"Trump Money"

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...snopes... Originally Posted by Dev Null
Sorry, didn't bother reading your copy-pasta yet. But I have a serious question about Snopes. Disclaimer: Personally, I don't use Snopes. I was deleting links from a browser I no longer use and ran across a link to a you tube video about Snopes. I don't recall viewing it whenever I stored the link, but I did the other day when I saw someone quoting from Snopes. It basically shows their company players/structure. Spoiler alert: It is a poorly/cheaply produced 60 second video. (suspicious to say the least) Do you know if the below is accurate and have any info showing a different corporate structure? Some of the video seems to align with the Wiki page about them, but that could be a way of masking a fake as well.

Apologies if it doesn't embed well, but the direct link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKuYhIIyOSI&

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKuYhIIyOSI&"> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKuYhIIyOSI&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Sorry, didn't bother reading your copy-pasta yet. But I have a serious question about Snopes. Disclaimer: Personally, I don't use Snopes. I was deleting links from a browser I no longer use and ran across a link to a you tube video about Snopes. I don't recall viewing it whenever I stored the link, but I did the other day when I saw someone quoting from Snopes. It basically shows their company players/structure. Spoiler alert: It is a poorly/cheaply produced 60 second video. (suspicious to say the least) Do you know if the below is accurate and have any info showing a different corporate structure? Some of the video seems to align with the Wiki page about them, but that could be a way of masking a fake as well.

Apologies if it doesn't embed well, but the direct link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKuYhIIyOSI&
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I have used Snopes as supporting evidence several times. Yes, they may be liberal-leaning in that they fact check the right more than the left. But when you look at the analysis done and the results found I have found little to no bias.

Who does the research is irrelevant. What is relevant is whether or not the conclusions reached are true.

I challenge you to find fact-checking done by Snopes that is either done shodily or is incorrect. Probably has happened but not often.
Dev Null's Avatar
I have a serious question about Snopes. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Of course you have a problem with Snopes. You have a problem with anything factual that contradicts your distorted view of reality.

Maybe the problem is cognitive dissonance. That's kind of a self-defense mechanism to protect your fragile ego from the harsh reality that you really don't know as much as you think you do, and many things you believe are just flat-out wrong.

Or more likely it's just inherent dishonesty and further proof that right-wring propaganda causes irreversible brain damage. Seems a more likely scenario.


Least Biased

These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources.

Overall, we rate Snopes on the left side of Least Biased based on infrequent stories that favor the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting based on transparency and proper sourcing of information.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
So Mr. Decades Of Computer Work - how exactly does a messaging app "account" function without there being a "server" associated with it?... Originally Posted by Dev Null
Elementary Watson, but pointless. But uhm, you might want to do your own digging on the name of one Yaacov Apelbaum to see how he rambled onto one Warren Flood character. But wear a safety harness with a really long bungee cord, 'cause he blows a big hole in the Muh RUSSIA hack deflection.

Oh and coinkydink of coinkydinks, he tosses a heap'n help'n of insight on how bad actors that are any good try to leave buried trails to point elsewhere. Unfortunately, in this case - epic fail. He probes liddle tid-bits like: would a Romanian, who is actually Russian, really attack from a blatantly Rusky based IP addr? Anyway, turns out old Warren, who was closely associated with one Creepy Joe Biden, is a lackluster hack, at best. More like a weak-ass attempt to implant Rusky finger prints. BTW: Dates matter, try to keep perspective there.

Feel free to look it up at your leisure - and oh yea, decades of computer work around the world chucklehead.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Of course you have a problem with Snopes. You have a problem with anything factual that contradicts your distorted view of reality. Originally Posted by Dev Null
So I'll take your word that Snopes is run by a pole dancer, now web dom. Frankly, I thought it sounded too salacious to be true. Didn't pass the sniff test sort of thing. But hey, she's your people, so I'll run with it.

But to your other truth test: Repeating a lie, often, does not make it true - anymore than having multiple people repeat the same lie. Except in the latter it constitutes collusion and in that case, one wonders what they are misdirecting away from that they are guilty of in the first place..
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Ruh-Roh. DOJ drops charges against Ruskie companies alleged hacking of DNC/DCC servers, with prejudice?!? Never heard of a prosecutor's request like that. So the prosecutors did not just drop the case, they wanted to ensure it could never be tried again. BTW: turns out the company in question did not even exist in the time frame they were allegedly hacking said servers. Either way, the 40M taxpayers dollars gets flushed further down the Muh Russia septic system. What a senseless waste of toilet paper in these trying times...

Believe you are correct, they were indicted and then, the unthinkable happened... the indicted responded with legal council and requested their due discovery documents. The Mueller persecutors responded with... < paraphrase mode on > Gulp! Huh? What? Uhm... we didn't see that coming. We'll have to get back to you about that. Er, uhm... give us a few months to figure something out. Meanwhile the Judge is drumming their fingers on the desk going - So what yous guys got? Later the persecutors fumble about with, er uhm, these are classified docs, we can't show the accused of what they are accused of and we danged sure can't get exposed in a valid discovery cycle. We need more time to make up more, er uhmm schtuff. < paraphrase mode off > Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Of course you have a problem with Snopes. .. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Not me, it's Snopes that's got the problems. Maybe you might out to think about donating to their GoFundMe page. Found an article that mentions it. Although it seems a bit dated.

I doubt you care, so I'll toss in a little copy-pasta, that we all know you love. I'm not very confident in using Snopes as supporting evidence. Quite the opposite actually, regardless of what other hokey fact checkers may rally to their defense.


'Fact checking' website Snopes on verge of collapse after founder is accused of fraud, lies, and putting prostitutes and his honeymoon on expenses (and it hasn't told its readers THOSE facts)

  • 'Fact-checking' website Snopes is asking its users for help in a GoFundMe saying an 'outside vendor' is 'holding it hostage'
  • But the site which claims to be 'transparent' and to tell people the facts they need to know hasn't told those donating everything that is going on
  • In fact it is at the center of a bitter legal battle with its CEO being accused of fraud, lies, conspiracy and putting prostitutes and his honeymoon on expenses
  • David Mikkelson set up company which owns Snopes.com in 2003 with then wife Barbara but she sold her 50 per cent stake during bitter divorce
  • Owners of company which provided it with tech and advertising services bought her stake but have now fallen out with Mikkelson and call him a fraudster
  • Case could see judge order site closed - despite it being chosen by Facebook to arbitrate on fake news
AGreed ! Yes Sir you are Very Much Correct in the Dollar Stores and Walmart’s. Oh SNAP! Originally Posted by Twix
I've seen a lot of people make food purchases at Dollar stores with SNAP also