
She's claiming 5'7", 140 lbs. That's not necessarily a wart hog. Might be fudging the height and weight to draw in more male lesbians however. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
I’m not saying she is a 10. But she is pretty hot. By know means a wart hog. She is one of the prettiest, youngest and nicest girls willing to hang out with a bunch of older, overweight and for the most part cheap. I have been to enough parties to know the average guy there. Myself included sure don’t make a 5 in any way other then our wallet
lilylivered's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
you made it 5 votes 3.4
now its 7 votes for 2.71

dudes no need to vote bad ta kiss her ass. She can't tell how ya voted unless ya post it
So sorry, no brownie points earned that way

so funny SmAlbany thinks still banned Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
9 votes for a 2.33 making only a two star now WTF.

166posts 4,253 views must have better entertainment value than 2 stars
Ceremony's Avatar
9 votes for a 2.33 making only a two star now WTF.

166posts 4,253 views must have better entertainment value than 2 stars Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Maybe they are voting 0 just to spite you?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Maybe they are voting 0 just to spite you? Originally Posted by Ceremony
maybe LOL
1ts now 11 for 2.09
lilylivered's Avatar
Maybe they are voting 0 just to spite you? Originally Posted by Ceremony
Hell I didnt think of that.
Well I guess I am just too good of a guy
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Hell I didnt think of that.
Well I guess I am just too good of a guy Originally Posted by lilylivered
LOL ^^^^

12 now for 2.33

whew someone voted right
I’m not saying she is a 10. But she is pretty hot. By know means a wart hog. She is one of the prettiest, youngest and nicest girls willing to hang out with a bunch of older, overweight and for the most part cheap. I have been to enough parties to know the average guy there. Myself included sure don’t make a 5 in any way other then our wallet Originally Posted by Bigdaddy14606
Agreed Originally Posted by lilylivered
9 votes for a 2.33 making only a two star now WTF.

166posts 4,253 views must have better entertainment value than 2 stars Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Well - WTF?

You expect guys to vote high for a thread where a pussy whipped individual applauds a hooker for hanging out with middle aged men who pay her professional fees to do it? Nobody has to kiss ass with my lawyer/accountant/doctor and they actually had to become educated to earn top dollar. Oh , and not all of us are fat. Some are in far better shape than the hookers.
lilylivered's Avatar
Well - WTF?

You expect guys to vote high for a thread where a pussy whipped individual applauds a hooker for hanging out with middle aged men who pay her professional fees to do it? Nobody has to kiss ass with my lawyer/accountant/doctor and they actually had to become educated to earn top dollar. Oh , and not all of us are fat. Some are in far better shape than the hookers. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Hit a nerve
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Well - WTF?

You expect guys to vote high for a thread where a pussy whipped individual applauds a hooker for hanging out with middle aged men who pay her professional fees to do it? Nobody has to kiss ass with my lawyer/accountant/doctor and they actually had to become educated to earn top dollar. Oh , and not all of us are fat. Some are in far better shape than the hookers. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Aside from the matter of voting threads up or down, which is a random thing and probably more of a popularity contest than anything else, this is a superb post. More people should give this some thought and act accordingly.

Yes, osd, people are going to spitefully vote threads down because they think you are a fool and want to be passively aggressive against you.
jokacz's Avatar
Some whore friend of a whore friend of mine on Facebook recently posted "there is no such thing as handsome and broke".

That should tell you all you need to know about how attractive you need to be in order to fuck these whores for money.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Some whore friend of a whore friend of mine on Facebook recently posted "there is no such thing as handsome and broke".

That should tell you all you need to know about how attractive you need to be in order to fuck these whores for money. Originally Posted by jokacz
How attractive to you have to be to participate in a mutual fund?

Or more appropriately how attractive do you have to be to order a cheeseburger at the Dinosaur?

The male lesbians are responsible for this dysfunction. Period.
annie@christophers's Avatar