Trump made us No. 1 — in the spread of a deadly disease

He must think he's doing the country a favor by making us think it will be over soon. As if maybe we won't all go out and shoot each other if we think we'd only have to be locked down for 2 weeks instead of him saying a month initially for example. Or maybe he just doesn't want us being mad at him if he gives us bad news....but as he's now realized-- he had to give it to us later anyway. The more times he has to keep pushing this thing further and further out, the worse it looks on him.

What he should have done was OVERESTIMATE how long we'd need to be under the stay@home order. It's always better to say "Hey...I guess we beat this thing sooner than I thought--y'all can go out and play now" than to have to say "Sorry folks...another 3 months are what's needed." Originally Posted by tia travels
Doesn't matter what Trump does he'll still have people complaining especially Liberal. It's ingrained in their minds to complain about Trump. Trump's just a man he's not perfect and either are his haters. That's just the way it is.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
That's just the way it is. Originally Posted by Levianon17
yeah....but saying you're opening up the country again by Easter...did he mean open it to foreigners & travelers again? Or open up the economy by letting people out of hibernation and back to work. <----that's what I thought he meant. My post #145 was referring to his social distancing estimate. And so was my post of #148. I didn't actual quote our President, but thanks for pointing out there's a difference in opening up the country/opening the country up.

(I guess when I stepped into this thread, I didn't realize I was somehow in the Political forum....I don't actually know what I'm talking about politically so I try never to step in here. LOL My bad.) Originally Posted by tia travels
It is aspirational, he knows people want to get back to regular life if possible.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
If that song means something to you great. I can't relate to it, sorry.
HoeHummer's Avatar
If that song means something to you great. I can't relate to it, sorry. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Why not, big shooter? Is it the presence of carboniferous unemployables that makes yous unwilling to step out of your bunker?

Trust nobody. Question everything.

Get down tonight.
Why not, big shooter? Is it the presence of carboniferous unemployables that makes yous unwilling to step out of your bunker?

Trust nobody. Question everything.

Get down tonight. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
First of all I don't listen to Rap Music. Secondly Tupac is dead because he wouldn't conform to the gay agenda in the music industry, and he met his fate by other Black Men.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Crowds ignore social distancing rules to watch USNS Comfort

Crowds of gawkers ignored New York’s social-distance regulations and packed the west side of Manhattan on Monday to watch a US Navy hospital ship arrive to give badly needed coronavirus aid.

The throngs of people stood shoulder to shoulder and took photos of the USNS Comfort as it pulled into Pier 90 near West 50th Street at about 10:40 a.m., photos of the scene show.

Some waved American flags and others huddled against one another at the fence of the pier. Meanwhile, joggers out for a morning run brushed past the onlookers.

At least a dozen NYPD cops stood by and initially did not disperse the bone-headed bystanders as they gathered and snapped cellphone photos of the ship pulling into the pier.

After members of the City Hall press corps tweeted about the throngs of people, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s communications team directed the NYPD to get the crowds to disperse.

Trumptards gather with hope of getting a glimpse of the great leader. Fixed it for them.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump’s claim that testing issues are resolved is ‘just not true’

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan called President Trump’s claim that testing is no longer a problem “just not true” and said states are “flying blind” without enough data to identify the true scope of the coronavirus pandemic.

Hogan, a Republican who chairs the National Governors Association, said in an interview on NPR’s “Morning Edition” that the president’s take on testing was “aspirational” and that none of the testing advancements Trump touted in a conference call with governors on Monday have been deployed yet.
Trump told governors that he “hasn’t heard about testing for weeks” and that the United States has tested more than any other country.

Hogan went on to say he believes that the White House coronavirus team that includes Vice President Pence and physician Deborah Birx are working with the facts, and “we’re listening to the team, the smart team.”
In a separate appearance on CNN’s “New Day,” Hogan said governors were pushing the federal government to coordinate the purchase of scarce coronavirus supplies. Otherwise, states will be bidding against each other, he said.

Hogan called the stay-at-home order he issued Monday one of “the last tools” in his arsenal. He said he ordered people to stay home partly because epidemiologists and other scientists said the spike in Maryland’s cases resembled one two weeks ago in New York, which is now the main flash point of the outbreak in the United States.
Crowds ignore social distancing rules to watch USNS Comfort

Crowds of gawkers ignored New York’s social-distance regulations and packed the west side of Manhattan on Monday to watch a US Navy hospital ship arrive to give badly needed coronavirus aid.

The throngs of people stood shoulder to shoulder and took photos of the USNS Comfort as it pulled into Pier 90 near West 50th Street at about 10:40 a.m., photos of the scene show.

Some waved American flags and others huddled against one another at the fence of the pier. Meanwhile, joggers out for a morning run brushed past the onlookers.

At least a dozen NYPD cops stood by and initially did not disperse the bone-headed bystanders as they gathered and snapped cellphone photos of the ship pulling into the pier.

