Sugar Daddys


I happily ride into the SB/SD sunset. Good Luck to you.-8
bladtinzu's Avatar
My Italian friend says "if its got wheels or dick, it will give you trouble" Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Typical man-hater...
Women are easily replaced. Disposable one might say.. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
Yes , I am aware of that category of men. Good point. Now I am aware again why I charge money )... They are the ones where I consider that the Diamonds they give me are a girls best friend.....
Typical man-hater... Originally Posted by bladtinzu
No, She`s italian....And judges by italian standards.
Gotyour6's Avatar
What is that expression? Turnaround is a fair play? In that case may be we want add this to the "summation"

I have been with clients and SD's. There is a difference. That difference will never be understood by a client/trick/john. It is what it is.

Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
I agree 100%
bladtinzu's Avatar
No, She`s italian....And judges by italian standards. Originally Posted by ninasastri

...... Originally Posted by bladtinzu

Bom dia, Bladtinzu..... ?
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bladtinzu's Avatar

No this chick above is awesome.. Your average at best
I’ve been lurking on this board for a while and can’t help but notice a theme amongst the providers.

Right or wrong, the men generally make the rules. Whether they are gentlemen or hypocritical donkeys, as long as “we” need them to book appointments or pick “us” for their SB…we are at their mercy and therefore their opinion does count. I can see from a SD perspective the difference between the hopeful, naïve, humble college co-ed who is struggling to make a better life for herself vs. the professional, seasoned provider who is looking for a sugar daddy as a means to retire. Personally, I’d go with option #1 - it’s not insulting, only common sense.

While some of the gals view the provider career choice as a noble one, in which they have martyred themselves to provide a much needed service to the many hobbyists who need them – the truth is we are all interchangeable. Have an accident tomorrow and see if any of your best clients, the ones who adore you, show up to offer up financial support. Send out a mass email to 30 and ask for them to donate the cost of two sessions to your medical fund and see how many come through. Chances are very few.

I’m new to this and when I had no other options, I cringed and thought “here goes nothing” and amazingly fast money seemed to appear from the sky. This is easy and if you are not in the right frame of mind, addicting. Imagine life if you had to get up at 5 am and work a 12 hour shift on an assembly line. Imagine if when your car broke down you didn’t have a way to make an easy $500 or a forum to ask openly for assistance from men who were ready and willing to barter? That’s hard. Not this.

I personally don’t see the difference between SB and Provider, both are accepting money in exchange for services. The problem with both is the men don’t respect you, period. Men are shallow and may lapse in to temporary moments of infatuation but they usually snap out of it. Even the college co-ed runs the risk of being moved in to the category of obligation/burden when her charm expires. That’s the bottom line. When that happens, it’ll be when he is ready, which will most likely never coincide with when you are ready. To depend on a man for support or “happily ever after” is a horrible thing. Sure you may meet a man who falls in love and supports you financially but don’t count on it.

I myself thought about a SD before deciding on body rubs but I just couldn’t do it. Something about a grown adult having to depend on another adult for support seemed ridiculous. Whatever I need or want, I must earn, that’s how life works.

When I was a child and we were going to visit a close friend or relative, my mom would grab my arm and stop me just before we reached the door and say “YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY OR THIRSTY” and that was that. Even if my throat burned and I couldn’t swallow, I never asked for anything and even when offered a drink, I’d often pleasantly decline. Seems harsh but in reality she taught me a very important life lesson – it is shameful to freely ask others for things and when offered something, accept it with humility and appreciation. To this day, whether I am given a can of peas or a pendant, my response is equally grateful.

I can’t see why anyone would go out looking for a SD. If circumstances have you on the provider circuit, know that a SD will only put a band-aid on a blistering infection. What’s your next move? Even the most high end glamorous courtesans will reach their expiration date and then what? I bet most of the retired providers, streetwalkers and courtesans alike, are now in just about the same financial situation. I can’t imagine how they could not be. There is no retirement, no 401k, no medical insurance and surely no man to step up to the rescue when your looks have left you. Then what?

When I was 19 I found myself cut off from my family and on my own. While most of my peers were enjoying college, parties, carefree living and illegitimate baby making – I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I worked a full-time graveyard shift at a job I absolutely hated and when my shift was over I’d take a 1.5 hour bus ride across town to school. Life was hard, incredibly hard. There were days when I couldn’t keep my eyes open and lunch breaks without food. I hadn’t heard of a sugar daddy then but I imagine my life could have been a lot easier.

Maybe with that kind of assistance I would’ve went to law school OR maybe I would’ve lost the value of hard work altogether. Maybe I would’ve become addicted to luxury items and perhaps when he left me I would’ve dropped out of school to become a stripper. Who knows but I do know this much: Hard work and earning what we want builds character.

