I have 0 idea what you just blurted here.See,this was a solid nice response from you without gutter sniping.
But I will add this..even though I'm sure none of it will get through you
Providers are NBA for different reasons..
No matter their reasons, a simple "No AA" should be enough to keep any sane brotha from contacting them
But since they still get bombarded by a thousand questions about their NBA policy from brothers like you ,who.can't take No for an answer
They feel the need to add all these extra tidbits,hoping y'all would leave them the fuck alone
"Due to recent events concerning black men and their aggressive behavior"
"Black men=too much drama,not enough spending"
"A black kid tripped me in Kindergarten so still holding a grudge"
Some have had bad experiences but most just copy and paste from other ads.
Does any of it solve the problem?no...some overzealous brothas are still going to call them,begging,pleading and interrogating them about their NBA policies
Another thing...if you see a provider today and all goes well, and find out she NBA the following week,how exactly is that going to affect you?
I mean she knows you're a gent by now,so why would that upset you??
And if her irrational ass refuses to see you over some shit another guy did...after you saw her,why would u still want to spend $$ on her?
Lastly check the alerts on eccie and tell me how many perps were Black
Numbers don't lie..
One issue with a Negro and the legs are closed for all of us
A hundred alerts on Gringos and its business as usual
Next time you are interrogating these NBA whores ask them if any of this makes sense Originally Posted by NubianPrince
That post you couldn't understand was me doing this.
Ok look at it like this..... I'm shooting shit at Shitty people who ruin fun IMO. I don't care about no AA providers. I don't call them, Never have. I don't want to call them, & the chick I posted is no exception now that she's NBA. It's just that I'm assuming her switch to no AA was due to AA drama based on my experience in this hobby. I could be wrong but I don't think so. I know full well that chicks do it for other reasons. But I personally don't think that it was other factors in this specific case. The only black guys whom were defamed in the thread are the sorry dusty ones that do it. Not your average AA.
For any other advice pertaining to me, let me tell you kindly that I don't need it. I'm ooooookkkkkk.
This hobby is a pass time & slight stress reliever (If you meet a cool chick no matter what race) between me working 50 hour weeks, dealing with my kids & GF, & friends /family.
Trust me when I say, It's not that big a deal to me. I was just drunk, talking shit about dusty AAs. I do shit like this on other sites. Look at my avatar. I'm a goofy dork.