After members of the City Hall press corps tweeted about the throngs of people, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s communications team directed the NYPD to get the crowds to disperse.

Trumptards gather with hope of getting a glimpse of the great leader. Fixed it for them. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Your meltdown really continues to build. I'm really in agreement with oeb that you should seek treatment. It's certainly getting embarrassing for you bordering on scary.

Where in the world in any of that did you get that it was simply Trump supporters out and about there.

I'm more likely leaning toward DemPanicked liberals hoping for their place in line for the ship, the Republicans in the city are still working.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Your meltdown really continues to build. I'm really in agreement with oeb that you should seek treatment. It's certainly getting embarrassing for you bordering on scary.

Who the fuck do you believe you are to give anyone medical advice over the internet...answer, a nobody.

Where in the world in any of that did you get that it was simply Trump supporters out and about there.

Only a believer would risk their life to see that fat lying bastard

I'm more likely leaning toward DemPanicked liberals hoping for their place in line for the ship, the Republicans in the city are still working.

I believe you’d be up front to bow to a shadow of the great leader. You and obsey know what you can do with your opinions
Originally Posted by eccielover
Originally Posted by eccielover
Your meltdown really continues to build. I'm really in agreement with oeb that you should seek treatment. It's certainly getting embarrassing for you bordering on scary.

Who the fuck do you believe you are to give anyone medical advice over the internet...answer, a nobody.

Where in the world in any of that did you get that it was simply Trump supporters out and about there.

Only a believer would risk their life to see that fat lying bastard

I'm more likely leaning toward DemPanicked liberals hoping for their place in line for the ship, the Republicans in the city are still working.

I believe you’d be up front to bow to a shadow of the great leader. You and obsey know what you can do with your opinions Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Indeed meltdown. Seek Help. Please.
  • oeb11
  • 03-31-2020, 10:28 AM
j666 - do seek help

It is badly needed for your own sake!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Sen. Chris Murphy reminded the political world of a fact that suddenly seems a whole lot more significant than it did when it happened: In early February, the Connecticut Democrat noted, senators were briefed by the administration about the novel coronavirus threat, and there was no palpable alarm. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You mean this guy, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT)?

I don't really know much about him. Though( D-CT) sure says a fair bit. So I had to look him up. Welp...he sure has a purdy mouth.

Why no mention of his and other Dem Senator's Volksmarsch to meet with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif during the Munich Security Conference (at the FM's apartment on foreign soil) right about the same time? Was that sanctioned by the US President or Secretary of State? A resounding NO comes to mind. I thought that the current US policy was that we regarded them (Iran) as something along the lines of a foremost state sponsor of terrorism.

...though Democrats were more vocal — insistently sounded the alarm... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Curious, no mention of Nancy Pelosi vocally ringing the alarm bells at about the same time while she was touring a Fortune Cookie plant in China Town in her home district. All I can find on that is video of her calmly toddling around, mingling with the masses, uttering all manner of cool and calm. But seriously, vocal Demonicrats - sounding alarms, with their mouth agape and hair on fire - as reported in the Wapo?!? Is any of that really unusual or earth shattering or different from yourself or break through reporting in any way, shape or form? Pardon me while I use my new shocked, hair-on-fire face.

...If prayer is your answer, that’s fine, but stay the hell out of the way of science and the professionals. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Struggling to understand your point here. Is that to say that anyone who practices religion or is labeled "religious" can't be a professional or scientist of any kind and must be persecuted at all cost? Or are you saying the problems of the day and whole world are caused by or impeded by religion?

That seems similar to the subject covered by the NY Times recently: “The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved by Evangelicals”. But just when you think it may be safe to now pigeon-hole Christians as anti-science and even racists, they come out with "The Christian Response to the Coronavirus: Stay Home" which goes on to mention "...American black Christians attend church at a higher rate than any other ethnic group...."

Holy mixed messages Batman! Don't even make be bust out my new super, double-duper shocked face, 'cause you know I will...
  • oeb11
  • 03-31-2020, 10:50 AM
j666 is a fireman who fancies itself an "expert" on all matters - regardless.

j666 views his/its' opinion on science and medicine at "Authoritative" - and believes any contradiction a violation of the precious Fascist DPST narrative religion, and support for the hated demon of the world - "Trump"!
that One is in serious need of professional help - it is out of contact with reality!

Good comments on Wide-eyed liberal DPST Sen Murphy - and the DPST hypocrisy of screaming "rcism, hysteria, xenophobia" while the virus advanced - then to hypocritically pretend their actions were different.

Typical Fascist DPST's - hypocrisy and history revisionism, and no sense of personal responsibility - coupled with an overweening desire for authority and power.!
j666 is a fireman who fancies itself an "expert" on all matters - regardless.

j666 views his/its' opinion on science and medicine at "Authoritative" Originally Posted by oeb11
No, he just worships at the alter of the Wapo editorial page and thinks their opinion pieces are facts.