On the abuse in the Houston board and Eccie's reluctance to deal with it

I was there as my mother cried at the loss of each of her 2 brothers, both are on the wall. My father has a purple heart. My other uncle was a POW with McCain. Our family suffered the loss of 2 of my younger siblings from agent orange and my father suffers the effects of it everyday, getting worse as the days go by. Upon my fathers release from the hospital and return to the US, I was the baby Ford held as he shook my fathers hand.

You obviously believe I am much younger than I am. I just take very good care of myself so I will take your attempt to insult my intelligence as a compliment and a sign of your inability to ask what my majors were as I have specialized in the global history of wars and conflicts across all 3 for 11 years now. I guarantee I know more about the Viet Nam war than any other woman on this site and have heard more stories than you can tell. You think I don't understand how many vets are on this site...lol. I will tell you that Viet Nam war vets are the ones who are sick of the arrogance and ignorance you postaholics portray and THAT is the members being lost here every day because you treat the veteran members of this site (and ASPD) much the way you treated the returning soldiers of that war. I am just waiting for you to take us even further back to the cave man days and actually start flinging poo.

YES, WELCOME HOME... 36-45 years overdue!

And "YES" most of my clients ARE Viet Nam war vets and they love me for the respect I give them so biz is just fine. You guys act like I don't get your game... you haven't met me yet! And you won't no matter how much I entertain your sneaky attempts. I am just leading you on to get to know you better. I was taught to use my ears, not my eyes! If you were in the Viet Nam war, you'll get that!

And I may not know much about Ralphy, but I do know Kant's Theory and enough about the Houston membership that he has a point with this thread! Do I think it will do any good by posting this thread? No, you guys have the site by the balls right? After all, it's all about YOU using the members here to build your own merits! Good luck with the Super Bowl!

ABDCLUB, Thank you. I have been saying that for months.

Hey Wake Up, what would you like to know about our current conflicts or the conflicts to come? Do YOU keep up with Macro Economics, the geo-political spectrum or social political economic recovery goals of the g13? Can you define the Multi National political spectrum? Would you consider it more multi national or multi lateral? Do you think the world is based more on the political, social, or economic global structures and "why"? I bet you don't even know what an NGO is! And if you do, who is considered the true world leader? What was China's last product attempt at the global market and what happened? Which country have they signed a joint venture with in the oil industry? What country did Russia sign their joint venture with in the oil industry? How many US steal manufacturing plants has Russia bought in the last decade? What is the world's leading market product (and it's not oil) with an exchange value of 6oo billion a year? What was the real reason George Tenant stepped down? What is the the 6th branch of the U.N., where is it housed and what statute are they having problems implementing? What was Ws argument with the UN and what did he remove from their meetings to make his point? Answer any one of those questions with intellectual stature and then I may consider you close to my level of intelligence. Otherwise, join the basket weaving club!
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
LC.... I'll say this much as to not completely hi-jack this thread........

A couple of things come to mind...... If you are a history buff/student (as it were)...... an old Abe Lincoln quote comes to mind......
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

....... and as a rule...... I find that those who feel the need to tell everyone how smart they are.......... usually are not......

But by the same token, as far as even a SHMB goes, you NEVER really do know who is banging on the keyboard on the other end........ but to be continually confrontational, and degrade your perceived intellect of those you do not agree with, is a slippery slope that usually ends with something less than a desired result.......

By all means start another thread, and allow others to interject their own feelings/thoughts on the matter, and retort how you will...... but please refrain from hi-jacking a thread that has finally gotten to rational discussion on a subject that the OP has been working on for some time now.......


Just an FYI..... Wakeup is a Veteran, and from what I gathered a currently serving member of our forces, and by YOUR accounts deserves respect for that...... I'm just saying.....
boardman's Avatar
Another rule comes to mind. Something about mud wrestling a pig?
Gawd, I love a good Sumo Cum Loudly hooktard rant.
Hey Jad, Here's a couple of quotes for ya:
1. practice what you preach and;
2. Blow it out your ass

if Wakeup were a decorated veteran, or you the modern day Socrates... wait for it... this thread wouldn't be here. It doesn't even take a history buff to know THIS THREAD is all about you guys and the only reason you piss and moan about the direction of it is because you can't stand to be told you are full of shit while you make the OPs point with your mindless blubbering.

