If the Feds Won't Do It...

From Wiki: Progressive media watch groups such as the Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)[15] and Media Matters for America[16] have argued that Fox News reporting contains conservative editorializing within news stories. Others have referred to the network as "Faux News",[17] "GOP-TV",[18] "Fox Noise Channel",[19] "Fox Nothing Channel", "Fixed News"[20] and "Cluster Fox."[21] FAIR also asserted that in a study of a 19 week period from January 2001 to May 2001 the ratio of conservative guests to liberals on Special Report with Brit Hume was 50:6, and obtained similar data from other Fox shows.[22]
According to the results of a 2006 study by the Project for Excellence in Journalism a survey of 547 journalists, found that Fox was most frequently cited by surveyed journalists as an outlet taking an ideological stance in its coverage, and most identified as advocating conservative political positions,[36] with 56% of national journalists citing Fox News as being especially conservative in its coverage of news. Additionally Fox was viewed as having the highest profile as a conservative news organization; it was cited unprompted by 69% of national journalists.[37]
Just a note for those of you using Fox News as a "reliable" source. It's not.
"a survey of 547 journalists" Everything is relative. Granted, FoxNews is more conservative in its POV than say CBS. Compared to RK, I'm a screaming Liberal.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Just a note for those of you using Fox News as a "reliable" source. It's not. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Tudor is quoting Wikipedia & talking about the reliability of other news organization.

Chuck, you do understand the whole Wiki writing model, correct?

Yeah, but it's mostly right. Care to take issue with the parts I quoted as being untrue? And bring out the proof. There are footnotes in my quote.
Sa_artman's Avatar
FoxNews is more conservative in its POV than say CBS. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Ya think? I get lightheaded after 10 of GB, makes me want to run off and become a Moonie.
Ya think? I get lightheaded after 10 of GB Originally Posted by Sa_artman

Tudor is quoting Wikipedia & talking about the reliability of other news organization.

Chuck, you do understand the whole Wiki writing model, correct?

Originally Posted by atlcomedy
He also thinks a poll of journalists is meaningful.

"Dog Bites man" Film at 11.
Clerkenwell's Avatar
A world government guy I presume? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Only by the Irish.

No, a universal rights of man guy (or rather 'person'). Thinking beats sloganising.
Only by the Irish.

No, a universal rights of man guy (or rather 'person'). Thinking beats sloganising. Originally Posted by Clerkenwell
Well who isn't a Universal Rights person? That's conceptually pretty basic. The issue is usually what those rights are and who is responsible for paying for them (when rights drift into economics -- e.g., "health care").

But lets not over think things here. Going back to my original point you quoted:

The concept of boarders is fundamental to the issue of legality. If there were no borders, there could be no law. Who would the laws apply to? Laws are conventions of behavior adopted by a geographic set of people. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Universal rights make no more sense in this context than does the concept of universal rules in baseball and soccer. Just like the game defines the rules, geography defines law. I don't have to follow Canadian law in Montana. That was my only point.

But I do agree that the Irish should rule the world. In fact, I'll drink to that.
Well who isn't a Universal Rights person? That's conceptually pretty basic. Originally Posted by pjorourke
i dont think im a universal rights person....the more "rights" there are the less freedom and liberty there is......im a universal freedom and liberty person..
i dont think im a universal rights person....the more "rights" there are the less freedom and liberty there is......im a universal freedom and liberty person.. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Thats actually the "rights" I believe in. Without those two, you don't have shit.

careful, this is another though.
Sa_artman's Avatar
GB???? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Oops. 10min of Glenn Beck. Who says it's easy to type on an Iphone. Seriously, he's like the old Geraldo Rivera of Fox.
John Bull's Avatar
Thing about Glenn Beck is that his facts are right out there and backed by video tape, sound bites and quotes from credited sources. You may not like the message and you may hate the messanger but, all you have to do is find a way to make those video tapes go away to prove him wrong.
Thing about Glenn Beck is that his facts are right out there and backed by video tape, sound bites and quotes from credited sources. You may not like the message and you may hate the messanger but, all you have to do is find a way to make those video tapes go away to prove him wrong. Originally Posted by John Bull
Now, that's such a big crock of sh*t it would shame Mt. Everest.
Sa_artman's Avatar