In a word: Yes.
In more words...
I signed up here specifically to ask if escorts having boyfriends or husbands is rare, and I found this thread.
I like the idea for several reasons.
+ If I was a woman, I would be in that line of work myself.
+ It turns me on when I have a girlfriend who plays with others.
+ She would have a flexible work schedule, so we could go do things.
+ I would know she was with me because she liked me, since that is all she would be getting out of it.
+ She would probably like sex and be comfortable with her body, plus know what men like sexually.
+ It would actually mean something when she said I was the best she ever had...ha ha.
+ She might well be smart and self aware when it comes to sex and relationships, unlike women with little experience and only a fairy tale ideal of romance to go by.
I have some doubts about it.
- If she brings her work home with her, will my power tools be safe?
- She might be shut off emotionally during sex, out of habit.
- Like above, she might be thinking she is giving me free sex, instead of having sex with me. The difference matters.
I figure it depends on the individuals, like for any relationship, but I also know that for a given type of situation there will be more or less of a tendency for things to go a certain way. I am wondering then if it would be unlikely and an uphill battle, or if it happens all the time and things go well as often as not, like with relationships generally.
The comments here about gals not wanting to stay in the biz if they had a relationship were interesting. I hadn't thought of it being either-or like that. I won't pretend to understand how women might think of sex differently for pay or romance. That always seemed to me like a dichotomy that doesn't occur in the male mind. I'll admit that by male mind, I mean mine. I have not researched the subject any farther than wondering about it while smoking a cigarette.