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  • 05-17-2011, 02:41 PM
Ahhh the emotionally needy. We are only as loyal as our options. The older you get, the less physically attractive... the more fearful. And what is fear... a mind killer. Originally Posted by skudd
Ahhhh but the stats say otherwise!

The divorce rate has risen by nine per cent in four years, according to the latest official statistics. But the figures also reveal that couples married for more than 30 years are now twice as likely to divorce as they were ten years ago.
Analysts believe the change has occurred because women now feel more financially independent and have become happy to strike out on their own rather than remaining in unhappy marriages.
The number of divorces in the UK in 2004 was 167,116. The average male age was 42.7 and female, 40.2, up from 39.3 and 36.7 respectively ten years ago. In the early 1980s around half of divorcing men were over 35. Now more than three quarters are in that age group.
Men in their late 30s and early 40s are now for the first time as likely to divorce as those under 24. In 1986 the younger men were twice as likely to go through a divorce

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-390206/Older-couples-fuelling-rise-divorce-rates.html#ixzz1Me1o4k00

According to Edmonton Journal, Statistics Canada has reported a disturbing increase in the number of older couples who are opting for divorce.
Between 1993 and 2003, Canada’s overall divorce rate fell by more than 11%, led by declines of over 40% among people in their 20’s and close to 30% among people in their 30’s. While divorce among couples in their 40’s rose slightly, the rate jumped 34% for those in the 50-54 age group. Among those aged 55-59, it reached a staggering peak of 47%. For those in their early 60s, the increase was less, but it still stood at 31.7%. Among seniors, it fell further to 9.2%


Oh I KNOW you didn't just intentionally post a link to the frigging Daily Mail WTF.
Can't you find another one?
If you do, I will read it. Promise.

Naomi4u's Avatar
Ahhh the emotionally needy. We are only as loyal as our options. The older you get, the less physically attractive... the more fearful. And what is fear... a mind killer. Originally Posted by skudd

I agree!
The older you get, the less physically attractive... the more fearful. Originally Posted by skudd
I would imagine that there are women that feel that way. I would make a bet that there are a lot more women that feel that as they mature, they feel more comfortable with themselves and have more self confidence.
Ahhhh but the stats say otherwise!

The divorce rate has risen by nine per cent in four years, according to the latest official statistics. But the figures also reveal that couples married for more than 30 years are now twice as likely to divorce as they were ten years ago.
Analysts believe the change has occurred because women now feel more financially independent and have become happy to strike out on their own rather than remaining in unhappy marriages.
The number of divorces in the UK in 2004 was 167,116. The average male age was 42.7 and female, 40.2, up from 39.3 and 36.7 respectively ten years ago. In the early 1980s around half of divorcing men were over 35. Now more than three quarters are in that age group.
Men in their late 30s and early 40s are now for the first time as likely to divorce as those under 24. In 1986 the younger men were twice as likely to go through a divorce

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-390206/Older-couples-fuelling-rise-divorce-rates.html#ixzz1Me1o4k00

According to Edmonton Journal, Statistics Canada has reported a disturbing increase in the number of older couples who are opting for divorce.
Between 1993 and 2003, Canada’s overall divorce rate fell by more than 11%, led by declines of over 40% among people in their 20’s and close to 30% among people in their 30’s. While divorce among couples in their 40’s rose slightly, the rate jumped 34% for those in the 50-54 age group. Among those aged 55-59, it reached a staggering peak of 47%. For those in their early 60s, the increase was less, but it still stood at 31.7%. Among seniors, it fell further to 9.2%


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...rce-rates.html Originally Posted by WTF
hm, from studies i have heard it depends how long people were married and which generation they belong too. The generation of our average client is less likely to get a divorce. The younger generations do. Plus, it depends on how conservative the attitude is. The marriage i know are the ones where money is intertwined and one is dependent on the other, and does not really need to create money.
The young marriages are way more financially independent and way more to get divorced.

Plus, if older couples get divorced its mainly because the WOMEN want it. A man never gets a divorce when he manages already to stay married for 30 years and have escorts. Divorced men are the most pitiful men i have ever seen.
I would imagine that there are women that feel that way. I would make a bet that there are a lot more women that feel that as they mature, they feel more comfortable with themselves and have more self confidence. Originally Posted by Ansley
I agree with you! It depends on how much physical attractiveness mattered. The wife of my ex was totally worried about her physics because that is how she defined her life. So if you get older and you have nothing than your looks then its bad. Or if you get men because of the looks and because you want them to take care of you like a daddy.

For me on the other hand life gets significant better the older i get and i feel much more "attractive" because of my inner spirit. And the men i attract don`z care so much about physical attributes generally.

