Yes undercunt, you've studied the subject and it shows. Your comments are amazingly deep and profound. For instance, no one has ever before asked the question why does God let bad things happen. You are breaking new ground and expanding the frontiers of ontological inquiry. Keep it up! 
Originally Posted by lustylad
Do we want to get back to how you thought we were debating two separate things when discussing Pascal's Wager and whether god exists?
The fact that you think asking the question of why a god would allow suffering is somehow simple and not worthy of debate, illustrates your profound lack of knowledge on the subject. In the bible, we find that our suffering has three purposes.
It is meant to bring us closer to god. In the midst of our suffering, we are meant to seek him out.
It is meant as a test of the strength and truth of our faith. We are even commanded to count everything as joy in James 1, verse 2.
Thirdly, the suffering is meant to focus our eyes on eternal life and the 'riches' that await us in the afterlife.
So, let's posit that he creates a world in which he knows our human nature and knows we will fuck it up, so that we inevitably turn to him and cry out for help. We are promised some golden city in the sky for our faithfulness.
How is this any different than building a cruise ship you know won't make the journey, bringing along life boats, but only letting those in who bow before you and worship your name? Fuck that.
I'll gladly debate religion with you. I'll illustrate your mistakes and how you're a fucking idiot. Gladly. You have nothing but your insidious and creepy desire to somehow tie me to some former member you're obviously infatuated with.