes. Don't tell me you don't review, only post because your minimum wage job doesn't pay enough to hobby.

No legal system is flawless, but I would prefer to have a 'watchman' on the fence looking out for the overall well being of the residents and making business climates friendly. Innocent people die everyday. It is a tragedy.

The public schools are fucked in every state, my friend. If you send your kids to them, you're just as fuckin nuts as I am, I guess.

If you don't like the climate here... frickin move. I did, cause this is the best I have found in the US. I don't like everything he does, but damn mate, you need to know how right this state is compared to the others. IJS
ThroatChoker's Avatar
By the way, Jewish Lawyer..... where do you get off being labeled as the 'Asian slave fucker'? That's a mighty tall label there!! I have a liking to eastern block slaves myself. I feel like I'm nuttin in one of Stalin's great granddaughters most of the time!! LOL

I don't know you... but to be called that.... is alright in my book!!! Cheers.
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  • WTF
  • 08-24-2014, 03:29 PM
I am probably fuckin' nuts. IJS Originally Posted by ThroatChoker
That 'bout sums it up mate.
