Place your bets here - Electoral College and Senate

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
just for kicks. i'm going to add a few celeb names in there. lol.
Like I mentioned to you, I’d really like to see the Republicans win the senate. I thought this might be a ray of hope. The only poll since the scandal broke, by WRAL, shows Cunningham with a 10 point lead though. I think the republican senators have been drug down by Trump’s debate performance and his Covid infection. I hope they’re able to rebound from that. Originally Posted by Tiny

I think that if the Red Team manages to narrowly hang on to the Senate, it will be able to more or less fully blockade the worst elements of the cascade of ridiculousness that's sure to come surging out of the AOC-inspired House.

One thing I'm wondering, and hoping for, is that even if Democrats control the Senate by a narrow margin, enough Dems from states that lean Republican (or only slightly Democrat) won't be supportive of the "green new deal," big capital gains tax increases, or any of the rest of the economic growth-impeding stuff pushed by the left.

Offhand, Joe Manchin of West Virginia comes to mind.

Are there several others who may be in this camp?
  • Tiny
  • 10-13-2020, 12:45 PM

I think that if the Red Team manages to narrowly hang on to the Senate, it will be able to more or less fully blockade the worst elements of the cascade of ridiculousness that's sure to come surging out of the AOC-inspired House.

One thing I'm wondering, and hoping for, is that even if Democrats control the Senate by a narrow margin, enough Dems from states that lean Republican (or only slightly Democrat) won't be supportive of the "green new deal," big capital gains tax increases, or any of the rest of the economic growth-impeding stuff pushed by the left.

Offhand, Joe Manchin of West Virginia comes to mind.

Are there several others who may be in this camp?
. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Thanks for the post -- I feel better. Yes, there is a ray of hope!

In addition to Manchin, Sinema and Tester might qualify. On particular policies we'll have some help from Democrats. Neither of the New Mexico Senators will support a ban on fracking. Warner's experience as a successful businessman may mean he won't be as radical on taxation as some of his Democratic colleagues.

If you're really interested in outlook for a capital gains tax increase, you might PM me after the week is over as I may have a bit of insight then.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-13-2020, 01:11 PM
sorry, i've moved you into the green faction. should have done this earlier, don't recall you making much statement of support like the others.

philander is new, so i didn't know his position, so hes in the green faction. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I'm not pro Biden.

I've advocated for decades for Democrat in the WH and GOP led House.

Probably best for the country to have a 50/50 Senate.

Have a y of my Tea Party friends added up how much debt Trump has piled up? Hell it was bad when he had a GOP led it's super charged.
adav8s28's Avatar
I'm not pro Biden.

I've advocated for decades for Democrat in the WH and GOP led House.

Probably best for the country to have a 50/50 Senate.

Have a y of my Tea Party friends added up how much debt Trump has piled up? Hell it was bad when he had a GOP led it's super charged. Originally Posted by WTF
The Federal Budget deficit is over a 1 Trillion and that was before CV19. The Trump corporate tax cut has not paid for itself.
From republican Waco Kid's favorite economist Kimberly Amadeo.
winn dixie's Avatar
I'm not pro Biden.

I've advocated for decades for Democrat in the WH and GOP led House.

Probably best for the country to have a 50/50 Senate.

Have a y of my Tea Party friends added up how much debt Trump has piled up? Hell it was bad when he had a GOP led it's super charged. Originally Posted by WTF
Here it is! With his own post folks!

He is not pro bitten but wants a dimretard in the WH!

winn dixie's Avatar
Opppsie ^^^^^^^^^^^^
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-13-2020, 07:13 PM
Here it is! With his own post folks!

He is not pro bitten but wants a dimretard in the WH!

lolling Originally Posted by winn dixie
It's ok little boy....I knew your kind would not understand.

Anything more than tic tac toe throws you for a loop.
winn dixie's Avatar
Here it is! With his own post folks!

He is not pro bitten but wants a dimretard in the WH!

lolling Originally Posted by winn dixie
Opppsie ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Originally Posted by winn dixie
It's ok little boy....I knew your kind would not understand.

Anything more than tic tac toe throws you for a loop. Originally Posted by WTF
rather tic tac DOH lolling

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Presidency -
Pro Biden
adav8s28: ....... Biden wins with 307 electoral votes
Chung Tran: ..... Biden wins with 322 electoral votes
Eccieuser: ...... Biden wins with 275 electoral votes
Munchmasterman: . Biden wins with 318 electoral votes
SpeedRacer: ..... Biden wins with 335 electoral votes
Tsmokies : ...... Biden wins with 300 electoral votes
Bill Maher: ..... Trump wins
Michael Moore: .. Trump wins

Pro Trump
Dilbert: ..... Trump wins with 290 electoral votes & loses popular vote
DTickler: .... Trump wins with 278 electoral votes
Jacuzzme: .... Trump wins with 330 electoral votes
texassapper: . Trump wins with 280 electoral votes
Winn Dixie: .. Trump wins with 277 electoral votes

Anti Biden/Trump
Captain Midnight: Biden wins with 319 electoral votes
PhilLanders: .... Trump wins with 310 electoral votes
Tiny: ........... Biden wins with 335 electoral votes
WTF: .............Biden wins with 320 electoral votes

Senate -
Pro Biden
adav8s28: ..... 48 Republicans and 52 Democrats
Chung Tran: ... 49 Republicans and 51 Democrats
Eccieuser: .... 48 Republicans and 52 Democrats
Munchmasterman: 48 Republicans and 52 Democrats
SpeedRacer: ... 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats
Tsmokies: ..... 45 Republicans and 55 Democrats

Pro Trump
Dilbert: ...... 54.5 Republicans and 45.5 Democrats
DTickler: ...... 52.0 Republicans and 48.0 Democrats
HedonistForever: 48.5 Republicans and 51.5 Democrats
Jackie S.: ..... 54.0 Republicans and 46.0 Democrats
texassapper: ... 54.0 Republicans and 46.0 Democrats
Winn Dixie: .... 50.0 Republicans and 50.0 Democrats

Anti Biden/Trump
Captain Midnight: 49 Republicans and 51 Democrats
PhilLanders: .... 55 Republicans and 45 Democrats
Tiny: ........... 49 Republicans and 51 Democrats
WTF: ............ 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats

House (218 for majority)
Dilbert: 211 Republicans and 223 Democrats
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm not pro Biden.

