Your questions are a little disingenuous.
1. Do you believe that there should be age restrictions on having unlimited access to handguns?
Why add that word to the discussion? What does it mean to you? Is access the same thing as purchase (it does to a local sheriff in Platte County)? We're talking about a law and have to be precise.
2. Do you believe that an individual has the right to ban guns from his/her home?
This entire question has nothing to do with laws made by the government so is a non-starter to begin with.
3. Do you believe that certain weapons such as an M-16 should be banned from the general public?
Come on! Go big or go home. Most of your ilk will use the rocket launcher or nuclear bomb attack at this point. You want to sound reasonable so you go with the M16, why not the AK47? In any event the devil is in the details again. The AR15 is very much like the M16 but it is NOT the M16. Still many gun grabbers will lump them together because of look and not function. Let me ask you this, do really mean to say "automatic weapons" or "assault weapons" in general? Assuming you mean "automatic weapons" I would say no to an outright ban for a couple or reasons; I do not trust government to create a working law since you always have trouble defining the problem. The other is that government COULD place a tax on automatic weapons making it very difficult to afford them (but not impossible) and place other restrictions on them that will be enforced by local authorities who know the owners much better than some DC bureaucrat. In other words, the status quo. Of course we will continue to get nightly news broadcasts with stories of automatic weapons fights in the street.....what? we don't get stories like that? Maybe something is working....or maybe the effectiveness of full auto is overrated in most circumstances. Probably the reason the military went to the three shot burst.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I went back and added "unlimited" to my question to make it broader. I don't think it is a difficult question to understand. I'll make it easier for you. Should there be an age limit as to when someone should be allowed to walk down the street with a handgun strapped to his/her side? That is gun control.
The second question is also a simple one but again I'll make it easier for you. Not allowing people to carry handguns into establishments (a home is an establishment) such as some movie theaters, military bases, and any other establishment that chooses to ban them, is gun control. In past threads you and YOUR ilk have consistently argued against gun free zones. Right now there is a proposed bill in the Texas legislature asking that certain establishments allow concealed gun license holders to carry their handguns into those establishments. Also, there will be a proposed bill forcing public colleges in the state of Texas to allow those with CHLs the right to carry their handguns anywhere on campus. So don't tell us that government cannot control where people can carry handguns.
On the 3rd point, I didn't want to turn this into a discussion on which weapons are automatic, semi-automatic, and which should or should not be banned from the general public. I fully expected you to support the right to purchase M-16s. The question was would you support the right of ANYONE to purchase and carry an M-16?