Lets put it blunt: if you don`t mature when you age then the looks matter and you will be jealous about every 20 year old that crosses your husbands matress. But if you mature and age then it will look as ridiculous as it mostly is :-). I have dated a man that was 30 years older than me when i was 18 and now i really really wonder what it is that HE got out of the relationship :-). We still are friends, but in the aftermath you realize it was never a "mature" relationship.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Divorced men are the most pitiful men i have ever seen. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Please expand on that.
Please expand on that. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
What i meant to say is that a man that gets divorced from his wife after a long marriage is very very very pitiful in the sense that they almost get destroyed by their wives leaving them.

When a woman divorces , she gets to feel better way sooner, because of the social connections women have.

Men tend to withdraw themseleves more, especially the older generation. I have seen plenty of them.
Now you read all these braggadacious posts about how their women won`t do this and that and how they need to cheat, but i bet a million dollar, if they could have all the freedom of the world when their wives leave them, they would rather not have it. :-)

So i think people should generally pay more respect to marriages. I have had it with young snobbish escorts turned free lovers telling me their exploits are only married because of the money or the wife needs them , but in reality "they" are their true love. What bullshit.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I divorced the wife a few years back. Nobody cheated and the sex was great. She had a personality disorder and after years of trying to be supportive I could no longer take the verbal and emotional abuse.
She fought the divorce and then when she realised she couldn't make me stay she decided to make me pay. As a matter of fact I just made my 60th and final spousal support payment. YAY!
I divorced the wife a few years back. Nobody cheated and the sex was great. She had a personality disorder and after years of trying to be supportive I could no longer take the verbal and emotional abuse.
She fought the divorce and then when she realised she couldn't make me stay she decided to make me pay. As a matter of fact I just made my 60th and final spousal support payment. YAY! Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
I congratulate on your courage. You told me about a woman of yours that passed away? Is that someone else?

Emotional abuse is in my book the most severe form of abuse because its so "invisible". What kind of personality disorder if i may ask? Borderline? Was she on medication?
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  • 05-18-2011, 08:06 AM
Oh I KNOW you didn't just intentionally post a link to the frigging Daily Mail WTF.
Can't you find another one?
If you do, I will read it. Promise.

X Originally Posted by Camille
I provided two links and earlier a book. The Daily Mail just repeated the latest official statistics. But you can believe what you want. I am not trying to change your beliefs but facts are facts. Is it a Rag? I will take your word for it. Are they correct stats? You be the judge.

The divorce rate has risen by nine per cent in four years, according to the latest official statistics. But the figures also reveal that couples married for more than 30 years are now twice as likely to divorce as they were ten years ago.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz1MiEaEzn2
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  • 05-18-2011, 08:11 AM

After 40, it's wives who divorce the husbands

By CHAKA FERGUSON Associated Press
Associated Press
May. 26, 2004 08:25 PM

NEW YORK - Two-thirds of divorces after age 40 are initiated by wives, debunking the myth of an older man divorcing his wife for a younger woman, a new survey shows.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I was over forty when I divorced her.
But then I never was like the crowd.
a hahahahahaha, yes you`d have a hard time getting me out of your bed,...I`d probably hire youyou'd be screaming "DRILL BABY! DRILL!" more than Sarah Palin.............

And as usual to the other topics you don`t understand the difference between facts and interpretations.
We are our biology. that might be rightz to some extent, but you conclude habits and social interactions based on INTERPRETATIONS of biological facts, This is outdated and heavily biased. Just because men and women have different genes does not allow them to make conclusions towards habits.Hmmmmmmmm....I didn't know men stopped letting their biology lead the way.....wasn't there some news out recently about a countryman of yours who was the governor of California?
your presentation of men as "sporeading sperms" is old fashioned and outdated.
that's a very curious comment from a lady whose income is dependent upon the correctness of my opinion........
Read the book called "sperm wars" which says the same about women what you say now about men.

The interpretations of biological facts as you call them vary from century to century and i`d call them biased and fairy tales at best.
Its a perfect representation of social models and world views put on science. Originally Posted by ninasastri

Or if you get men because of the looks and because you want them to take care of you like a daddy.
And the men i attract don`z care so much about physical attributes generally.
they must be Austrian because I just saw a picture of Arnold's mistress and he didn't seem to care about looks
Lets put it blunt: if you don`t mature when you age then the looks matter and you will be jealous about every 20 year old that crosses your husbands matress.yes, mature women who got it together don't care how many 20 year olds cross their husbands' matresses..... I have dated a man that was 30 years older than me when i was 18 and now i really really wonder what it is that HE got out of the relationship :-). sex and the ego boost he got from other people knowing he got young-stuff.....what else was there available for him to get out of the relationship? Originally Posted by ninasastri