Review: No LMCC for Me!

dolfan's Avatar
Hey Mods, why not just shut this down before we have to hear AGAIN how X thinks that LMCC saw the ROS. This seems to have turned into a one man vendetta and has gone way off topic.
+1 cmac
flinde's Avatar
OY and LMCC, I suggest that you meet and jack each other off. Then see how you are getting along
Dr Grey's Avatar
Hey Mods, why not just shut this down before we have to hear AGAIN how X thinks that LMCC saw the ROS. This seems to have turned into a one man vendetta and has gone way off topic. Originally Posted by dolfan
They both said their side, agreed. Shut this shit show down.

tpepsi's Avatar
Hey Mods, why not just shut this down before we have to hear AGAIN how X thinks that LMCC saw the ROS. This seems to have turned into a one man vendetta and has gone way off topic. Originally Posted by dolfan
If one has more than 2 posts on this thread (and you have 5 dolfan), then you don't get to ask for it to be closed because YOU ARE A CONTRIBUTING PART OF THE PROBLEM.
dolfan's Avatar
If one has more than 2 posts on this thread (and you have 5 dolfan), then you don't get to ask for it to be closed because YOU ARE A CONTRIBUTING PART OF THE PROBLEM. Originally Posted by tpepsi
T, noted. Guess you are counting posts and get to determine what is the problem. Any reply by you to this will be 3 on your part and that will make YOU A PART OF THE PROBLEM TOO.
tpepsi's Avatar
Actually, I'm up to 8 or so posts on this shitshow.
Samcro84's Avatar
^^ me too! Think I hit my limit. Kicking this cluster f&@ back to rest of you ladies and gents.
Precious_b's Avatar
People quoting my last post and using the response to it, I didn't expect that response.

But OY killed it. If he ain't disputing ROS spillage, I don't see anyone having a leg to stand on claiming there was a violation.

And as Whispers would state, you shouldn't close a thread in Co-ed. Let us all make our own posting hell. Lord knows, there are a few examples here.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
Behind this giant wall of text, all I saw was the avatar of the one who wrote the post above this one. Oh my! Originally Posted by Dr Grey
It was ouldve been shorter if I didn't have to talk to him like he was remedial

Hey Mods, why not just shut this down before we have to hear AGAIN how X thinks that LMCC saw the ROS. This seems to have turned into a one man vendetta and has gone way off topic. Originally Posted by dolfan
It's been off topic since the second page. Isn't hyjacking a thread a guideline violation? That's pretty much what that cockblock is doing.

OY and LMCC, I suggest that you meet and jack each other off. Then see how you are getting along Originally Posted by flinde
ummm no. Especially if he's taking blue pills. By the time he nuts my left arm is gonna look like popyes.

People quoting my last post and using the response to it, I didn't expect that response.

But OY killed it. If he ain't disputing ROS spillage, I don't see anyone having a leg to stand on claiming there was a violation.

And as Whispers would state, you shouldn't close a thread in Co-ed. Let us all make our own posting hell. Lord knows, there are a few examples here. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Welcome to my world. And we've all been saying the same fucking thing again and again and again and again and again. I had been quiet for the longest fucking time. Between this , the fly thread and a certain member who's apparently giving out 'pointers' on how to get ' lucky' with me I'm at the point of closing my account. Hobby is suppose to be fun, shit like this is what ruins it.
And exactly why I stick to the lurkers and newbies on the board. This wouldve never had been an issue if I'd done just that.
tpepsi's Avatar
I'm at the point of closing my account. Originally Posted by Little Miss Cuntcakes

Here you go!

You may forward your request to the Admins by using the Contact Us link in the Main Menu on the left of the Main page of this site. You may also contact them directly by email at

Please provide a reason for your request. Originally Posted by Mokoa

I'll fill out the Reason for you!

Reason: "I commented in my own review, which I knew was against the rules but hey, I'm LMCC and so I did it anyway which sparked a huge shit show! 10,000 views!! And even though I said I was done in Post #54, here I am in Post #175 breathing new life into the thread."
dolfan's Avatar
Reason: "I commented in my own review, which I knew was against the rules but hey, I'm LMCC and so I did it anyway which sparked a huge shit show! 10,000 views!! And even though I said I was done in Post #54, here I am in Post #175 breathing new life into the thread." Originally Posted by tpepsi

tpepsi's Avatar

Countpepsi Originally Posted by dolfan

Dude, I laughed so hard at that. Awesome.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
Here you go!

I'll fill out the Reason for you!

Reason: "I commented in my own review, which I knew was against the rules but hey, I'm LMCC and so I did it anyway which sparked a huge shit show! 10,000 views!! And even though I said I was done in Post #54, here I am in Post #175 breathing new life into the thread." Originally Posted by tpepsi
Go shit in a hat. Only guidelines I know are the ones I'm issued points for.
The system allowed me to to post so I used that option.
It wouldn't allow it before. That and I don't give a shit.
Point is people shouldn't be pointing fingers being tattletales when they're also guilty of breaking 'rules'
And that goes for more then one commenter on this thread.
But thank you for pointing out these guidelines I obviously don't care about. With all this counting youre keeping I know Your time is precious, mustve been of great importance these rules you kindly and carely keep pointing out. With that said I leave it at that so you can continue to count deez nuts.

Thank you for your contribution on this forum T.
Go shit in a hat. Originally Posted by Little Miss Cuntcakes
Lol gross