NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Satin.... She wants to go to a game! lol
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-12-2012, 08:53 PM
EA, it's all good bro...Bella is my homegirl and #1 Boo. She can go anytime she wants.

Babe, you're on for the next game if you want baby cakes....

Just know babe we go hard....tailgate and the whole will probably be wasted before the game even
Mixshowdj's Avatar can have my "seat"....since i missed your bus-ride.....i owe you a massage...
Exotic, anytime a hot chick wants to stop by we welcome it no matter what you have to say. Feel free to come in anytime to talk about basketball, hockey, politics or even to announce your birthday. It's all good mami... Lakers are gonna smash your OKC team this year, you can count on it... Originally Posted by Satin
Omg! The Lakers have ALWAYS been my team...I gotta stick with the Thunder but it was SO hard watching the playoffs since I liked The Lakers,Oklahoma of course and I also like the Heat...actually I love ALL teams but those were favs! Lol! I have some photos I took beside Shaq at a pre season game(very hilarious!) I came up to his well.....anyways! I am 4'11 he is 7'2!!! I also used to post my Lakers outfit pic but guess ya prob know its a Thunder pic now....I still got love for Lakers though Sometimes I sit and watch OLD OLD clips of basketball,Even like back when the Globetrotters were around Lmao! And the SHORTS! They were SUPER short like Richard Simmons! Magic Johnson had a documnentary and I saw that one and the one with Dennis Rodman on it.....WOW! Kinda crazy how times fly!
~Exotic Beauty~

Oh....P.S. not sure anyone remembers this either but I got ahold of some of the "And 1 mix cd's" Like the street ball stuff Footlocker I think had them....Those were fun!
Ok......back to football Thanks!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-13-2012, 09:02 AM
Exotic, you are truly talented. You pop in the thread and bring up basketball in a football thread. Next you tell me you still have love for the Lakers, then digress us back to football in a very non-threatening classy manner....props to you mami...very nicely done...

Good rivalry game tonight....the Packs and Da Bears.....
Randall Creed's Avatar
Shaq didn't try to hit it?

I know if I'd seen that booty in person I'd want to

Just saying.
TheDon's Avatar
Exotic Beauty dropping the knowledge! Can't wait for basketball season myself. Maybe we can send you some Texans gear

Tonight should actually be a pretty dang entertaining game, Packs offense should bounce back, and Chicago put of 40 last Sunday.
TheDon's Avatar
We're gonna kick Green Bay's ass in week 6.
Mixshowdj's Avatar
Exotic,you can get any music mix you want from charge,no time limit......
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-14-2012, 10:45 AM
Exotic has temporarily disrupted all football

What about the Jags Sunday fellas? Never mind....
Yay I can't wait satin!!!!! I have never been!!! Ur gonna pop my cherry!!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-14-2012, 05:59 PM
Lol, I can't either. Now we got 2 hot chicas distracting us from football. lol

Babe, just know you gotta get up early. We're out there tailgating pretty early. Can you do it?

Jags are experiencing more injuries. We need to win big....
Randall Creed's Avatar
Texans have an easy ass schedule. They'll make the playoffs but they won't be battle tested. They're going to take one on the chin in the first playoff game they play.

Mark my words.
klutz's Avatar
  • klutz
  • 09-14-2012, 08:48 PM
Did you just say we have an easy ass schedule?

@Denver? Did you see how sharp he looked against Pit?
@NYJ? I may not take NYJ serious... but @NYJ? I certainly will
GB? <---- need I say anything?
Baltimore? Roasted the Bengals the other day...
@Chicago? Despite getting beat by GB, still has a good team
@Detroit? Stafford to Megatron = TD
@New England? Brady to everyone = TD

If you're saying we have an easy Division I may agree with you... we should get 4 out of 6 at least... but if you think our whole schedule is easy...

You're fucking high!