It all connects. Nice try. BTW, the Peekaboo case isn’t a Federal case. It’s a civil case. And it’s DOA. Originally Posted by bambinoThis thread is about Trump Trials. All of them. He's currently facing two federal cases. The odds of beating one is 1 in 100. I believe the odds of a 1 in 100 event happening twice in a row are 1 in 10,000. That's just a guess and I don't know the formula to figure it out for certain, but what I do know is at best it's an extreme long shot. Tougher than hitting the daily number. Good luck. LOL
This thread is about Trump Trials. All of them. He's currently facing two federal cases. The odds of beating one is 1 in 100. I believe the odds of a 1 in 100 event happening twice in a row are 1 in 10,000. That's just a guess and I don't know the formula to figure it out for certain, but what I do know is at best it's an extreme long shot. Tougher than hitting the daily number. Good luck. LOLBut yet, you believed this bullshit which was totally shot down.
Math aside, I don't know how anyone can listen to the conversation with Brad Raffensperger and honestly say that the Turd wasn't trying to rig the election. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
The days of the GOP ever holding one of their own accountable is long gone. You got the crazy space lasers lady, Santos who's borrowing his donors debit and MasterCard to pay for bills on his Gucci buys, the crazy broad who gets felt up after vaping in a theater, the seven time DUI guy from Florida, - do you think that they would ever hold DJT accountable for one thing in the political court? NeverBoy, you’re really out there. They want to throw him out.
So it's up to our DOJ to make sure that law breakers are held accountable.
Soon to be Santos Will be joining that crew, as well as the four states who's gerrymandered areas are going to be redrawn to more correctly represent their constituents - the result is a loss of GOP seats in the Congress. Eventually the GOP will be powerless, and not able to just simply give everybody a pass on bad behavior. The Trials of those all mentioned are going to indeed have a very distinct and positive outcome.....but not for the GOP. Of course you still have your two guys trying to connect dots to Biden, but doing a poor job at that. When is the big bombshell going to supposedly happen? Originally Posted by eyecu2
Boy, you’re really out there. They want to throw him out.Realistically, they have no choice. He'll be pulled into a shit ton of legal problems anyhow -but IF THE GOP did toss him out, this just allows them to save some face. Originally Posted by bambino
This thread is about Trump Trials. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh^^ Hey eye, you should heed what your buddy 1pitt posted above. This thread is NOT about how much you despise Republicans, something you've already made amply clear in dozens of threads in this forum.