President Trump is a Liar.

  • oeb11
  • 02-20-2020, 02:36 PM
You’re a goddamn liar! You have no fucking clue what I owe or who I owe.

You follow the Cult oath of demonizing anyone who resists that fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office. You’re on the wrong side of History boy. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Thank you j666
From who demonizes anyone who supports the POTUS and his efforts to make America prosperous and strong.

j666- you are the one idolizing Bernie and warren - Socialist communists. You are on the wrong side of history - After all - good old Uncle Joe really was such a great leader and beneficial for the USSR - your bernie and warren took lessons from him. Your Current Uncle Joe might fit - but is too senile.

Wrong side of history again - j666
From who ignores the Lies of the fascist DPST's in blind allegiance to the Fascist DPST ideology and narrative - Wrong side of history - j666.

such a waste of bandwidth -and such unslaked Hatred. get some professional help- j666 - for your own sake.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Anatomy of a Trump rally: 67 percent of claims are false or lacking evidence

We’re kicking off the new year with a line-by-line fact check of President Trump’s longest rally to date.

It was the Moby Dick of fact-checking assignments, a two-hour tornado of false and bewildering claims. Trump was in rare form. The rally was held Dec. 18, just as the House was voting to impeach him.

The president surpassed 15,400 false or misleading claims as of Dec. 10, according to our database tracking all of his suspect statements. But it’s worth drilling down on his rallies. They’ve gotten longer over time, and they’re a key part of Trump’s reelection bid, drawing supporters by the thousands.

We wanted to do the math and find out whether the president speaks more fictions or facts in front of his crowds. We focused only on statements of material fact at the December rally in Michigan, avoiding trivialities and opinions. We didn’t double-count statements when the president repeated himself.

According to our analysis, the truth took a beating once again. From a grand total of 179 factual statements we identified, 67 percent were false, mostly false or unsupported by evidence.
rexdutchman's Avatar
But is it funny No fact checking the dems running you know like bloomie and jobs "hes takin credit for the 911 terrorist acts jobs "
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 02-22-2020, 03:43 PM
J666 - cannot wean himself off the NYT/WaPo propaganda.

Will he/she ever wake up to realize this life has been based entirely on lies and propaganda.

Let's offer a prayer for j666 and complete recovery, someday.
  • oeb11
  • 02-22-2020, 03:44 PM

Thank you - mm.
LexusLover's Avatar
You don’t know me .... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
,,,, are you sure?

J666 - cannot wean himself off the ......
...Government Tit! That's why he supports Sanders!

Vote Sanders for Free Stuff!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
,,,, are you sure? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Unless the system has failed, you DON'T know him.
LexusLover's Avatar
Unless the system has failed, you DON'T know him. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
What "system"? His or mine?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
What "system"? His or mine? Originally Posted by LexusLover
This system. The system of anonymity. Here. How would you propose anyone knows the other here? Unless, you confess, you know another member here. I'm buzzed now, but I've been on here long enough to recall some posters have met with each other in the "real world". I want to say Wacko knows you personally. But, as I stated, I'm not in my right mind now.
Yous know, I have never heard any Trumpholian acknowledge or criticize Trump’s blatants in-your-face dishonesty.

It’s always the media’s faults, or the Democrats faults, Obama’s faults.

But your god is a fucking liar. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Who is your God that always tells the truth?
Jaxson66's Avatar
J666 - cannot wean himself off the NYT/WaPo propaganda.

Will he/she ever wake up to realize this life has been based entirely on lies and propaganda.

Let's offer a prayer for j666 and complete recovery, someday. Originally Posted by oeb11
You best save your prayers for the fat lying bastard or yourself. I never found much use for them.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Who is your God that always tells the truth? Originally Posted by Levianon17
I carry the fat lying bastards god in my front pocket. The almighty dollar is his truth and savior.
Hotrod511's Avatar
You best save your prayers for the fat lying bastard or yourself. I never found much use for them. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
you always talk about a fat lying bastard that must because you're fat bastard
Luke Wyatt is that you

  • oeb11
  • 02-22-2020, 07:04 PM
You best save your prayers for the fat lying bastard or yourself. I never found much use for them. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Thank you , j666
Knew you could not last a day without an expostulating meltdown labelling all with diffeent opinion - "Liar"!
Pity it is all you got - other than NYT and WaPo propaganda.
ftw is not a role model - but religion does bring peace to some.

recognize religion has also been the single greatest cause of warfare and death among humankind.