OH2 Down?

anandaman's Avatar
Make sure you remember what email account used on record on OH2. You might also check your spam folder.

I don't think I got an email. My account there isn't verified though. I wonder if it went to verified accounts only?

The site... kind of works for me. Can't send PMs though. But I can see ads well enough.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Confirming that I received an email this morning from OH2 Support.
casa-nova's Avatar
Brandofan's Avatar
Knowing which random dudes received an email isn't really helpful. Perhaps you can enlighten us as to what it fucking says though. Just a thought....
Jennatx's Avatar
Right now I am a fulltime student and this is not helping this Lady.
I am studying Medical asst right now half way done.
Role playing could be fun.

So stressed I need a full body massage
I didn’t get email either.
"sorry for the issues - oh2 is surviving an extended denial of service (DDOS) attack. Many members have been blocked and/or got a message that the site is unsafe. Tech and host support are still working the issues.

Far as can be determined the site is safe but certain functions are yet to be restored and the PM system and posting system and password reset tool and the registration link may not be fully functional.

Please clear your browser to remove ghost security messages

If issues continue and your browser gets an unsafe message:

Open your browser’s security settings and add these links to your “safe” list – might also be an “exception” list

Remove the spaces when entering the addresses, please:

https:// home.ourhome2. net
https:// ourhome2. net
http:// home.ourhome2 .net
http:// ourhome2. net

If you are using a VPN, set the distant location way far from Texas, even Mexico which may help evade the DDOS attackers.

Firefox browsers users are mostly getting through OK, but Chrome users still get the "unsafe" messages. Not sure if clearing Chrome browsers will work, but worth a try and add the oh2 addresses to the browser security zone as above.

More than 9,000 users are getting past the blocking flood, so keep trying and when you click a site button, hold the button down for a count of 1-2-3 to help the system recognize your signal.

We have no way of testing individual member passwords, but do believe passwords are still working properly, although many members have reported that the password reset tool is not working consistently.

If so, message aupport@ourhome2net and admin will issue a new password.
You may, of course, share this message with members you know are having access issues."
  • Dopey
  • 03-03-2022, 11:44 AM
Wow. Thank you for the update.

Based on what was shared from that email I will be staying away from OH2 until it is fully up for a while. It seems like a serious risk to the security of your computer or phones at this point.

If I were to use an analogy it would be like going to a restaurant & the staff is in the kitchen fighting a rat infestation. Meanwhile the hostess is greeting you at the door and saying go ahead and have a seat everything is fine the kitchen can only serve appetizers but don’t worry.

I’ll happily come back to the restaurant once it’s all clean.
What is Oh2?
What is Oh2? Originally Posted by jtripper1968
A hobbying website many people on eccie have been using, especially since Eccie changed its rules due to new laws which could negatively affect admins of these kind of sites.

The guy who runs eccie is a madman who is pretty sure he won't get caught, I guess. Not sure why he believes that, but, oh well.
jazzbill's Avatar
What is Oh2? Originally Posted by jtripper1968

It's another site with forums for escort ads, reviews and other delights.
anandaman's Avatar
when you click a site button, hold the button down for a count of 1-2-3 to help the system recognize your signal. Originally Posted by Ryugin
Once logged-in, I've been trying this today and definitely seems to help.

Parsifal's Avatar
I only use my phone to access the site and it’s been completely locked up for me since the issues began.

I simply cannot get on the site -

Hopefully it will come back up soon. As of now, I’ve got nothing.
Me too. Only use the phone and coming up with nada