Encounter: Brand-new PERFECT and rare unicorn Catholic nympho spinner at Blue: Expert Lover, 21 yrs old, pretty, fit & tight, 90 lbs (w/ compliant pics here & noncompliant nude action shots avail to friends upon request)

needingmilking's Avatar
so... where are the pics?
Another awesome review...but ever hotter pics. You are the man Bobby Mann!!
Jarhead Ret's Avatar
She looks great, tried seeing her today, didn't work out though.
Thank you for this post. It convinced me to go see Perfect, and I was blown away...
Dickey9090's Avatar
6 hours left on this review. @ 12:01 This review will be CLOSED.
Can you send me some pics. Thanks.
BobbyMann's Avatar
Perfect truly is the archetype of the spinner. I took full advantage of that during my session with her a couple of days ago, trying out not only the usual horizontal reclining spinning but also the much vaunted "Mexican Cartwheel" (standing upside down 69), walking around the room fucking her as I held her out in front of me with her arms pulled back and legs up on my chest, etc. She's a veritable fulcrum of flexibility -- and so light that spinning with her is an experience not to be missed!
awesome review Boobymann, pics please.
pics pls
  • locks
  • 03-15-2019, 05:28 PM
never asked for pics mr bobby the man...maybe hook me up this once.
rdavisusg's Avatar
please send pics.
Quark's Avatar
  • Quark
  • 03-16-2019, 05:30 PM
6 hours left on this review. @ 12:01 This review will be CLOSED. Originally Posted by Dickey9090
Can an auto close switch be added?
Dickey9090's Avatar
Can an auto close switch be added? Originally Posted by Quark
I’m on it sorry.
Not only is he just a walking dick..he is apparently also a very slow leaner.
While it is not a violation to post on an Encounter Report that has not been dormant for more than 30 days, it is not fair to other members to have old reviews constantly bumped for pics and not for commentary.

If you want pics, I suggest PMing the OP. Thanks!