Weird and Creepy

Concepts... lol.
HDGristle's Avatar

This guy.

It's odd that he never learned the lesson Christie tried to teach him last time.

And paid no mind to the advice Gabbard gave him

And he clearly needed to change his depends after that debate.

Big Brother doesn't want you to know that those geese are free. You can take them. They are free. Nobody owns them, the geese.

HDGristle's Avatar
HDGristle's Avatar

Trump and Vance just keep beating the drum of xenophobia and racism

Can't get eating cat to stick? Add dogs. Can't get that to stick? Say the Haitians are mass spreading HIV. Can't get that to stick? Focus on voodoo, human sacrifice and cannibalism.

Weird doesn't begin go describe it.

Everything dialed up the most ridiculous extremes. And then the folks that eat this shit up call in bomb threats in Springfield.

Sad asf.
HDGristle's Avatar

It's weird AND sad. We see this same behavior in other folks, too.
If I need to lie and make shit up, I'll lie and make shit up.
Great words from a prospective VP
bambino's Avatar
Vance showed up on three Sunday shows today.

Tampon Tim zero. That’s weird.
HDGristle's Avatar
It is. Vance has a lot of cleanup to do for all the shifting he's done in the bed
bambino's Avatar
It is. Vance has a lot of cleanup to do for all the shifting he's done in the bed Originally Posted by HDGristle
Nah, they have to hide Tampon Tim from the public. Vance is destroying the MSM.

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HDGristle's Avatar
HDGristle's Avatar
HDGristle's Avatar

When you admit to lying so blatantly and then double down, it's obvious you're weird. When it's so egregiously disgusting a smear, it's obvious you're creepy

Lying to create stories for media attention. Desperate move JV. Stay away from the Hooker loveseat