Why does the media keep trying to hide the fact that Obama is a Muslim?

  • MrGiz
  • 09-02-2010, 11:03 PM
.... He also is a practicing Christian, as witnessed by his association with the infamously loose-lipped Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr. of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ. Where was all that Muslim talk when they were pillorying the guy for being in Wright's congregation? Or was it just because Wright was a racist that Obama was taken to task?

It's one thing not to care for Obama's politics or to doubt his abilities as a leader, but this xenophobic mythology is troubling. Originally Posted by awl4knot
Pretty good thread.... too many points to comment on.... but let me pick one....

Jeremiah Wright is about as much Christian, as Osama Bin Laden is Muslim/Islamic!!
In this comparison.... you might as well thrown in BO on either side!!

Two futile topics... Religion and Politics.... put 'em together and what do you expect? Clarity? I think not!! Makes good reading though.... Carry On!!

John Bull's Avatar
Two futile topics... Religion and Politics.... put 'em together and what do you expect? Clarity? I think not!! Makes good reading though.... Carry On!!Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
OMG! 167 posts; 140 topics and still WTF hasn't imploded.
Rudyard K's Avatar
OMG! 167 posts; 140 topics and still WTF hasn't imploded. Originally Posted by John Bull
It can't happen.

Implosion is a process whereupon energy is expended to collapse matter upon itself.

Lot's of energy gets expended by WTF...but there is no matter.
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  • WTF
  • 09-03-2010, 01:45 PM

Lot's of energy gets expended by WTF...but there is no matter. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
No matter on matters of little matter is my mantra.