I see neither of you can answer those questions either yet you still question my intelligence. Well I'll give you a clue, your whole crew can't get together and answer those questions to match my intelligence just like you can't add your reviews count together and equal the OPs review count. This makes your mindless attacks juvenile.

A decorated veteran wouldn't act so needy for attention... that's too spineless.

AND BTW, that was Samuel L. Clemments aka Mark Twain, not Lincoln... LMAO and that's not even war history... so sweeeet!
notanewbie's Avatar
just as I mentioned to the OP, Lacey, it may be a good time to push away from the computer.

Review count is meaningless FWIW. Look at another poster from Ohio...ANONONE.
Oh I am from Ohio and I know his intelligence threatened you Houstonians as well. In fact, I am pretty familiar with Anonone. We have been on the same side and the opposite side of the fence several times. I enjoy a good debate with Anonone mostly because he IS intelligent enough. If Anonone were in this thread, I could see him saying "what's the cowboy boot thing really about? Is it to keep the sheep legs still or for wading "bull shit" but I won't cause I love and respect too many Texans. Hell, I use to live there too. Fort Hood as a matter of fact.

CPI... you crack me up. At least Dallas guys have a sense of humor.

Boardman, I am gonna let that slide since your avatar character makes up for yours.
Wakeup's Avatar
Hey Wake Up, what would you like to know about our current conflicts or the conflicts to come? Do YOU keep up with Macro Economics, the geo-political spectrum or social political economic recovery goals of the g13? Can you define the Multi National political spectrum? Would you consider it more multi national or multi lateral? Do you think the world is based more on the political, social, or economic global structures and "why"? I bet you don't even know what an NGO is! And if you do, who is considered the true world leader? What was China's last product attempt at the global market and what happened? Which country have they signed a joint venture with in the oil industry? What country did Russia sign their joint venture with in the oil industry? What is the world's leading market product (and it's not oil) with an exchange value of 6oo billion a year? What was the real reason George Tenant stepped down? What is the the 6th branch of the U.N., where is it housed and what statute are they having problems implementing? What was Ws argument with the UN and what did he remove from their meetings to make his point? Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
I was impressed...

Answer any one of those questions with intellectual stature and then I may consider you close to my level of intelligence. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
I was daunted by your "intellectual stature" and your "level of intelligence" for a minute...

How many US steal manufacturing plants has Russia bought in the last decade? Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
Then I read that...

6 out of 11 major US steel companies is the answer Wakeup.
Here's 2
and a third

this one says it all though

several more have USSR partial acquisition. However, if you are referring to "steal", that was a writer's play on words. Sorry if it confused you. It just reminds me of when 56% of the Japanese elite admitted that they would participate in currency exchange based on the level of intelligence W portrayed. See, they would buy US currency when he said something stupid and sell when he said something smart. That too, was a "steal". Did you know that other countries would profit off of our stock markets and US based industries by watching our presidential speeches? Feel robbed? Now you get it!

See, you guys should stop labeling and attacking what you don't know or understand.

Nice pic, anyone you know? *giggles* I'm a cuter blond! I have dimples like the girl on the right. She's cuter than me, a little bit, but I'm an all natural 36 c. Sorry if the pic makes you think I'm not but there again, making the OPs point, you guys always make something outta nothing or in this case nothing outta something... lmao. Maybe I should switch avatars to my tits... rof.
boardman's Avatar
AND BTW, that was Samuel L. Clemens aka Mark Twain, not Lincoln... LMAO and that's not even war history... so sweeeet! Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
Fixed that for ya sweetie! Even if it is wrong.....Kind of.
While it may be true that Lincoln and Twain(Clemens) along with a handful of others(not sure about Sun Tsu you war historians can battle that one out) may have been given credit for the quote at one time or another it's most likely origin is found in Proverbs 17:28.
Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: [and] he that shutteth his lips [is esteemed] a man of understanding.(KJV)
I'll give ya one tit and one point Boardman... lmao. You are the google master.
Really, it's wrong? Show me. I mean seriously, even Benjamin Franklin has been credited with it and he was way before Lincoln. I prefer Galileo's version. Some say it goes back to the beginning of time. It probably came from a woman... * BIG HUGE GIGGLE* Hey, I represent that statement. Awww, the male superiority complex is so easily disASSembled.