The men who pay us now, don’t respect us and we’ll probably find that with many men moving forward. I don’t even sell my goodies but I do something else that is just as unacceptable to many men. This is not a career, only a means to survive in the meanwhile. When it is over I’ll have to tell the man I meet about what I did during a hard phase in my life and I know there’s a risk he’ll get up and walk away. There’s a risk he won’t see the difference between me and girl who graduated from the strip club and sold her pumpkin pie for 12 years straight.

Easy come, easy go. Can’t depend on a winning lottery ticket or a SD to give you a happily ever after, only yourself and what you rightfully earn.

No this chick above is awesome.. Your average at best Originally Posted by bladtinzu

Lol..... ....... ....
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VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
okay so youre admiting that you are just fucking these girls for free basically? For their own good they need to be fucked for a purse and not money! Well hunny i am GLAD i am not a SB

And as for the lady with the long post above me, sure youre right, if you are living back in 1950, Sex Sales Baby, and there are lots of things that a woman can do in the sex industry for a long time to keep making oney even after she has retired or gotten too old (if there is such a thing) to provide companionship to a man. Believe it or not this is the oldest profession, and with the lovely mentality of people not wanting to have kids at all, there are a hwole lotta wealthy kiddless men and women married and not married who have a whole lotta free time. And heck money can only buy so much material things, you accumulate alot over a life time, hell if i was rich i would pay for a friend, hell. Older gentlemen say 50-70 sometimes want 50-70 yr old companions, and by that age they may not even have sex i bet just go out to eat n stuff ya know, and i am sure by that age an older proivder will be more settled and will certainly not be like russhing the session.. lmao ... but ya know what i mean? anyways, i just feel that as many people who dont like the fact that there will always be men and women (even thought men do it more) who will pay for companionship ( i am saying companionship not sex, even though we all know thats included in sb/sd & provider realations) too bad so sad there have people who have been mad from the day they were born till the day they die that escorting is going on. And the sugar daddies are mad too, that these young hot girls dont want to just spend all their time with them in a relationship that is surely not going to end up in marriage (because 80% of sugar daddies are married).

I say any woman who is not courting a man who is going to marry them has no obligation to give them free ass!!

I mean it goes back to the olden days, a womans sex is to be guarded for her husband, and the only way past that has always been $$$

I know as well that alot of sugar Daddies get scammed alot more than hobbyist(cause thats what free shit gets you), unless youre like baldtinzu and only give out purses... lol

There is no justification for taking advantage of young naive girls, who don't know their worth. Hell alot of women don't know their worth. I say a True Independent Provider is the realest person you will ever meet.

Everyone tries to say oh providers are lazy bitches who make a fast buck are wrong like many things society has made people have the wrong impression. I dont see anyone gettting mad at the politcians that sit on their fat ass and get paid way more than an escort, or all the other corrupt ass shit there is to do in the world, hell go get mad at the casions for totally jipping folks everyday. Get mad at the guys who are selling you water, and over priced cars/jewelery/star bucks. Be mad at the people who are getting a cut and havent even rolled out of bed yet. There are alot more crooked dollars out there. Providers do a fair service that is obviously in high demand and always will be, because guys want more sex than they can have for free. Because most women are taught not to fuck a guy who doesnt want to someday marry her or that she is madly in love with. So providers are doing you guys a favor, that most women could care less about doing for you.
bladtinzu's Avatar
bladtinzu's Avatar

Right or wrong, the men generally make the rules. Whether they are gentlemen or hypocritical donkeys, as long as “we” need them to book appointments or pick “us” for their SB…we are at their mercy and therefore their opinion does count. Originally Posted by misspriss

She pegged it 100%!!!
I’ve been lurking on this board for a while and can’t help but notice a theme amongst the providers.

Right or wrong, the men generally make the rules. Whether they are gentlemen or hypocritical donkeys, as long as “we” need them to book appointments or pick “us” for their SB…we are at their mercy and therefore their opinion does count. I can see from a SD perspective the difference between the hopeful, naïve, humble college co-ed who is struggling to make a better life for herself vs. the professional, seasoned provider who is looking for a sugar daddy as a means to retire. Personally, I’d go with option #1 - it’s not insulting, only common sense.

While some of the gals view the provider career choice as a noble one, in which they have martyred themselves to provide a much needed service to the many hobbyists who need them – the truth is we are all interchangeable. Have an accident tomorrow and see if any of your best clients, the ones who adore you, show up to offer up financial support. Send out a mass email to 30 and ask for them to donate the cost of two sessions to your medical fund and see how many come through. Chances are very few.

I’m new to this and when I had no other options, I cringed and thought “here goes nothing” and amazingly fast money seemed to appear from the sky. This is easy and if you are not in the right frame of mind, addicting. Imagine life if you had to get up at 5 am and work a 12 hour shift on an assembly line. Imagine if when your car broke down you didn’t have a way to make an easy $500 or a forum to ask openly for assistance from men who were ready and willing to barter? That’s hard. Not this.

