Wash your Ass/Cock/Pussy Superthread - I've mentioned this before but, clean IT up!

One thing I LOVE though for hygiene is when men shave their hair down there. That really makes a difference as a lot of hair often traps odors even with good washing. And if a guy is uncircumcized...please, please...pull back that foreskin and wash carefully.Otherwise it smells like a dying octopus. Originally Posted by alluringava

For the record, I'm both circumcised and I shave Elmo and Fudd. I hear that alot from the fems. A big "Thank You", or, "I like that you shave...".

I just do so out of preference, but the fact that the ladies weeeally love it, AND1!

Note: I do love the natural (clean) scent of a woman. Not really big on perfume and all of that dainty stuff. That's great when in public, but BCD, I like a nice, clean woman with a very nice natural scent. Oh, and WASH YOUR ASS PLEASE does apply here too...Clean in ALL areas (never know where my tongue...ooops, mind will wonder). Thancks!
The same goes for men... with my handle, if I smell any urine, I'm pre-washing them before. Pull back any skin they have, clean it well, clean the balls.. hell I don't mind giving them a bath first if they want. lol

And if I don't have to and the man smells good like axe body wash or any other soap, I compliment him on how he smells. I just love to smell on a good smelling man and I even hug them longer.

As for men who shave down there - A BIG THANK YOU. I love that. My nose really tickles and I feel like sneezing if they have super bush down there.

As for women, I remember last year when Loving Kayla posted about the Rephresh Gel you can get at Walgreens... every woman should use that stuff. It's amazing.
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  • Maxx
  • 12-08-2011, 09:55 AM
I've been lucky I guess, I've only had 1 stanky provider in all the years of my hobbying. I politely said I really would just like a bng instead and she offered and gave back some of the donation. Lucky me.

I also shower before each encounter and use lots of body wash in every crevice. I've had providers tell me I smell good and it does definately add to the experience when she's very responsive to the cleanliness. I shave the boys on the sides and around the shaft (kinda leave a Brazillian on the boys and trim what's there to about 1/2"), and trim the bush as much as I can to get around the SO (gotta leave some so she doesn't get too suspicious) I'm not a really hairy guy anyway so I can get away with some trimming. I would prefer to shave the boys entirely if I could as the smooth feeling just feels better to me, and I think most providers like it too. Only a few have mentioned that they like it, but they tend to give me much more attention on the boys then before I shaved them. It also cuts down on that moment when a stragler hair gets in their teeth or throat and they have to stop to pull it out. That can kill a really good moment. Oh, and I do prefer a shaved or well trimmed kitty too. Just my .02 on the issue.
I've been lucky I guess, I've only had 1 stanky provider in all the years of my hobbying. I politely said I really would just like a bng instead and she offered and gave back some of the donation. Lucky me.

I also shower before each encounter and use lots of body wash in every crevice. I've had providers tell me I smell good and it does definately add to the experience when she's very responsive to the cleanliness. I shave the boys on the sides and around the shaft (kinda leave a Brazillian on the boys and trim what's there to about 1/2"), and trim the bush as much as I can to get around the SO (gotta leave some so she doesn't get too suspicious) I'm not a really hairy guy anyway so I can get away with some trimming. I would prefer to shave the boys entirely if I could as the smooth feeling just feels better to me, and I think most providers like it too. Only a few have mentioned that they like it, but they tend to give me much more attention on the boys then before I shaved them. It also cuts down on that moment when a stragler hair gets in their teeth or throat and they have to stop to pull it out. That can kill a really good moment. Oh, and I do prefer a shaved or well trimmed kitty too. Just my .02 on the issue. Originally Posted by Maxx

I worked VERY briefly in a brothel just to see what it was like to be legal, and I have to tell you all that men who walked into brothels were FAR dirtier sometimes than men who saw independent escorts. I don't know why...but a lot of the men were drunk and sometimes, we got country men ( cowboy types who never took a bath). So I have a horror story and I kid you not....a guy ( cowboy) who looked pretty shabby came in and he selected a girl whose room was right next to mine. As you know, in legal prostitution, all girls have to do a DC.. a dick check...they have to examine the penis in front of a bright light and swipe the guy down with betadine.

Well all of a sudden, we all heard this horrible screaming. The madam burst through the door to see what was wrong, and so did I and a bunch of other girls, and the guy's pants were down, and I kid you not...HIS CROTCH WAS CRAWLING WITH CRABS. One of the crabs ( they are white and fairly large) JUMPED OFF HIS PUBIC AREA and landed on the poor girl's face. The madam immediately told the guy to leave ( can you imagine he had the NERVE to go in there like that!) and to be safe boiled all the sheets and everything in the room.

That was the worst I ever heard! And then there was this...foreign guy I remember that a friend of mine used to see ( and I don't know why she continued to see him without asking him to wash first). He was from a country( I won't say which one) where people don't take baths very often, and the men are uncircumcized. Well, I guess I don't need to say how filthy he was down there with the foreskin pulled back, and even worse, he wanted a BBBJ. ICK. She used a party hat but still. YUCK YUCK YUCK!!
Still Looking's Avatar
I worked VERY briefly in a brothel just to see what it was like to be legal, and I have to tell you all that men who walked into brothels were FAR dirtier sometimes than men who saw independent escorts. I don't know why...but a lot of the men were drunk and sometimes, we got country men ( cowboy types who never took a bath). So I have a horror story and I kid you not....a guy ( cowboy) who looked pretty shabby came in and he selected a girl whose room was right next to mine. As you know, in legal prostitution, all girls have to do a DC.. a dick check...they have to examine the penis in front of a bright light and swipe the guy down with betadine.

