Russ38's Avatar
I came late to this particular party, but I think quite a few of you need to take a vacation. Not a points vacation, a real one.

Russ, I'm a fan of most of your stuff, but a lot of your comments on this thread really pissed me off. I'm truly sorry your experiences with our criminal justice system haven't been to your satisfaction. I'm sure you've got your reasons, they might even be valid. But in my very personal experience, most of the people working in it are pretty damn decent, open to a reasonable argument, and fine with being lenient on stupid shit if their bosses aren't completely micro-managing them. There are and will always be exceptions, and it's the nature of the beast that the exceptions garner much more attention and publicity than those doing it the right way. It's kind of like hobbying that way.

I've been an ADA and a defense attorney, and the idea that you're ok with public servants AND their family members being murdered in horrific fashion... Dude, I don't even know what to say about that. "Reap what you sow"? I assume you're a Kauffman County resident and can tell me specifically what the DA's wife did to sow this particular ending? Or is that just collateral damage that you're okay with? Originally Posted by TransAm
First of all thanks, I'm a fan of your reviews and such as well....It would be nearly impossible to explain in full detail the reason for my distrust and hostility of the cjs without divulging way too much personal information in which for obvious reasons, is not gonna happen on an escort/client message board. However, I can say my experience not only altered my perception of the cjs, but life in general as well. Assuming you've read the thread from the beginning, you seen where the original topic took a turn in a different direction. One of the earlier exchanges between LL and myself involved his argument that hazards in the petro/chem industry were not comparable to the hazards of being a DA or ADA where dangers could follow you home from the workplace....in which I gave him a clear example of how they could IF the proper measures and precautions were not taken.....which of course spun off even more topics.....We don't go out with the intention everyday to blow up half a city or cause an environmental incident any more than you plan on being shot at by a pissed off convict hell bent on revenge....BUT, you better be prepared for it in case it does happen.

I did say ....I don't care about the DA incident because it doesn't concern me....I didn't say I'm "ok" with innocent people being murdered....so to answer your question...no, I don't consider the spouse as collateral damage however, I do consider her outcome as being a "consequence" of the DA not taking whatever precautions needed to protect his family....especially knowing, although rare...these hazards can happen....it's not like this was the first time in history where someone plotted against a DA.

You mentioned you were a ADA at one time correct? Yet you are a hobbyist engaged in what the cjs considers an illegal activity....it's exactly that type of hypocritical mentality of "do as I say, not as I do" that creates the unfavorable opinion of the cjs and the people who work in it.

Also don't forget, much of what I say does stem from true resentment of cjs however, alot is also said for nothing more than pure shock value purposes.
LexusLover's Avatar
I, along with many others here I'm sure, find you common. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I do not concern myself what others on this board "find" in me ..

.... you make a living off this board ... I don't .. and won't.

Keep advertising.
Wakeup's Avatar
Here it comes...
Russ38's Avatar
Jesus H F'ing Christ .....is this what it's come to?
Russ38's Avatar
Here it comes... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Yeah, apparently so
Here it comes... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I know it's not what you were expecting, but THAT'S funny.

I do not concern myself what others on this board "find" in me .. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well it's not overly apparant.

.... you make a living off this board ... I don't .. and won't. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So what? You're a hussler not a pro?

Keep advertising. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That's funny. How many threads do you think I've ever posted on in the Houston forums? I post almost exclusivly in the Hole..............I'm still chuckling...........

BTW, LL, I always drive high-end German not Toyotas.
LexusLover's Avatar
....It would be nearly impossible to explain in full detail the reason for my distrust and hostility of the cjs ...

Also don't forget, much of what I say does stem from true resentment of cjs however, alot is also said for nothing more than pure shock value purposes. Originally Posted by Russ38
Regret your bad experience, but TransAm's take on the individuals is consistent with mine, but there are bad apples in every barrel and profession. Also, I got the impression that TransAm wasn't "hobbying" while an ADA .. and I didn't see him say he handled "hobbying" cases while an ADA.....nor did I see "why" he got out of prosecuting.

It IS common for ADA's to leave prosecuting and engage in defending clients.

As for the thread topic after some "snooping" around it does appear to be a plea for "donations" endorsed by the Sheriff, who by the way is touting a recent online app that allows cell users to report criminal activity. There is also an announcement that the "hiring freeze" is over ... 60 new cadets/hires.
Russ38's Avatar
Regret your bad experience, but TransAm's take on the individuals is consistent with mine, but there are bad apples in every barrel and profession. Also, I got the impression that TransAm wasn't "hobbying" while an ADA .. and I didn't see him say he handled "hobbying" cases while an ADA.....nor did I see "why" he got out of prosecuting.

It IS common for ADA's to leave prosecuting and engage in defending Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well, one thing I will admit is ironically, it was a defense attorney, who was an ex DA and very well "connected" who saved my ass in the end....Although his fees were by no means cheap, it was the additional "under the table" payoffs and kickbacks(coordinated through him of course) that carried the most expense and is "one" of the reasons for my dissatisfaction of the cjs. Hard lesson learned for sure... however, had I not had the means to obtain the resources, the outcome could had been much worse.
Wakeup's Avatar
Told you it was coming...
LexusLover's Avatar
..., it was the additional "under the table" payoffs and kickbacks(coordinated through him of course) that carried the most expense .... Originally Posted by Russ38
Did your attorney provide you with receipts for the bribes?
Russ38's Avatar
Did your attorney provide you with receipts for the bribes? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't think in that business they are actually referred to as "bribes" and not "all" of "under the table" deals involve the exchange of money but I was provided with what I needed to know and that's all I will say about that.
TransAm's Avatar
First of all thanks, I'm a fan of your reviews and such as well....It would be nearly impossible to explain in full detail the reason for my distrust and hostility of the cjs without divulging way too much personal information in which for obvious reasons, is not gonna happen on an escort/client message board. However, I can say my experience not only altered my perception of the cjs, but life in general as well. Assuming you've read the thread from the beginning, you seen where the original topic took a turn in a different direction. One of the earlier exchanges between LL and myself involved his argument that hazards in the petro/chem industry were not comparable to the hazards of being a DA or ADA where dangers could follow you home from the workplace....in which I gave him a clear example of how they could IF the proper measures and precautions were not taken.....which of course spun off even more topics.....We don't go out with the intention everyday to blow up half a city or cause an environmental incident any more than you plan on being shot at by a pissed off convict hell bent on revenge....BUT, you better be prepared for it in case it does happen.

