Odds on Trump's Impeachment


TRUMP--- 304

Maybe next time Stupido Originally Posted by Fishy2
I'm singing your song old man, sing it, it's what u are!! meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
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Gee, wanna explain why u asked me to prove a negative, the debate tactic of a retarded 5th grader? Speak up scared little old man? Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
I was not asking you prove anything. I was asking you to clarify your question. I got your question when you asked what proof I had that he was the greatest president. I told you that it's my opinion at this point. Enough fighting for me. I don't want us to be nasty. Peace peace. Seriously. Lets be peaceful. Fun to argue sometimes. I want peace though. Take care.
LMAO! Originally Posted by Fishy2
Just a brain dead old man pussy.....I laugh and make fun of pussies like you all day long, for the good of the country we should round up morons like you and put u out of your misery
Just a brain dead old man pussy.....I laugh and make fun of pussies like you all day long, for the good of the country we should round up morons like you and put u out of your misery Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
So wicked... Relax.
Trump’s First 100 Days: THE RUSSIAN CONNECTION





^^^^^ put up several links so CB don't think i am reading info from a trump hater.

Trump’s racist hypocrisy: Sessions scandal exposes double standard behind dog-whistle calls for “law and order”

Scandal: Michael Flynn's resignation as the White House's National Security Adviser

And this is only after 2 months in office.
If Trump wants to be like Nixon so badly,
he needs to follow in his predecessor’s footsteps and be forced out of office in disgrace.

themystic's Avatar
Trump’s First 100 Days: THE RUSSIAN CONNECTION





Trump’s racist hypocrisy: Sessions scandal exposes double standard behind dog-whistle calls for “law and order”

Scandal: Michael Flynn's resignation as the White House's National Security Adviser

and this is only after 2 months in office.
If Trump wants to be like Nixon so badly, he needs to follow in his predecessor’s footsteps and be forced out of office in disgrace.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Great post copier guy. I'm still blown away at the lengths people go to defend him. I thing Grean mentioned it was about hating Hilary. Was I dreaming or did Pence just get caught using state email "wrong" ,whatever that is. Thanks for your input.

You weren't dreaming:

Also, Sessions recused himself from any investigation in to Trump's dealings with Russia...only because he was caught lying about not talking to the Russians during the campaign.
  • grean
  • 03-03-2017, 08:11 AM
Now... I doubt you are going to agree with these accomplishments. You can find a list of Trumps accomplishments since taking office practically anywhere. More to come from him as well. This is just the beginning. I am not a Trump surrogate. If you need a comprehensive list of the plans you need to go to his official site.

https://townhall.com/columnists/john...ffice-n2287565 Originally Posted by Fishy2
@fishy, read this buddy. You'll be suprised.

There are a couple of items, the TTP & the 2 for 1 reulation reduction, that I'll hit here.

I'm not certain of the wisdom in mandating 2 regulations be cut prior to creating another.

The 2 for 1
First, is there any rule against the new regulation being put in place and also including parts or even the entirety of one of the other regulations that were cut? It's just now a much much bigger single regulation, right? So for political fodder Trump can say he cut the number regulations in half but actual didn't make any real changes.

Regulations can be good. New regulations my also become needed and forcing two others to be removed just because, could have unintended consequences.


First, breathe. Secondly, I don't necessarily disagree with Trumps decision . But it is really complicated. The TPP allegedly would bring in ALOT of, and in terms we here at ECCIE understand, $$$$$$$$$$$! People have said like 300 billion or so over a certain period. However, I believe the revenues would not go the lower middle class as much, at least directly from the trade deal. I'll touch back on what I mean by directly later. That being said, a lot of pro Trump Iowa farmers think pulling out now may not have been such a great idea.

Obviously, pulling out of the TPP does not mean we cannot make bilateral deals with each country that may produce similar revenues. Maybe maybe not. We don't know yet. It isn't like they won't accept the US later into the agreement if it turns out it would be better, especially since it seems the whole deal without the US may be on the rocks.

I see what Sessions was saying about replacing Congress with a global regulatory structure that takes voting power away from Americans. However, I think congress hasn't answered to the American people for some time anyway either. That's BOTH parties fault. I also think a global economy is inevitable as the sun rising.

I think Obama could have framed the TPP and the tax increase on those making 250k or more annually, much better as well as together to sell them to people.

He could have even used a term republicans love, which is "TRICKLE DOWN" and balanced the budget!

Revenues trickle down much much faster than tax breaks. That is to say if a comany gets a tax break but their revenue turnover didn't meet or exceed expectations, it's unlikely they are going to create a new job, which is what Republican's erroneously believe trick down economic's does.

If a company hits those revenue projections, they are more inclined to create a new job and therefor the people in the lower middle class indirectly benefit.

Framed like this...

TPP brings revenues in but more so to wealthier individuals and companies and doesn't do much for the little guy. it's only fair then to have a small tax increase to those making over 250k to help balance the budget and reduce the deficit.

I don't think that sounds horrible. Of he threw in some spending reductions, Obama could have had a deal I think that would have balanced a budget.
  • grean
  • 03-03-2017, 08:30 AM
Great post copier guy. I'm still blown away at the lengths people go to defend him. I thing Grean mentioned it was about hating Hilary. Was I dreaming or did Pence just get caught using state email "wrong" ,whatever that is. Thanks for your input.

