Another health care thread.

Its a shame this site doesn't have an ignore list.
discreetgent's Avatar
Its a shame this site doesn't have an ignore list. Originally Posted by pjorourke
There is; click on User CP and then on the left there should be Edit Ignore List
Godwin's law:

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

(When one invokes such a comparison, it's generally pretty clear that he's losing the debate.)
BTW DG, that moron Stupak is not only a tool, but a cheap one. He sold out for a measly $726,409.

I guess as a taxpayer I should be happy he cost so little, but these bribes they are using to sell this bill really piss me off. It is like a mugger stole my wallet and then used the money in it to bribe the cops.

There is; click on User CP and then on the left there should be Edit Ignore List Originally Posted by discreetgent
Thanks. I'll add my first entry.
discreetgent's Avatar
BTW DG, that moron Stupak is not only a tool, but a cheap one. He sold out for a measly $726,409.

I guess as a taxpayer I should be happy he cost so little, but these bribes they are using to sell this bill really piss me off. It is like a mugger stole my wallet and then used the money in it to bribe the cops.

Originally Posted by pjorourke
I'm shocked, shocked that there is gambling going on in here.
pyramider's Avatar
The swastika was unfortunate. The asses and elephants are all brain damaged. They all have their own bullshit agendas. Deal with it. Be a part of the change. Contact your Senators and Representatives and voice your displeasure. But the name calling is uncalled for, even a shithead like me knows that.

Now back on topic, this thing is not a done deal by any stretch of the imagination. It does not not go into effect until 2014. A lot of tinkering can happen between now and then.
atlcomedy's Avatar
BTW DG, that moron Stupak is not only a tool, but a cheap one. He sold out for a measly $726,409.

I guess as a taxpayer I should be happy he cost so little, but these bribes they are using to sell this bill really piss me off. It is like a mugger stole my wallet and then used the money in it to bribe the cops.

Originally Posted by pjorourke
I haven't heard this yet...but wait until the "Judas & 40 pieces of silver" becomes the comparison....
pyramider's Avatar
Its a shame this site doesn't have an ignore list. Originally Posted by pjorourke

I thought I was on it.
discreetgent's Avatar
I haven't heard this yet...but wait until the "Judas & 40 pieces of silver" becomes the comparison.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
These types of grants are routine.
Agreed. The concept of a moderate Democrat is a myth. They are all Pelosistas. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Extreme left = Communists (at least Repubs called Dems that today)
Extreme right = Nazis
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Thanks. I'll add my first entry. Originally Posted by pjorourke
PJ, you can dish it out but you can't take it? Go ahead, put me on ignore. No guts no glory.

BTW, I didn't lose an argument. House passed the bill. It was PJ who became offensive with his Obamacare and Pelosistas comments. He should have a little more respect: Obama is the President, and Pelosi is 3rd in line.
atlcomedy's Avatar
OneHotMale's Avatar
No such thing as a moderate Republican either. Since the Republicans are tossing around the "socialist" epithet, it's only fair to say all the Republicans are Nazis. Looks like PJ is lined up right there. Here's a sign for you: Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Totally uncalled for post CS.
John Bull's Avatar
JUst in case it wasn't seen above. there will be no more name calling. You know who I'm talking to.