Trump Facing Indictment and Arrest?

Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-21-2023, 08:31 AM
You're too fucking stupid to even know what a debate is little punk ass bitch Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Says the person whose idea of "debating" is calling the others name and not presenting any actual facts.

I guess dementia-ridden voters will vote for the dementia president.

Good for you for sticking to your kind.
Says the person whose idea of "debating" is calling the others name and not presenting any actual facts.

I guess dementia-ridden voters will vote for the dementia president.

Good for you for sticking to your kind. Originally Posted by Aoi
You have no facts, just your laughable opinions. Where is a doctor's report detailing Biden's dementia? I can show you a video of orange ape claiming windmills cause cancer....if that is not fucking dementia, I don't know what is.

I am easily found if you want some of me kid, but being a punk ass bitch, you'll never man up.
GayleMeyers's Avatar
Don't forget when Donnie changed the course of a hurricane with a Sharpie ....
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-22-2023, 11:03 AM
You have no facts, just your laughable opinions. Where is a doctor's report detailing Biden's dementia? I can show you a video of orange ape claiming windmills cause cancer....if that is not fucking dementia, I don't know what is.

I am easily found if you want some of me kid, but being a punk ass bitch, you'll never man up. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Are you kidding me? You can watch any number of the countless times Pedo Joe walked around looking like a dementia patient. The fact that you're denying this shows how unhinged you are. Do you know anything at all? Rhetorical question. You don't. That's why you're throwing such a massive hissy fit over this because you think you can name-call yourself out of embarrassment. You should do what the others have done after they realize they're idiots - walk away.

Why would I want to fight some loser online because he lost an internet debate? Go away, smooth-brain.

I love how you thought that your methods was "effective."

You are right. I've never seen someone lose an internet discussion in such spectacular fashion such as you. Truly effective use of ad-hominem and pussying out of talking!
Are you kidding me? You can watch any number of the countless times Pedo Joe walked around looking like a dementia patient. The fact that you're denying this shows how unhinged you are. Do you know anything at all? Rhetorical question. You don't. That's why you're throwing such a massive hissy fit over this because you think you can name-call yourself out of embarrassment. You should do what the others have done after they realize they're idiots - walk away.

Why would I want to fight some loser online because he lost an internet debate? Go away, smooth-brain.

I love how you thought that your methods was "effective."

You are right. I've never seen someone lose an internet discussion in such spectacular fashion such as you. Truly effective use of ad-hominem and pussying out of talking! Originally Posted by Aoi
So you admit you have no evidence for any of your shit stupid beliefs? Good, you lose faggot. That tin foil hat you have on has fried what little brains you started with.

I own you bitch.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-22-2023, 11:55 AM
So you admit you have no evidence for any of your shit stupid beliefs? Good, you lose faggot. That tin foil hat you have on has fried what little brains you started with.

I own you bitch. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

You're like the kid at school who got his ass kicked in public and then went around the next day claiming you won.

You are terrible at debating. I'm still waiting for you to respond to my points. What, you too afraid? Yeah, I thought so. Run, smooth-brain. Now, sit your ass down on your wheelchair and roll yourself down to the same clinic dementia Joe should be admitted into and eat your ice cream.

You're like the kid at school who got his ass kicked in public and then went around the next day claiming you won.

You are terrible at debating. I'm still waiting for you to respond to my points. What, you too afraid? Yeah, I thought so. Run, smooth-brain. Now, sit your ass down on your wheelchair and roll yourself down to the same clinic dementia Joe should be admitted into and eat your ice cream. Originally Posted by Aoi

I don't care about some damn youtube video, where is EVIDENCE FROM A FUCKING DOCTOR....provide or admit you're a piece of shit liar faggot!!!

Now tell us about that orange dick you suck and how windmills cause cancer!!! RUN FAGGOT RUN!!!!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I never get involved in political discussions, but let me ask all you guys this.... When Trump screwed around with Stormy Daniels, was he the current president of the United States?

If not, how can you compare him to Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky?
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Don't forget when Donnie changed the course of a hurricane with a Sharpie .... Originally Posted by GayleMeyers
. HB1c3N5

All Trump has to do in 2024 to become relected as President again is "Grab them by the Pussy".

Warning...this video may Induce and Trigger Trump Derangement Syndrone. If so please proceed to a safe space, contact your therapist and have your medications on stand by.
How that orange dictate little white primate?
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-23-2023, 08:12 AM
I don't care about some damn youtube video, where is EVIDENCE FROM A FUCKING DOCTOR....provide or admit you're a piece of shit liar faggot!!!

Now tell us about that orange dick you suck and how windmills cause cancer!!! RUN FAGGOT RUN!!!! Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
You can be 500 lbs and still be fat without the doctor writing you a note tell you that you're a fat son of a bitch, smooth-brain. Similarly, you can be Biden and shake hands with invisible people among a myriad of other on-screen gaffes and not have a doctor write you a note telling you that you have dementia.

It is HILARIOUS watching you get so pissed off.

You really are an expert at losing debates.

Maybe you have dementia, too. That's why you have so many outbursts. Do you have dementia? Be honest.
You can be 500 lbs and still be fat without the doctor writing you a note tell you that you're a fat son of a bitch, smooth-brain. Similarly, you can be Biden and shake hands with invisible people among a myriad of other on-screen gaffes and not have a doctor write you a note telling you that you have dementia.

It is HILARIOUS watching you get so pissed off.

You really are an expert at losing debates.

Maybe you have dementia, too. That's why you have so many outbursts. Do you have dementia? Be honest. Originally Posted by Aoi
I am LAUGHING at you conspiracy theory moron. Funny that you're also a wanna-be doctor handing out opinions. I bet you did not even finish high school.

And I lost nothing little bitch. PM me if you want to find out specifics on getting your ass handed to you.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-23-2023, 11:38 AM
I am LAUGHING at you conspiracy theory moron. Funny that you're also a wanna-be doctor handing out opinions. I bet you did not even finish high school.

And I lost nothing little bitch. PM me if you want to find out specifics on getting your ass handed to you. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
It's not a conspiracy when it's literally out in the open for everyone to see and there is actual evidence of 2020 shenanigans. Elon Musk released a shit ton of info on the twitter files.

Btw, in case you don't know what that is, it's an online communication service where a massive amount of news is shared to users. Not MSNBC and The View that you obviously get your information. I bet your ass is giving your entire paycheck to Ukraine like a total cuck.

You really are mad. I enjoy watching your tantrum.

No need to go to PM. Why would I? It's more fun watching you embarrass yourself here.
It's not a conspiracy when it's literally out in the open for everyone to see and there is actual evidence of 2020 shenanigans. Elon Musk released a shit ton of info on the twitter files.

Btw, in case you don't know what that is, it's an online communication service where a massive amount of news is shared to users. Not MSNBC and The View that you obviously get your information. I bet your ass is giving your entire paycheck to Ukraine like a total cuck.

You really are mad. I enjoy watching your tantrum.

No need to go to PM. Why would I? It's more fun watching you embarrass yourself here. Originally Posted by Aoi
Yea sure bitch, so everyone else is a fool and you're a genius? What a fucking joke!!! Where is your fucking evidence bitch?

How have I embarrassed myself? You're the conspiracy theory moron and coward. You only come out in public with other Nazi punks like little black sambo primate carrying your tiki torches and giving Nazi salutes.

Elon Musk? What a joke. Yet another cock you long to suck. You'll never dare come in public because you're a fucking coward.