WOW...How many of you ladies feel like this?

But didn't LR say that she had no intention of coming to Texas?
Then why start the thread in Dallas in the first place? Like I said before she didn't get the reaction she was looking for there. I bet she had an orgasm when she saw the thread posted in Houston. Some of us just like to start shit I quess. Originally Posted by boardman
She said she did it on a dare. Obviously knowing what it would start. That's why, after reading the Dallas thread, I went off was just an obvious troll...unwittingly started by our cute and loveable almostanewbie mod...
dearhunter's Avatar
And his posting of bcd review content, and personal info have been reported.

I feel sorry for you genuine guys who get lumped in with the azz hats. No worries, ladies can easily see who they are getting business and respect from. Originally Posted by London Rayne
but but but I thought information from other sites were fair my real life identity......don't go moving the playing field....I am just playing on the field you created....there may be some around here who pucker at that threat....but, you picked the wrong asshole for that one.
boardman's Avatar
Wow I am a WEB DESIGNER...duh! My copyright is also here lol. The person's site I designed was brought into that bs, and is a private citizen..not a hooker. I think she is going to take very good care of me when she wins this law suit. I posted the link when it was actually in full version on TBD, so again you didn't discover anything new. All of us made a huge joke about my "15 min of fame" ending so fast, and not getting much out of it. There was a million dollar tag for any woman who said her child belonged to that Senator....hmm guess that shows my character afterall because I turned down a million bucks based on principle of truth. Originally Posted by London Rayne
A "lawsuit"?
Against who?
The link below was posted in a thread in the Dallas Co-Ed...just wondering how many of our Houston ladies feel the same way???

Hopefully some of you will answer...honestly

Personally, I think the author of the link or anyone who feels the same way probably needs to find another hobby, just my $.02 Originally Posted by DickEmDown
There are quite a few fair points in that monologue. I certainly don't expect a provider to be overjoyed at seeing my overweight and hairy-ogred appearance.

At the same time, I've seen this float around on other boards over the last couple of years. If these are the true thoughts of a provider, she's welcome to them and should be able to share them. I would hope that a provider would think enough of me to be able to say 'no' or 'stop, I don't like that.'
Wayward's Avatar
If you can't use your handle for screening then what is the point of posting? Bromance?

While I believe you should be loving and kind before and after spanking a woman, this thread... oh wait that is on topic.
A hobbyists that's not from this or any other board. Who is Joanie? Is that fucktard Or is that what you call the dog in your avatar...rof. My reviews are always good. One of my favorites is by OldSalt on ASPD. (I miss you OS). Since you are so ASPD savvy, why don't you go look up all my old reviews. I have one bad one on from a guy I canceled and never met. He got too spastic like you. And I do believe Grant would buy OldSalt a beer. He said "YUP".

"........said the hooktard who allowed a hobbyist onto her eccie account. "

said the fool who just broke discretion... who are you calling "dangerous". I have to agree with OldSalt... except I would change it to "get a life" and get the dog outta your blow hole. BP is right but you actually took it too far. I can't believe you broke discretion. You are doing this site a dis-service. You bash and out providers, start shit, lie (cause I don't know any Joanie) and act like a PSYCHO. You can't wait to read my reviews in Houston. You act like i am willing to see just anybody. It's not that easy to see me Honey. London weeds out the frustrated with money, I have other methods cause even assholes have money and I have some wonderful clients who can only afford so much... same result... you can't touch me without putting up a fake review. I will BUST YOUR ASS for that. TRY IT! I will put my hooktarded brain against your fucktarded brain collectively with your whole posse. And I haven't had a problem with enderwiggin. He seems a whole lot more sensible than you.
London Rayne's Avatar
DH Honey I don't know you nor would I ever post anyone's real info publicly. As I said, I don't play like that...that's how you do it. For the record I didn't say I reported you...just said "IT" was reported.

Honestly, this is as much as I have laughed in a long time, and when I go to bed tonight I have nothing against anyone.

If any of you ever needed something (other than kitty) I would be the first to run to your aid. You have no idea how much human compassion some of us have, and that's all the Dallas thread was asking for....compassion for the ladies. I admitted the blog didn't go with the post, it was just idle commentary since that was not what the bulk of complaints were about to begin with.

I have invaded your playground long enough. Back to the bashing.
dearhunter's Avatar
(cause I don't know any Joanie) and act like a PSYCHO Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
I was wondering what happened to you....I was worried for a moment there....of course you know who Joanie can you be from Ohio and not know Joanie.
dearhunter's Avatar
See, us fucktards in Houston are better at this than those fucktards in Dallas.
boardman's Avatar
Has ANNOYINGONE been hiding this gem? Originally Posted by boardman

I stand corrected. On the "gem" part anyway.
dearhunter's Avatar
shit fuck damn.....I forgot to play my ace........hey beautiful....I have GSO3.....sweet.
Oh I whole heartedly admit to reporting him for breaking discretion London. He's "dangerous". I am not sure about the bcd content but I am sure it's pretty. I am highly offended by this bs. I am on this site therefore it represents me as much as I represent it and I am not comfortable sharing membership with ANYONE who breaks discretion. I am however comfortable sharing it with beautiful women with fabulous reviews. The whole point of this site (and other sites) is discretion. That's the NUMBER ONE FRIGGIN RULE. I hope all you Houston ladies are paying attention cause you definitely need to stay away from this low life.

You don't belong here. As I said, it's for the mature. Go be a child somewhere else... may I suggest in traffic. You wanna play with me. I am going to follow you around and post your post everytime you post. You wanna minimize women, that's your problem. When you out my friends on the site I support it becomes my problem. You have championed yourself to MY problem. You are nothing but stalking us trying to show your ass cause apparently you ARE the pink panther and your SO is the dog tearing your ass up. And if BP and I ever meet I am sure your name will not come up but instead would be about a fascinating man who knows how to act. LOSER doesn't even begin to describe you.
PATHETIC is more like it. Now go shave your wifes balls and STFU!

Joanie, the sweet lil girl that moved to Ohio to get away from you guys that I inquired about for my friends? No, I don't know her but I felt sorry for her so I got the scoop. I guess that's who you mean. I don't really remember her name as it wasn't as important to me as apparently it was to you. So, that's why you are here huh? Just to try to destroy the providers' reputations. Why don't you just put a dress on and be one? Oh yeah, you can't be trusted with DISCRETION!!!!!!
NotoriousRake's Avatar
Then perhaps it's not as well regarded as you assume? I've found that it makes a real difference. Originally Posted by blowpop
Alright, let me put it this way: a guy who sticks his neck out and posts honest, but negative reviews will have screening reprecussions. Do you seriously doubt that?
boardman's Avatar

Joanie, the sweet lil girl that moved to Ohio to get away from you guys that I inquired about for my friends? No, I don't know her but I felt sorry for her so I got the scoop. I guess that's who you mean. I don't really remember her name as it wasn't as important to me as apparently it was to you. So, that's why you are here huh? Just to try to destroy the providers' reputations. Why don't you just put a dress on and be one? Oh yeah, you can't be trusted with DISCRETION!!!!!! Originally Posted by Lacey Companion

Sorry Wakeup, but that's the post of the week.

"And this thread goes on forever and the party never ends"
BTW, just for info purposes.
WU asked someone to enlighten a certain someone who thought he was somehow "threatening" her by bringing up "rides in government vehicles".
I beleive that he was referring to the last Christmas social. ( it was just a dinner for charity BTW) But our local LE here decided to give "rides" to some folk in attendence. Thus virtually eliminating socials here.
Now back to the action........................ ... Ding .........Ding..............