You know I read a lot of what you guys post and could go back through your mindless babble and pick out all kinds of grammatical errors. Should we play that game as well. You look for mine, I look for yours. I'll win

JaD, thinck so. Your right, not many can figure out "WHO" is behind a keyboard. But some can and are properly prepared for just such an occasion... imagine that. Like I said "been there, won that and will again if need be"! BTW, it's not my goal to be a history buff... more International Laws and Treaties with a specialization in Terr*rism. I also study human trafficking and Constitutional Law- globally. Are you weaving a basket too. You'll need somewhere to put your ass when I hand it back to ya.

Now if you don't want the thread to be hi jacked with my intelligence, I suggest you don't hi jack it first trying to insult my intelligence. But then again, that is what the OP's point is... right? How you guys go into people's threads and hi jack them with mindless insults and attacks of character? So, we actually are in topic... wouldn't ya say? I'm just agreeing with him and "yoouuuu don't liiiike it... naanny naanny booboo". Sux to be you!
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Hey Jad, Here's a couple of quotes for ya:
1. practice what you preach and;
2. Blow it out your ass
Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
So eloquently put, that I am completely taken aback......... So much for being rational about things...... but I digress.......

As far as the quote..... a little studying (because, yes.... I can admit when I'm wrong when proven so) but it looks like we both are right.... and both wrong...... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/in...2182838AABluIO

....... and yet again, you sit here beating your chest about how superior you intellect is to ours because we choose not to try and step in to your ramblings of the global economy, exchange of goods, or political and social standings of worldwide nations...... there are other forums for that, and I'm pretty sure that we all agree that if we want to read long winded responses we would be in those forums discussing...... if you want I can try the same tactic and being to set up some first order diferential equations.... wax intellectually to Thermo and fluid dynamics and their real world applications to Mechanical systems, or delve even further into the complex and work on the principals of uncertainty as stated by Heisenberg in quantum Mechanics......... but thats all just more bullshit to throw on the fire..........

Just because that's the bullshit I studied, doesn't mean that you are less intellegent because you don't know it....... it just means you didn't have to take those worthless classes when you were in school. And while global economics and and its likes bore the shit outta me and I minored in Economics only because it is directly related to basic calculus with real world applications......

Fact is, you don't know me from Adam (just as I don't know you)....... but your assumptions about us are getting tired, and not really worth my efforts nor the subsequent Points (chicken flavored or not)...... again, go back and read about coming in swinging and "wielding swords" from earlier....... it ususally never ends well when anyone does that..... I'm just saying........

On a lighter side..... Very nice new avatar, and have a wonderful weekend.


Ask Wakeup about his 2 tours of duty. Decorated I can't say, but from what I hear he's been deployed more than once......
boardman's Avatar
I'll give ya one tit and one point Boardman... lmao. You are the google master. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
Nice tit, thancks(damned spell checker)!

Really, it's wrong? Show me. I mean seriously, even Benjamin Franklin has been credited with it and he was way before Lincoln. I prefer Galileo's version. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
So we're in agreement.....Kind of?

Some say it goes back to the beginning of time. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
Are you saying a "caveman" said it. Now, I've been nominated two, maybe three times for POTW this week but I've got to concede to you on this one.

You know I read a lot of what you guys post and could go back through your mindless babble and pick out all kinds of grammatical errors. Should we play that game as well. You look for mine, I look for yours. I'll win Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
It's really not all that important to me but you go ahead and knock yourself out darlin'.

It was funny as hell when Wakeup managed to introduce Occam's Razor into a discussion. That one had the Google search feature working overtime.

I can't wait for the SHMB version of Quantum Physics. I wonder if Stephen Hawking ever hobbied.
notanewbie's Avatar
self edit.

Thread hijacks and slanderous allegations reported to the goderators.

BTW: Anyone know the URL of this blog that he is so worried we all know about?

Can it be worse than some of the others we have seen in the past?