Christianity is what's wrong with American politics.

Iaintliein's Avatar
But, wasn't the intent of this whole thread to "put it in your face" vis a vie religion? I assure you that my thinking is not tinged with middle eastern mythology, but, "putting it into someone's face" cuts both ways.
You charged me with hypocrisy in this thread, notwithstanding the fact that the last exchange we had was several weeks ago. That clearly shows everyone that you're simply an obnoxious ass. Not a difficult concept!

If you insist on stupidly, disingenuously, and obnoxiously accusing me of hypocrisy, I'm going to call you out on it. You apparently don't even have a clue what the word means. You can't point to a single instance where any reasonable person would conclude that I had manifested hypocrisy in any way, shape, or form, despite having been obsessed with trying to do so for some time. (Note: Drawing your own contorted conclusions after bobbing, weaving, and projecting doesn't count!)

LOL! You have 1,900+ posts, and your obnoxious behavior occurred in numerous "Diamonds & Tuxedos" threads over an extended period of time. Do you really believe that I think it's worth spending my time looking up all that crap? The couple of minutes it takes me to type these words is more time than I really ought to waste on you. And if you have a compulsive need to "continually check in" to see whether I've responded to your troll posts, you have an even bigger problem with obsession than I thought.

I don't have any idea what your problem is, Doove, and I don't care. But you clearly have one, evidenced by the fact that you just can't quit bringing up your obsession. Do yourself a favor and get some help.

CuteOldGuy offered some pretty good advice.

Why don't you take it? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

How about practice what you preach. Not so much you
per se, rather the side you espouse.
School for example should be about educating
instead we get indoctrinating.
Our kids are out of the top 5 nations in
science and math. But they know about condoms
and that same sex relationships are normal.
Our kids feel better about themselves than
kids in other nations- great self-esteem
based on nothing of substance.

I am unaware of any public prayer rallies
wherein any trouble was caused.
It's not believers raping girls in tent villages,
wrecking parks with trash and human waste,
causing businesses to lose money,
having all night drug parties in the tent villas,
defecating on police cars,
or running around naked with children present.
So I am a bit confused as to what christians
have done other than reject the gay mafia's
attempt to culturally legitimize their degenerate
lifestyle and oppose any earth worship in the
form of ecoillogical junk being proseletyzed
to their children.

Well okay we have managed to reverse
majority opinion against RvW.
We'll have to change hearts,
before we change the law.
Know this: RvW will be repealed/rescinded
in my lifetime. I am surer of this than
the Sun rising every morning.

You ain't seen nothing yet. Originally Posted by anaximander
What exactly are you talking about? Where did I imply that I am intolerant of other’s religious beliefs? I’m completely tolerant of other’s beliefs as long as they remain their beliefs and they do not try to indoctrinate me into their religion or God. I am a Jew by Choice. Clearly I have a healthy respect for different belief systems. I just do not, and never will, respect others that do insist on me believing in their God especially a God that I have rejected.

I do agree with regard to education and self esteem. Our kids are self esteem rich but education and reality poor. However, we clearly do not see eye to eye on nearly anything else though. I do not agree that [insert religious belief system here] are as benevolent as they claim to be. A claim is easy to make; it’s another thing entirely to back it up. I do not agree with you on RvW. It is one of the very last bastions of trying to control women. It’s not even sexist. It’s patriarchal nonsense. Witness, that in Mississippi, the heart of the Bible Belt, Amendment 26 was heartily rejected.

But this............

You guys are killing me.tff

My observation thus far is dooop won't
at least support his initial take.
Instead of restating and buttressing
his view- defend the argument- it
gets derailed with inane name calling
and endless parroting of the same crap.

I like mocking and discounting those
I consider idiots as much as the next.
But at least try and defend the argument....
....if you can.

Otherwise it's bitch behavior.
Argues like a damn woman.. Originally Posted by anaximander a classic sexist statement. Fight like a girl? Please. If you’d like, we can go toe to toe on Christianity or abortion. I’ll bet you stray from debate and get personal first. I bet you get bitchy first. Well bitchy again, but before I do. I promise you. I mean like take it to the bank promise you.
Allen Woody's Avatar
1. Looking at the GOP platform, I think the Southern Baptists are already in control

2. I don't think Goldwater envisioned the merge with Christian fundies. As a supporter of gays in the military, I think he would have resented t.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Goldwater was on to the fundamentalists long ago. You are right, he hated them.
True that!
I B Hankering's Avatar
"Politics makes strange bedfellows." Charles Dudley Warner

They're not booing, they're saying Doooooooooooooove!!

