How much did these guys pay you too say this? Originally Posted by Luvs2PurrrNothing...whores love them some Wakeup...
Sorry Luv but if you are going to defend Everlast start praying to Saint Jude.She's a part of their clique, so disregard anything she has to say. I had a rather long post that was filled with sarcasm, but after thinking about it, I deleted it. She's just not worth it.
If you are going to post anyones history why don't you take a look back at
some of his comments to the other ladies of Eccie. Not to mention
the rest of the off color "humor" he has put up.
Everlast used to have on his signature line " Dear John said WU is a cancer
on this board and he tells it like it is"
This is your "good guy".
Wait for it......
R Duke Originally Posted by rduke4923
Miss, shouldn't you be pacing yourself? 90 days is a long time to hold down the fort alone. ijsI know you guys are used to getting held down while getting your ass pumped. I'm not interested. The fact that you're counting my words is cute. Do you have a comment on what I said? Because I think it's total bullshit that people gang up on her just because she's associated with him and then try to make themselves seemed better. Ain't nobody in this motherfucker who does that shit any better then wake up here. In fact I would venture to say that they're worse. It just makes me sick every time it happens. And any man who does that is weak as hell.Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
She's a part of their clique, so disregard anything she has to say. I had a rather long post that was filled with sarcasm, but after thinking about it, I deleted it. She's just not worth it. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHNGang up on hookers much? So you stop being a troll because some random pussy vendors got raped?
Gang up on hookers much? So you stop being a troll because some random pussy vendors got raped?Real nice and ladylike post. You must be proud.
Yeah I figured you wouldn't have anything to say about that. Cuz you know it's weak as hell, is a pussy ass move, and what you're basically doing is going after someone who doesn't even have anything to do with the situation other than that she's associated with him just to trying to get at him. That's just pathetic as fuck. So I don't give a damn what you think I'm worth. Always consider the source first and as far as I'm concerned you ain't about shit for that. I don't give a fuck about you fucking with wake up. Me and wake up aren't "homies"and there is no fucking "clique". I Stand Alone. I say whatever the fuck I want to I do what I want to. And I would have thought by now that you guys would have enough decency to see how wrong that shit is. What did Valerie ever do to you?
I wouldn't be surprised if you beat up on retarded kids when you were in school, or snatched nice old ladies purses. Was fucked up is I actually liked you until you started insulting her just because you were losing a battle with wake up? Sad. Anybody who thinks that shit is okay is sad also. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
I spent around 30 minutes trying to search out the thread that I made disparaging remarks about Valerie. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Well, at least when I had a session with my favorite provider, I didn't have to run and get blood work done.
How about your 'wife'? ( I really and truly didn't want to go here, but what the fuck, like Candace in the context of this thread she's an innocent ) Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Real nice and ladylike post. You must be proud.Bullshit. You're a liar. And you don't have to worry about sinking down to my level, you're already well below everyone here including wakeup. The fact that you're sitting up here trying to bullshit about it as weak as fuck because you've made way more than one comment about her, and disparaging isn't the word for it. Now you don't remember what you say? Like I said ... Weak.
I was going to sink down to your level and make a long post, but felt bad about what I posted and deleted it.
edit: I spent around 30 minutes trying to search out the thread that I made disparaging remarks about Valerie. I do remember stating something negative about her, however I did apologize to her in the same thread for what I posted. That's all I could do, and I've moved on. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Thanks for posting something without any context.
looking for one of my REAL all time favorites Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I'm going to call bullshit on the whole providers are people too because they get raped shit. Several times you have been into it with wake up and you have done everything you can to mock, ridicule, and otherwise try to bully Valerie, who is all the way in London mind you, just to try and get at him. I can pull it up but there has been a plethora of things that you have said about her and she wasn't even involved in you guys conversation.... so, what? London whores don't get raped? Or is it because of she's associated with?
You gone out of your way to try and offend me because either I didn't agree with you or because who I was associated with in the thread. No hard feelings, I didn't give a damn anyways.
You, just like everyone else, are okay with your own behavior but when someone else does it you feel the need to chastise them. You, just like everyone else are nice to who you want to be nice too and those who you don't, you won't.
And while I'm at it and can rub it in... how is your vacation? Now you can get up off that high ass horse when you're talking about me and my bans. Since I know how much someone being banned makes them irrelevant to you afterwards. Hahaha Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
I wasn't addressing you at all.
I wasn't defending wakeup.
I wasn't even talking about wakeup.
I was addressing Dear_John, and was talking about and defending Valerie.
Please, step out of the conversation, especially if you don't get it, can't keep up, or have poor reading comprehension.
If Dear_John is your "good" guy, you can save your breath on that too because not only does he troll and be hateful in his own right (like everyone else), he's a world class hypocrite.
Too bad you're so ate up with it at wakeup that you didn't do your research.
I don't need your help here.
Thanks. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
I know you guys are used to getting held down while getting your ass pumped. I'm not interested. The fact that you're counting my words is cute. Do you have a comment on what I said? Because I think it's total bullshit that people gang up on her just because she's associated with him and then try to make themselves seemed better. Ain't nobody in this motherfucker who does that shit any better then wake up here. In fact I would venture to say that they're worse. It just makes me sick every time it happens. And any man who does that is weak as hell. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
Gang up on hookers much? So you stop being a troll because some random pussy vendors got raped?
Yeah I figured you wouldn't have anything to say about that. Cuz you know it's weak as hell, is a pussy ass move, and what you're basically doing is going after someone who doesn't even have anything to do with the situation other than that she's associated with him just to trying to get at him. That's just pathetic as fuck. So I don't give a damn what you think I'm worth. Always consider the source first and as far as I'm concerned you ain't about shit for that. I don't give a fuck about you fucking with wake up. Me and wake up aren't "homies"and there is no fucking "clique". I Stand Alone. I say whatever the fuck I want to I do what I want to. And I would have thought by now that you guys would have enough decency to see how wrong that shit is. What did Valerie ever do to you?
I wouldn't be surprised if you beat up on retarded kids when you were in school, or snatched nice old ladies purses. Was fucked up is I actually liked you until you started insulting her just because you were losing a battle with wake up? Sad. Anybody who thinks that shit is okay is sad also. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
Bullshit. You're a liar. And you don't have to worry about sinking down to my level, you're already well below everyone here including wakeup. The fact that you're sitting up here trying to bullshit about it as weak as fuck because you've made way more than one comment about her, and disparaging isn't the word for it. Now you don't remember what you say? Like I said ... Weak.Just for the record.
The fact that you're trying to defend this shit like it's right makes it even more screwed up. I thought for a moment that you would actually man up. But why would you?
And yes, the fact that you would even bring up some raped hookers in your justification is disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. I'm sure mama would be proud Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus