pfmtony yea or nay

NearHauteRed's Avatar
Bullshit. All of your recent posts are you giving your opinion and doling out knowledge spoken from experience. So you either assume to know what you speak of or you are not NEW , only your handle Originally Posted by firelips
New on this site, but not new to the hobby, , giving opinions on hobby related topics on threads from experience is what this site is all about, along with getting laid, right?

Assuming does go on a lot on this site from what I have read, but it is not really knowing anything about something and giving an opinion on it and is for the people who read into things that are not there and make something up trying to rationalize their situation for saying or doing something. I honestly do not know what all the name calling and the like is towards me, the arduous work of the goading to see if you can get a response is childish.

................I honestly do not know what all the name calling and the like is towards me, the arduous work of the goading to see if you can get a response is childish.....
Originally Posted by NearHauteRed

During his brief stint in Dallas, Coach Parcells warned his players "not to eat the cheese....". Wonder what he meant by that......?

Scattershooting....I do have to admit though.....while ''no one is writing a book" (to coin a phrase I read a little earlier per this thread).... 155 posts in the first 17 days of membership is quite impressive, sir.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
During his brief stint in Dallas, Coach Parcells warned his players "not to eat the cheese....". Wonder what he meant by that......?

Scattershooting....I do have to admit though.....while ''no one is writing a book" (to coin a phrase I read a little earlier per this thread).... 155 posts in the first 17 days of membership is quite impressive, sir. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

I get your point about the cheese, appreciate that sir. As far as my posts go, I work from home and on the computer, and most of the time, I have this site up, delving into the community here looking for ideas, giving some of my own and of course, looking at providers to put in my circle of ladies I see.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Do not let what others say of feel get to you.....Have a tough skin...This is not no good ole boys or girls club....
Somebody mod-wise needs to close this since the poll/issue is over, and the posting has moved on to other issues.
No way should it be closed. The adoration and man-love for pfmtony from his devoted crew of detractors and their leader should be a living testimony that goes on forever... forever...forever

This shit is funny!
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
No way should it be closed. Originally Posted by SD2011

There are several T-posts here worthy of deconstruction. Like a work of literature and the resultant criticism.

So the memory lives.
The vultures have come and gone, there's no meat left to pick on the bones of this one. Let the challenged be dealt with out from behind the skirts of a dead man!

One could always post a PretyFuckingMarvelous's greatest hits thread, if that's the idea, full of innuendo, elitist dumbfuckery and non sequiturs for newbie edification, but that's for someone else. This one's done, stick a fork in him/her and let it go. Other fish to fry and all that!

The Marvelous One was a lot of things, but Martyr wasn't and shouldn't be one of those things. He fell on his own sword, so to speak. AMF.
Chung Tran's Avatar
pfmTony = sword of Damocles?
pfmTony = sword of Damocles? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That would require a Dionysius. There definitely isn't one here (although a few wannabe pretenders do roam the musty eccie hallways).