I've advocated for decades for Democrat in the WH and GOP led House. Originally Posted by WTF

you must be drinking. lay off the sauce!!

you say you're not pro-biden, but you want a democrat in the WH. Biden is Democrat.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Saw this on TheGatewayPundit site today. I had posted videos of both car parades elsewhere yesterday.

Last Saturday in Miami, a “Latinos for Trump” car parade featured 30,000 cars. Yes, I said 30,000. The next day Biden had a car parade in Miami. 15 cars showed up.

Elsewhere in the same article was a poll question about: Are you better off economically from previous administration. 56% said yes. BTW: Joe-mentia Hiden said: then those people should vote for someone else. Real man of genius!

By the way, that 56% is HIGHEST number in the history of Gallop asking “Are you better off?” Reagan was at 44% yet won a 49 state landslide. Trump is at 56%. But he’s losing? By double digits?

No wonder the Loony-Lefties always try to erase, cancel or rewrite history. It not only exposes them for the treasonous leeches they are, it also does not favor them in the slightest. David Chapman has searched through our history of elections and discovered several, let's say revealing, truth bombs that make the polls favoring Hiden Biden's chances akin to a snow cone in Hades.

Whole of the article is worth a read as he covers a broad range of historical (hysterical too) factoids, tidbits, references and generally abysmal news for the lecherous Demonicrats.

The One Metric That Has Decided Every Presidential Winner Since 1988...And Trump Has a Lock on It

Again, David Chapman and PollWatch are two good accounts that have been tracking the polling this cycle and cutting through the nonsense from the liberal media. There’s been a lot of funny business with the polling folks. Firms conducting polls around the same time but getting different results. We have shy Trump voters. We youth vote interest tanking in this election cycle to levels not seen since 2000. Some polls have one million fewer young people voting this year. But somehow Biden is going to win by like 12 points. It’s unreliable to the nth degree. So, what Chapman did was compile a thread that cuts through a lot of the liberal media silliness out there. For starters, he nixes the idea that bad economies kill incumbents. Yes, that was the case for Bush 41, but historically the incumbent party is 12-11 when facing re-election during an economic downturn.

And speaking of incumbents, Chapman added, “no incumbent who has received at least 75% of the primary vote has lost re-election. Donald Trump received 94% of the primary vote, which is the 4th highest all-time. Higher than Eisenhower, Nixon, Clinton, and Obama.”

Oh, and it gets better.

“Three times in history America has faced a pandemic, recession, and civil unrest during an election year. The incumbent party is 3-0 in those elections,” wrote Chapman “What about polls? Well, polls are predicting Trump's win. The ABC poll shows Trump with a 19-point enthusiasm advantage.”

He noted that every candidate who held the edge in voter enthusiasm since 1988 has won the election...

Those that do not learn history are doomed to repeat it, comes to mind Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Saw this on TheGatewayPundit site today. I had posted videos of both car parades elsewhere yesterday.

Last Saturday in Miami, a “Latinos for Trump” car parade featured 30,000 cars. Yes, I said 30,000. The next day Biden had a car parade in Miami. 15 cars showed up.

Elsewhere in the same article was a poll question about: Are you better off economically from previous administration. 56% said yes. BTW: Joe-mentia Hiden said: then those people should vote for someone else. Real man of genius!

By the way, that 56% is HIGHEST number in the history of Gallop asking “Are you better off?” Reagan was at 44% yet won a 49 state landslide. Trump is at 56%. But he’s losing? By double digits? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
If the economy was the only issue on the minds of voters Trump would probably be victorious on November 3rd. It is not. Issues such as health care, immigration, racial inequality, the coronoavirus, violent crime, climate change, and foreign policy are also important to the voters. Also on the minds of voters is the perceived differences in character between Biden and Trump.

Here is the first poll I could find which compares Biden and Trump on key issues and character:
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-14-2020, 07:16 AM
you must be drinking. lay off the sauce!!

you say you're not pro-biden, but you want a democrat in the WH. Biden is Democrat.

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I don't drink but thank you for speculating.

I did not think I would have to explain it to such a savvy political savant such as yourself.

If you'd focus on the whole of what I said and not cherry pick thinks that reinforce your own'd understand that for the longest,I've advocated for Democrat in the WH and GOP led House.

As someone who who thinks the biggest long term threat to this country is debt...that combination seems to work the purse strings better than any other.

Did you see how much debt Trump rang up even before Covid? It is on steroids now with the Dems holding the purse strings.

So you see dilbert as a 3/4 libertarian I prefer fiscal responsible government that is not telling women what to do with their bodies. That puts me at odds with both parties.

Hopefully that helps with any concerns you have with me wanting to get rid of Trump
its not the house America absolutely needs the GOP to control

for America to survive the GOP has to at least have one or both, the senate and presidency