Where are the Classy Girls? Also, Tips for Gentlemen

Dorfy, now stalking me across the whole internet! I bet you can taste what I had for dinner two days ago. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
you obviously don't know what stalking is smh grow up
pyramider's Avatar
Oh my gosh! I mailed them to you. Please tell me you received those 8x10 glossies. Originally Posted by Ansley
I was counting on those taint photos to help me recover from knee surgery, too. You know the healing power of taint ...
chicagoboy's Avatar
They certainly put a spring in my step!

Eat your heart out, Three Sides.
I'm not assuming anything. I have seen how much you run your mouth here and the Houston forum. I saw the review and how much you ran your mouth. That's enough to scare lots of women away. Originally Posted by Ansley
I know right. He has no clue.
No that's the point for lurkers. For big mouths like you - not so much. That's ok, own it big guy. You are entertaining. Originally Posted by armature
I was trying to be nice.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
I was trying to be nice. Originally Posted by Ansley
Nice! Quoting an alt Manhandle throwaway account out of context in a different thread to make a snide comment in an unrelated thread that you forced yourself into like an unwanted third wheel.

Keep it classy!
pyramider's Avatar
Some fucktards just do not know when to throw in the towel...
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Some fucktards just do not know when to throw in the towel... Originally Posted by pyramider
Some fucktards think there's a fight.
Nice! Quoting an alt Manhandle throwaway account out of context in a different thread to make a snide comment in an unrelated thread that you forced yourself into like an unwanted third wheel.

Keep it classy! Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
There you go again thinking you know everything. That isn't a manhandle. Like she said, she's a retired escort. Actually, I know quite a few of the Houston members. See, I used to visit Houston quite often and have met many of the characters over dinners, lunches and poker tournaments. I also used to post a lot in the Houston forum. Now not so much.

"Keep it classy"? I've never tried to be classy, I am who I am. I've never referred to myself as classy and and have never used that word in an ad. In fact I think the use of that word is base and tacky. But you go on and find that classy lady.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
This has been an interesting thread to read. Lots of ideas/opinions to ponder and weigh.
I truly did enjoy the ideas and thoughts put out on this thread.
pyramider's Avatar
Some fucktards thinck there's a fight. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman

Fixed it.

You are mistaken, again. This fucktard knows there is no fight and also knows when one should STFU or keep showing how slow they are on the uptake.
CarlaHollandStrange's Avatar
lol.......... just love it. Well said.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Fixed it.

You are mistaken, again. This fucktard knows there is no fight and also knows when one should STFU or keep showing how slow they are on the uptake. Originally Posted by pyramider
If you want my taint photo, just ask. Otherwise, get off my nuts. As I said in the thread you fine folks have dragged over here, I feel no need to kowtow. There are no prizes here. No freebies. No one in need of impressing. A couple of dirty tramps and a couple of non-hobbying internet trolls picked a fight with me...and suddenly a handful of internet tag-a-longs want me to shush, take whatever is thrown my way, for fear of... ...being ostracized by those same internet trolls whose opinions aren't worthy of consideration, let alone respect.

Its ok Pyramider. Keep licking that taint - maybe Wakeup or Dorothy will give you a mustache ride. If you're quite done being a suckup to a couple of twatwaffles, kindly either bugger yourself off, or join this lovely conversation on ladies and gentlemen.
pyramider's Avatar
You just keep digging that hole a little deeper every time you post. Point of order, I hobby plenty and do not pick fights. Exactly where have I been a suck up? I have known Ansley on three, maybe four SHMBs. I have never met her and may never meet her, our schedules never have lined up. Now I can easily point out where you have been a tool.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
You just keep digging that hole a little deeper every time you post. Point of order, I hobby plenty and do not pick fights. Exactly where have I been a suck up? I have known Ansley on three, maybe four SHMBs. I have never met her and may never meet her, our schedules never have lined up. Now I can easily point out where you have been a tool. Originally Posted by pyramider
I see that you're going full TUMA instead of backing off then. Enjoy!

That hole you refer to is filled with comedy, and I'm digging through the teenage-like angst of you and yours to get to the bottom, where I'll find the perfect courtesan I've been seeking all these months. Your wrath holds no sway over me, nor the bumbling idiots who form your clique.

I'm here to find women with whom I can drink good wine, have better conversation, even better sex, and the best of experiences - then to share the tales of it and compare experiences to see what else I haven't thought of.

You're here to...what? Follow me around, tell me I'm hobbying wrong, and warn me about the wrath of a spent hooker and two non-reviewing trolls? GTFO.
pyramider's Avatar
Why in tebow's name would I follow you around? You have no entertainment value ... I certainly have never cared how, when, where, or with whom you hobby. Who is a non reviewer? Certainly, not me...besides anyone who measures themselves by number of reviews is compensating. I have no need to compensate, my 1.3" of dangling death is legendary.