Well all of a sudden, we all heard this horrible screaming. The madam burst through the door to see what was wrong, and so did I and a bunch of other girls, and the guy's pants were down, and I kid you not...HIS CROTCH WAS CRAWLING WITH CRABS. One of the crabs ( they are white and fairly large) JUMPED OFF HIS PUBIC AREA and landed on the poor girl's face. The madam immediately told the guy to leave ( can you imagine he had the NERVE to go in there like that!) and to be safe boiled all the sheets and everything in the room.

That was the worst I ever heard! And then there was this...foreign guy I remember that a friend of mine used to see ( and I don't know why she continued to see him without asking him to wash first). He was from a country( I won't say which one) where people don't take baths very often, and the men are uncircumcized. Well, I guess I don't need to say how filthy he was down there with the foreskin pulled back, and even worse, he wanted a BBBJ. ICK. She used a party hat but still. YUCK YUCK YUCK!! Originally Posted by alluringava
To someone who showers once or twice a day and every time just before a session, who washes his hands 10-20 times per day, this is very challenging to comprehend.
This has to be the funniest thread I read so far.
Still Looking's Avatar
This has to be the funniest thread I read so far. Originally Posted by DPTKID
Well not the funniest I've read but it is pretty funny! Even my avatar was a normal baby until I went to a brothel and had my dick washed with Betadine! LOL
Well not the funniest I've read but it is pretty funny! Even my avatar was a normal baby until I went to a brothel and had my dick washed with Betadine! LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking

But at least it was clean!
Still Looking's Avatar
But at least it was clean! Originally Posted by alluringava
Clean is one thing, but removing several layers of skin is another! My skin is very sensative!
Well see that's another thing about the LPIN ( legal prostitution in Nevada) system. The state requires for health reasons of course all girls get checked by the doctor every week at 60-90 bucks a pop) but all girls are required to do the DC. There's a sign on the back of the girls' room doors. When the girls would say to the guy " We have to do a DC" the newbies would get panicky and say " What the hell is that?" Um, a DICK CHECK. And some guys really got shy about that LOL...you have them stand next to this blazing 100 watt bulb and look everything over ( when I worked at a brothel very briefly) I even had to put my glasses on. THEN came the betadine. It was just so weirdly impersonal and yet embarassing for the guy at the same time. " Is this really necessary?????" LOL

So I imagine you'd have the same look on your face as in your avatar if you ever had a um...DC. " Mister, lift up that nut sack please..." LOL
Still Looking's Avatar
Well see that's another thing about the LPIN ( legal prostitution in Nevada) system. The state requires for health reasons of course all girls get checked by the doctor every week at 60-90 bucks a pop) but all girls are required to do the DC. There's a sign on the back of the girls' room doors. When the girls would say to the guy " We have to do a DC" the newbies would get panicky and say " What the hell is that?" Um, a DICK CHECK. And some guys really got shy about that LOL...you have them stand next to this blazing 100 watt bulb and look everything over ( when I worked at a brothel very briefly) I even had to put my glasses on. THEN came the betadine. It was just so weirdly impersonal and yet embarassing for the guy at the same time. " Is this really necessary?????" LOL

So I imagine you'd have the same look on your face as in your avatar if you ever had a um...DC. " Mister, lift up that nut sack please..." LOL Originally Posted by alluringava
Experienced the DC but not the Betadine treatment. And you’re very right it was very impersonal.
Bella Companion's Avatar
Smell can indicate an infection too. So she may have cleaned but cannot avoid the odor that comes with intercourse. PID is pretty common place for women in the biz who take on volume and get then get a bacterial infection. Personally, if she smells like that I would be polite but tell her she has an odor and then you have to decide whether or not you want to continue the appointment. I love eating pussy as much as men love it, but I will tell a lady if she has an odor and make her aware of it, in a nice way of course. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
I really like what you just said. I am having a hard time of things because I am NOT a high volume provider. I have alot of nice reviews but honestly it isn't because I see alot of clients back to back. I have been been told recently that it is frustrating to try and get a date with me. I know that when the mood strikes a fella wants a girl pronto but I make it a point to let people know that I am not a last minute sort of girl. I cannot and will not put my health at risk, or libido by taking high volume. Not fair to client and not good for my Kitty!! But I cannot and would not be able to explain this to the next caller. LOL But one of my big reasons for not being available. I know what my limits are. Mentally and physically. I am also popular for certain talents that cannot be faked or produced on demand. heheheh
Bella Companion's Avatar
You've tasted dirty pussy? Originally Posted by Shayla
and what the heck is a clit bowl? Is that like Ball Basin? heheheh.. OMG this thread has me all goofy!!!
I am gonna just say this. The less you mess with the Kitty the fresher she is. No douching, change tampons frequent, wash with good ol soap and warm water, and don't fuck it to death!!
Still Looking's Avatar
and what the heck is a clit bowl? Is that like Ball Basin? heheheh.. OMG this thread has me all goofy!!!
I am gonna just say this. The less you mess with the Kitty the fresher she is. No douching, change tampons frequent, wash with good ol soap and warm water, and don't fuck it to death!! Originally Posted by Bella Companion
Solid Advise! I'll even help with the washing! LOL
Kenya Woods's Avatar
I have given partial refunds to clients because they expected more that I was able to give....if a woman plans on making a a career out of this, (for a short time of course, in the same city) you have to ensure that every client that leaves your incall is completly satisfied and doesnt feel taken .....I could of kept the money...would of liked too...but my reputation, and how my clients feels overall about my service is more important...so Im not sure why they wouldnt give a partial refund...they can smell theyre crotch if u can. Originally Posted by hannahmarie