No, they're booing.
They're not booing, they're saying Doooooooooooooove!!

No, they're booing.
Originally Posted by gnadfly

No, they're saying Doooooooooooooofus!!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-10-2011, 02:37 PM
So lighten up, man! If what goes on here only pisses you off, go somewhere else. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If anything CM said pissed me off COG, i suppose i would simply resort to calling him an asshole or an insufferable jackass. Over and over and over again.

You're barkin' up the wrong tree.

You charged me with hypocrisy in this thread, notwithstanding the fact that the last exchange we had was several weeks ago. That clearly shows everyone that you're simply an obnoxious ass. Not a difficult concept! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
You really are seemingly pretty dense here, CM. There is no time constraints on your hypocrisy. It's neverending, and it will continue to be that way until your attitude towards me is reflective of your attitude towards other posters who act no different than i do.

If you insist on stupidly, disingenuously, and obnoxiously accusing me of hypocrisy, I'm going to call you out on it.
And i'll continue to do it as long as you continue to be a hypocrite. So be ready to spend a lot of time calling me out on it.

You can't point to a single instance where any reasonable person would conclude that I had manifested hypocrisy in any way, shape, or form, despite having been obsessed with trying to do so for some time. (Note: Drawing your own contorted conclusions after bobbing, weaving, and projecting doesn't count!)
Single instance? I've provided six. And followed it up with an explanation. All you've done in response is call me more names.

LOL! You have 1,900+ posts, and your obnoxious behavior occurred in numerous "Diamonds & Tuxedos" threads over an extended period of time. Do you really believe that I think it's worth spending my time looking up all that crap?
In other words, you can't find anything. If i'm the most obnoxious poster on here, i would think it'd be easy to find posts of mine using search words like "jackass" or "asshole" - where i'm not just quoting you. But since they don't exist, i'll make it easy for you.

Since my argument is that your hypocrisy is, in part, due to your lack of angry posts directed at people not named Doove, failing to call them out for being "insufferable jackasses" when you can't get enough of doing that with me, then point us to 6 posts of yours where you do, in fact, call out other posters as assholes, or jackasses, or whatever terms you may have used to describe them. You can't find incriminating posts in my pile of 1900 posts, that's fine. You should have little trouble, however, finding posts of yours which would go towards proving me wrong.

So i've given you two options to prove me wrong. You can either point to posts of mine which prove i'm more obnoxious or sarcastic than any one of a dozen other posters, or you can point to posts of yours which prove you call out any of those dozen or so posters with as much anger and venom as you direct towards me. I'd pat myself on the shoulder for being so fair minded, but i think that's going a bit overboard.

My suspicion is you'll do neither, and simply resort to more of your angry name calling.

I don't have any idea what your problem is, Doove, and I don't care.
My problem, if you'd call it that, is that you're a hypocrite. I thought i've made that pretty clear. And given the number of posts denying that, you do seem to care.

But you clearly have one, evidenced by the fact that you just can't quit bringing up your obsession.
Actually, this is getting fun. Continually proving you're a hypocrite, while you flail away trying to deny it with nothing more than name-calling tirades.....good stuff!

CuteOldGuy offered some pretty good advice.
Yes he did. Only, as i pointed out, it was a bit misdirected given how angry you seem compared to me.

For the record, this will be my last post on this in this thread. You keep issuing the same denials, and i keep offering the same proof. Time for you to either man up and start offering proof of your own, or there's little need to continue this back and forth.
see above.........gnadfly, see.....I told you they were saying DOOOOOOOOOOFUS!!!!!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There you did it, Cap'n. You drove him off. I hope you're happy now. Gawd, I miss Doove. He was SO entertaining!

Doove, I'm getting ready to meet some people for dinner and might have a few things to get done when I get back home, so my time may be limited. Whatever it is that you were rambling on about in post #190, would you might condensing it in sort of a "CliffsNotes" fashion so that I can catch the gist of it in just a couple of seconds?

Thanks in advance for your consideration!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-10-2011, 05:13 PM
Whatever it is that you were rambling on about in post #190, would you might condensing it in sort of a "CliffsNotes" fashion so that I can catch the gist of it in just a couple of seconds? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Sure thing.

You're a hypocrite.

Thanks in advance for your consideration!
You're welcome!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar