Some people have neither...
Originally Posted by lustylad
you can't fix stupid, its forever.
Not sure if speedy gets it, so let's spell it out nice and slowly for him:I guess you haven’t heard of Sanctuary cities. Sad
OPEN BORDERS means gangs, murderers, rapists, lowlifes, thieves, recidivist offenders and drug cartels are free to come and go, commit crimes anywhere in these United States and make all of us unsafe...
...which means anyone who favors OPEN BORDERS cannot possibly "be more concerned with the lives of others" than people who want border security.
Did Kate Steinle's life matter? Was the left at all "concerned about her life"? Did they shed any tears for Kate?
Did they even consider for one moment the need to rescind the brainless sanctuary city policies that led to her death?
You are correct. That is EXACTLY what open borders would allow and we do not allow that. People, whether criminals or not, are not free to come and go. And NO ONE supports that.
Sometimes you Trump supporters are so obtuse. Originally Posted by lustylad
Hey speedy, I don't have time to go into all of the details, but there are some big holes in your memory of recent political history!We were discussing a single issue -- why so many court appointments were unfilled when Obama left office.
First, you should look up all of the Bush judicial appointees blocked or slow-walked by the dim-retard Senate from 2006-2008. That's when they first poisoned the well.
Then look up how odumbo got dirty Harry Reid to invoke the "nuclear option" in 2013, eliminating the Senate filibuster for all judicial appointments except SCOTUS. This enabled the dim-retards to expand and stack the DC Federal District Court of Appeals (which handles most federal regulatory issues) with like-minded libtards.
Except it backfired when Republicans took back a Senate majority in 2014. The reason odumbo had so many vacancies when he left office two years later is because he kept nominating judges whose views and judicial philosophies were so far left they couldn't even win a smidgen of support from a handful of moderate Republican Senators.
You need to brush up on your history, speedy. Then maybe you can come back and give us a more two-sided version of how we got here. Originally Posted by lustylad
If I had to define myself--- for the most part I'm a social liberal, fiscal conservative. If Sally wants to get an abortion-- that's her business, not mine. If Sally wants to smoke... ahem..... that's her business, not mine. If Sally wants to marry Suzy... that's her business not mine.Sounds libertarian to me. Which is fine. Abortion has never been an end all with me. While I think it’s morally wrong, I don’t think making it illegal would work. People would still get them in probably less than safe conditions. I doe draw the line on late term or partial birth abortions. I wouldn’t consider a candidate if they were in favor of that. I know, that’s kinda of a cop out. But that’s how I roll on abortion. I think I’ll start a new party. The golden rule party. Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.
If Sally wants me to pay for her abortion, her marriage, and her.... smoke-- then it becomes my business. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Try telling that to the Steinles. Zarate was deported 5 times but was protected by San Francisco’s sanctuary laws.
The people in sanctuary cities are not free to come and go between countries.
Try again. Originally Posted by bambino
Sounds libertarian to me. Which is fine. Abortion has never been an end all with me. While I think it’s morally wrong, I don’t think making it illegal would work. People would still get them in probably less than safe conditions. I doe draw the line on late term or partial birth abortions. I wouldn’t consider a candidate if they were in favor of that. I know, that’s kinda of a cop out. But that’s how I roll on abortion. I think I’ll start a new party. The golden rule party. Do unto others as you want them to do unto you. Originally Posted by bambino
I am likewise a fiscal conservative who has long tried to ignore the left's annoying "culture war" bullshit.
Originally Posted by lustylad
if biden gets elected the real cancel culture starts
the senile biden will be cancelled by all the wolves that will be part of his "administration"
can you even begin to imagine the doj filled with kimberley gardner types
where prosecutions depend on politics or skin color
in st louis she is said to have dismissed out of hand over 2600 felony charges and that was as of last january
of those arrested for the recent and ongoing looting rioting and destruction she proclaims the police aren't giving her enough evidence to convict so she releases them out of hand
of the mccolskeys defending themselves she turns logic and truth and evidence on its head defending the trespassers, assaulters, threat issuers and property destroyers to bring convoluted charges against the people trespassed against , assaulted, threatened and whose property was destroyed
she has a mission, and its not justice
and those in a biden administration will not have fealty to a constitution they abhor Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The people in sanctuary cities are not free to come and go between countries.
Try again. Originally Posted by bambino
Sounds libertarian to me. Which is fine. Abortion has never been an end all with me. While I think it’s morally wrong, I don’t think making it illegal would work. People would still get them in probably less than safe conditions. I doe draw the line on late term or partial birth abortions. I wouldn’t consider a candidate if they were in favor of that. I know, that’s kinda of a cop out. But that’s how I roll on abortion. I think I’ll start a new party. The golden rule party. Do unto others as you want them to do unto you. Originally Posted by bambinoWell, we finally agree on a subject.