US Ambassador, 3 Other Staffers Killed in Libya by the People We Helped

I B Hankering's Avatar

thats a stretch even for you Originally Posted by CJ7
WTF noted the movie was a "pretense" when he stated that some -- if not most -- of the rioters probably haven't even seen the movie to be offended. They were just told they should be offended because such a movie exists. Keep your pretentious, Kool-Aid swollen head in the sand, CBJ7.
joe bloe's Avatar
The Left wants to portray anyone they want as a Terrorist.

A Terrorist is a person belonging to a non-government political organization whose group and the individual is willing to take potentially lethal extralegal action to perpetuate their political agenda.

A terrorist is not a lone wolf with a gun; or a member of a nonradical group who decides to up the ante with a bomb or a couple of kids who feel they need to get even with some bullies.

Bill Ayers is a terrorist.
bin Ladin was a terrorist.
Kalid Sheik Mohammed is a terrorist.

The Joker responsible for the deaths in the Colorado theater is a mass murderer.
The AZ shooter is a mass murderer.
The Columbine shooters are mass murderers.
The Virginia Tech killer is a mass murderer.
The Norwegian killer is most likely not a terrorist but a mass murderer.

The Left wants to muddy the waters with defining anyone who kills multiple people as a Terrorist mainly as part of an antigun agenda. Those mass murderers may have caused terror but they are not terrorists. They did not belong to an nongovernmental organization with a political agenda advocating extralegal lethal means.

Whether these people are brown or white is your personal issue. Originally Posted by gnadfly


By defining every mass murder as an act of terrorism the left waters down the crime. This allows them to say most terrorism is not commited by the Jihadists. It's just one more example of leftists natural instinct to play footsie with our enemies.
LexusLover's Avatar
A Terrorist is a person belonging to a non-government political organization whose group and the individual is willing to take potentially lethal extralegal action to perpetuate their political agenda.

Whether these people are brown or white is your personal issue. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Now I got it!!!!

I B Hankering's Avatar
IBH, love the avatar, what's her phone # ? Originally Posted by essence
Cleopatra predated phones.
ps. I admire your taste in the ladies, Jasmyn looks very fine. Originally Posted by essence
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-16-2012, 01:16 PM
[QUOTE=LexusLover;3194804]Bush "allowed" ....

[QUOTE]Bin Ladens main objective was to destroy our economy ... hes winning"

.... Bin Laden to destroy our economy?

I was being kind

Bush insisted.
LexusLover's Avatar
I was being kind

Bush insisted. Originally Posted by CJ7
I am being factual ....

... Bush had to "insist," because Clinton didn't.

But OBl, Bush, and/or Clinton have nothing to do with this thread or topic now do they?

But it is always convenient to deflect the responsibilities of "your man" to others, isn't it?

Unfortunately, Obaminable's recent trend of passing on security briefings is catching up.
Unfortunately, Obaminable's recent trend of passing on security briefings is catching up. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That's the spirit LL. We all know how wrong you were about the Shrub. Given your track record, it stands to reason you are equally wrong about Obama.
LexusLover's Avatar
That's the spirit LL. We all know how wrong you were about the Shrub. Given your track record, it stands to reason you are equally wrong about Obama. Originally Posted by bigtex
You mean Bush, who won 2 terms?

I keep telling you, BT, (and have for years) I am sorry that your man John McCain didn't make the cut and Bush got the nomination. And I can see why you picked Obaminable over McCain in 2008. After all Obaminable had the intuition to pick a great VP for his running mate ... turn our status in the world around ... build international respect for our people and property around the world ... dig us out of the terrible mess Bush left us in .... provide health care for ALL those in this country (whether here legally or not) ... end the "wars" Bush started (the French way) ... and keep all of us safe from OBL ... especially his appointees for ambassatorships. ...
... oh yea, almost forgot ... plugged the leaks in our borders and closed GITMO!

He is rebuilding "America" as we speak ... unfortunately the U.S. is not benefitting!

So you actually want "four more years" of the last "three and one-half years"?

Hopefully by mid-October the "most likely voters" will be fully informed as to just how the current President of the United States of America "financed his way" through undergraduate and law school, and who actually fronted the dough. We already know it wasn't "VA benefits."
Shhhh, don't tell anybody but Mitt Gaffeney sealed his fate with his foreign policy gaffe this past week. He is dropping faster than the Shrub's 2nd term approval ratings.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I would still vote for him over our current prez
LexusLover's Avatar
Shhhh, don't tell anybody but Mitt Gaffeney sealed his fate with his foreign policy gaffe this past week. He is dropping faster than the Shrub's 2nd term approval ratings. Originally Posted by bigtex
Among those who weren't going to vote for him any way ...

.. of course in the current environment the real issue is on pollsters ...

how many polled are being honest about the disclosure of their "projected" vote?

Or are they simply trying to avoid being called a rascist again, because they are not going to vote for the incumbent or are they concerned about the thugs ....?