I personally don’t see the difference between SB and Provider, both are accepting money in exchange for services. The problem with both is the men don’t respect you, period. Men are shallow and may lapse in to temporary moments of infatuation but they usually snap out of it. Even the college co-ed runs the risk of being moved in to the category of obligation/burden when her charm expires. That’s the bottom line. When that happens, it’ll be when he is ready, which will most likely never coincide with when you are ready. To depend on a man for support or “happily ever after” is a horrible thing. Sure you may meet a man who falls in love and supports you financially but don’t count on it.

I myself thought about a SD before deciding on body rubs but I just couldn’t do it. Something about a grown adult having to depend on another adult for support seemed ridiculous. Whatever I need or want, I must earn, that’s how life works.

When I was a child and we were going to visit a close friend or relative, my mom would grab my arm and stop me just before we reached the door and say “YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY OR THIRSTY” and that was that. Even if my throat burned and I couldn’t swallow, I never asked for anything and even when offered a drink, I’d often pleasantly decline. Seems harsh but in reality she taught me a very important life lesson – it is shameful to freely ask others for things and when offered something, accept it with humility and appreciation. To this day, whether I am given a can of peas or a pendant, my response is equally grateful.

I can’t see why anyone would go out looking for a SD. If circumstances have you on the provider circuit, know that a SD will only put a band-aid on a blistering infection. What’s your next move? Even the most high end glamorous courtesans will reach their expiration date and then what? I bet most of the retired providers, streetwalkers and courtesans alike, are now in just about the same financial situation. I can’t imagine how they could not be. There is no retirement, no 401k, no medical insurance and surely no man to step up to the rescue when your looks have left you. Then what?

When I was 19 I found myself cut off from my family and on my own. While most of my peers were enjoying college, parties, carefree living and illegitimate baby making – I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I worked a full-time graveyard shift at a job I absolutely hated and when my shift was over I’d take a 1.5 hour bus ride across town to school. Life was hard, incredibly hard. There were days when I couldn’t keep my eyes open and lunch breaks without food. I hadn’t heard of a sugar daddy then but I imagine my life could have been a lot easier.

Maybe with that kind of assistance I would’ve went to law school OR maybe I would’ve lost the value of hard work altogether. Maybe I would’ve become addicted to luxury items and perhaps when he left me I would’ve dropped out of school to become a stripper. Who knows but I do know this much: Hard work and earning what we want builds character.

The men who pay us now, don’t respect us and we’ll probably find that with many men moving forward. I don’t even sell my goodies but I do something else that is just as unacceptable to many men. This is not a career, only a means to survive in the meanwhile. When it is over I’ll have to tell the man I meet about what I did during a hard phase in my life and I know there’s a risk he’ll get up and walk away. There’s a risk he won’t see the difference between me and girl who graduated from the strip club and sold her pumpkin pie for 12 years straight.

Easy come, easy go. Can’t depend on a winning lottery ticket or a SD to give you a happily ever after, only yourself and what you rightfully earn. Originally Posted by misspriss
Well said. I agree with most of this.

Chloe x
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
but how do the men have control when we have the pussies? I'm pretty sure if we keep these legs closed they'll just keep giving more money to open them , HA! HA!

now if we all got square jobs, who would you have to suck your dick?

Because obviously you either dont care, or dont have the time to take a girl on a whole bunch of dates and get to know her and be there for her BEFORE you have ever fucked her!! Imagine that helping a girl who you're not fucking... no way right? ( i cant see you staying in a relationship too long without getting what YOU want and all you want is to use a girl for sex, so pay her for tending to your needs as you would any other service in this world, since you know you dont want the girl for nothing but sex, my goodness)

I'd like to see it, i dont know what you guys are trying to say or get at, point is you dont feel like doing it the morally right way to get some pussy so you take the short cut, the way the majority of people would take if they could. What alot of people fail to realize is that sure this is a luxury hobby where only the wealthy can afford to play, sd's open up a new realm of tricksters for broke guys that simply sweet talk girls into giving them what they want, some of them equal about as much as a same aged bf who working a minmum wage job lol , and they really arent helping them at all, just using for sex. That is the point of being a provider, there are lots of men, HELL EVERY MAN wants sex, but does he deserve it? Despite how horny your provider or any other woman says they are all the time, we can hold out much longer than you MAN can. lol

ok but seriously i am trying to stay on topic , Guys want sex SOOO bad they will force sex on a woman, now alot of women want money real bad, but arent too many gonna go rob a guy for it.... but studdies show if a man does not get laid he will get so agitated to the point he will Forceably Take what he NEEDS, not wants NEEDS, Men NEED vagina, or they go crazy!!! thats why we have women who do what other women dont care to do, get you off. You know how many women could care less that your dick was hard? !!! alot. A whole lot will tell you to shove it up your ass , alot of women do not like sex at all, thats why we Providers are here, there is a lack of free sex in this world, Always has been always will be.... this is nothing new, A womans time is not free(especially a very attractive one), because she is in too high of demand.