Peace Originally Posted by themystic

Bill Clinton: I did not have sex with that woman.

OK...so he did. Therefore,

Then Senator Sessions : HE LIED! HE MUST BE IMPEACHED!


Senate Hearing
Did you talk to the Russians

Sessions at the hearing



Ok. Well I did but I wasn't lying when I said no. I just meant I didn't talk to them about the campaign.

"Hey Billy, this is Jeffry. "

"Sorry for being such a dick back then. You just got a blow job from a consenting adult and I wanted to remove you from office for saying you didn't have sex, which if you really meant you never fucked her little sweet pussy or, and even though I'm not suppose to admit I'm into it, her asshole, was not technically a lie."

I'm going use your reasoning now to challenge calls for me to be thrown out of office because I lied about talking to a Russian who everybody who knows anything in the intel community to be a spy.....


@ CB: I know your a good person and you mean well but, when it comes to TRUMP,
i think he is a train wreck looking for a place to happen.

Obama is gone and won't be back, Hillary is gone and won't be back. Can we stick with the person that has the keys to the white house and the power to play with your tax money like it's free hobby money.

Did Jeff sessions resign yet?
Did trump accomplish any promises yet?

TRUMPS MESSAGE TO MUSLIMS and MEXICANS: Thanks for your vote and some of you had family members that died for our country. NOW GET THE FUCK OUT AND DON'T COME BACK

CG Originally Posted by Fishy2
And I know you to be a good person, as well, Cg. That said...

A) No, Sessions has not resigned nor should he. There's nothing here and everyone knows it. This is nothing but hype and the criticisms are totally unfounded. The politicization of this non-issue is abhorrent.

B) I will continue to use Barry as a barometer of comparison simply because that is the administration that preceded Trump's.

That said, I'll take a page from the Book of Rodgers: R.E.L.A.X. President isn't gonna need 8 years to match all of Barry's accomplishments....let's just give it a rest and take a tally of Goals Met (or not) this time next year.
Odds are we'll see plenty of promises met loooooong before that though.

And those thinking (no, make that praying) that Trump will be impeached by this time next year...Dream On, suckah!

3) Anything on the table...? Again, take a deep breath and read #2 again.

4) The last one...concerning Mexicans and Muslims. Please, Cg...give it a break. Latinos / Hispanics were 11% of the overall vote...and Trump took 29% of that. The Muslim numbers are much sketchier...exit polls say Trump took 13% of that vote.

That said...those of either persuasion that are LEGALLY in the United States have no fear of being deported...and have the right to cast a vote, as well. And as far as Latinos and Muslims that have served and died in our military.....do we have records / stories of any that did so AND were also Illegals?

Illegals of these groups have broken our laws by virtue of being in our country...illegally. And these are NOT laws of Donald Trump; they are laws of our nation, established by both parties over the centuries / decades / years.....
Called Rosie O'Donnell a fat pig and a loser. Originally Posted by themystic

Actually...I happen to agree with this one
Off topics question... is dallas the best area in the country for amps? I am moving to SAN Diego and I am not impressed with the info on eccie for the area compared to dallas. Is there a better site for that area? Orange County? Any thoughts?
  • grean
  • 03-03-2017, 01:03 PM
[QUOTE=Chateau Becot;1059251635]

A) No, Sessions has not resigned nor should he. There's nothing here and everyone knows it. This is nothing but hype and the criticisms are totally unfounded. The politicization of this non-issue is abhorrent.

That said...those of either persuasion that are LEGALLY in the United States have no fear of being deported...and have the right to cast a vote, as well. And as far as Latinos and Muslims that have served and died in our military.....do we have records / stories of any that did so AND were also Illegals? Originally Posted by Copierguy0
In regards to Sessions, while he scares me as the USAG,I do not think he should resign because of his statement . He recused himself from the investigation and that should suffice.

However, Sessions was one leading the charge for Clinton's impeachment and removal from office. Clinton actions while immoral, not that any of us judge, were not potentially illegal or part of a bigger national problem. It was his business. Who hasn't been blown by their secretary? Do you believe the politicization of Clinton's impeachment was just as abhorrent? If not, please explain?

Sessions, I do not believe intended to mislead anyone. Given the attention that the Russian thing has gotten, he had to have known he was going to be asked about it. He was also being confirmed as the USAG. If it slipped his mind that he spoke with the very person everyone else is being looked at fot talking to, then wow. He really needs to ask himself if he is competent to serve as AG. He should have said he did speak to the ambassador but in his role as a senator. He knew he would be asked, and has plenty of time to prepare his remarks. There was no need for him not to tell them. It would have been a complete non story if he did.

Are there stories about Muslims who have served in the military and have trouble with deportation? Yes! A number of people who risked their own safety and their families to help the US fight ISIS were prevented from entering the US during trump's Muslim ban.
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Actually...I happen to agree with this one Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Lmao. I didnt say it wasnt true. Thanks for the Fridat laugh

Have a good weekend