I did say ....I don't care about the DA incident because it doesn't concern me....I didn't say I'm "ok" with innocent people being murdered....so to answer your question...no, I don't consider the spouse as collateral damage however, I do consider her outcome as being a "consequence" of the DA not taking whatever precautions needed to protect his family....especially knowing, although rare...these hazards can happen....it's not like this was the first time in history where someone plotted against a DA.

You mentioned you were a ADA at one time correct? Yet you are a hobbyist engaged in what the cjs considers an illegal activity....it's exactly that type of hypocritical mentality of "do as I say, not as I do" that creates the unfavorable opinion of the cjs and the people who work in it.

Also don't forget, much of what I say does stem from true resentment of cjs however, alot is also said for nothing more than pure shock value purposes. Originally Posted by Russ38
No, I get where you're coming from, and I understand your feelings about it. I appreciate the response. LL kind of made my point for me. My hobbying was pretty limited during my ADA days. But I won't try and say it's because I wouldn't have been interested, or any holier than thou shit. I just didn't know what all was out there, and mostly couldn't have afforded it if I did. Lol. Which isn't to say that there isn't some hypocrisy out there, there is.

I didn't know the Kauffman guy personally, but I know a few people that work out there, and it's not a high paying job. Real security, even when you know there's a serious threat (which is debatable in this case), well, it don't come cheap. Yeah, you can ask the cops to protect you for awhile, but that expends finite county resources, and it doesn't last forever.

Your feelings about the CJS are valid, and one of the main reasons I switched sides. But I'd be the first to tell you that our system still works better for protecting individual liberties (which is what it's designed to default to) than any other in the world. And if it's open season on enforcers of the law, think about what else that means. Somebody used the word "anarchy", and that's not too far off. Think about the things you take for granted... You can mostly the walk the streets safely, go to the store, go to work, go about your life, even hobby, without a lot of fear. Part of the reason, by no means ALL of it, but part of the reason you can do that is that we have a CJS that works. Not perfectly, no. It fucks up, and when it does, it's BAD. But name me an alternative. In your business, you've probably got at least a passing familiarity with how those alternatives work in other countries. My father worked in oil and gas, and was briefly stationed in Saudi Arabia. The company provided him a driver and chase car. The chase car was because if there was an accident, there was a reasonable chance the driver of his lead vehicle would be killed by an angry mob. And he wasn't like a serious company head honcho or anything, that was just the standard practice. Churchill said it best: "Democracy is the worst form of government... except for all the others."
Told you it was coming... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Whatever Fo'Realz. Go back to pulling the wings off flies.

Somebody used the word "anarchy", and that's not too far off. Originally Posted by TransAm
That was me. I'm sure it would be with out CSJ. That's why it's tollerated. I've been around it all my life though. And the men and women of the CSJ are at war with themselves - and loose, and with us. Justice is arbitrary and for sale. Sad state of affairs when the OJ trial and Rodney King are the high points of the best the world has to offer.
TransAm's Avatar
Whatever Fo'Realz. Go back to pulling the wings off flies.

That was me. I'm sure it would be with out CSJ. That's why it's tollerated. I've been around it all my life though. And the men and women of the CSJ are at war with themselves - and loose, and with us. Justice is arbitrary and for sale. Sad state of affairs when the OJ trial and Rodney King are the high points of the best the world has to offer. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I get what you're saying. But it's not necessarily that justice is for sale, so much as talent goes where the money is. Not exactly a problem unique to the CJS. Take the O.J. trial for instance. In all probability, the jury reached the right verdict, given the stuff THEY heard. Remember that we TV viewers got to see all the sidebars, and knew about all the evidence that the jury didn't get to hear because it was inadmissible. And the prosecutors fucked up large on a few things, including the gloves. They didn't have to enter them as evidence, and there was even an argument about whether to do it or not, because they'd been sitting in a freezer for over a year, and they knew they'd shrunk. Yeah, OJ could afford arguably one of the best legal teams ever assembled. Meanwhile, the DA's were making about $60k a year. DA's are like teachers. If you paid them what they're worth, you'd retain better ones. But taxpayers don't want to do that.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't think in that business they are actually referred to as "bribes" and not "all" of "under the table" deals involve the exchange of money .... Originally Posted by Russ38
In "that business" it's called "bribes" ....

...... and so at least you "liked" the CJS to work for you enough to pay the premium ...

.......to "get er done" to your liking!

I wouldn't have brought it up if I were you .... particularly within the time frame of calling someone out for being hypocritical for prosecuting and prostituting at the same time.

Perhaps I should "contribute" to the fund advertised in the OP ... and may be the donees will issue me one of those window stickers like the 100 club or the 50 club ....
... to affix to my rear window of my hobby car.