House panel finds Obama and Clinton responsible for Benghazi errors

flghtr65's Avatar
But, flghtr65, the Odumbo administration had the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. Once again you've underscored how really stupid the Odumbo administration was. And Holder lied when he testified before Congress that he didn't know about Fast and Furious.

ATF Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010

WASHINGTON - New documents obtained by CBS News show Attorney General Eric Holder was sent briefings on the controversial Fast and Furious operation as far back as July 2010. That directly contradicts his statement to Congress.

On May 3, 2011, Holder told a Judiciary Committee hearing, "I'm not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks."

Yet internal Justice Department documents show that at least ten months before that hearing, Holder began receiving frequent memos discussing Fast and Furious.

In a second major retraction over its version of the the gun-walking scandal, the Justice Department has retracted Attorney General Eric Holder's charge in a hearing last week that his Bush administration predecessor had been briefed on the affair.

In a memo just released by Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Iowa senator reveals that Holder also didn't apologize to former Attorney General Michael Mukasey for dragging him into the Fast & Furious scandal that is headed for a major legal clash and likely contempt of Congress charge against Holder.

According to Grassley's memo, Justice said that Holder "inadvertently" made the charge against Mukasey in a hearing. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
IBH, the Obama adminstration did not have the benifit of 20/20 hindsight. Fast and Furious started in Oct 2009. The first memo that the field sent to Holder was in July 2010, a good 9 months later. The guns had already started walking before Holder was notified. The timeline of events in the links provided does not support the theory that Holder new about "Fast and Furious" before it started.
I B Hankering's Avatar
IBH, the Obama adminstration did not have the benifit of 20/20 hindsight. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Oh, but it did!

Fast and Furious started in Oct 2009. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Correct! But you'd do well to recall that Odumbo took office in January 2009-- nine months earlier. So the Odumbo administration, e.g., Odumbo and Holder, had the benefit of hindsight regarding a failed operation that ended two years earlier.

The first memo that the field sent to Holder was in July 2010, a good 9 months later. Originally Posted by flghtr65
That just proves that Holder lied when he said he knew nothing about the Fast and Furious operation until a much later date.

The guns had already started walking before Holder was notified. The timeline of events in the links provided does not support the theory that Holder new about "Fast and Furious" before it started. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Odumbo and Holder were still in the Odumbo administration in October 2010!?! And like Odumbo and Holder, you have your facts wrong.

BTW, July, 2010, is still five months before Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered in December, 2010. P.S. Terry's murder still happened during Odumbo's administration; not Bush'
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He was as complicit was Obama was in Benghazi. Admit that and we'll agree.

However, Nixon probably didn't personally order the killings. Nobody did. They just happened. Like in Benghazi. But they were committed by American soldiers on American soil. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
But Nixon had nothing to do with Kent State. The Ohio National Guard - NOT the US army - was acting on the governor's orders.

So how was Nixon complicit? Merely because it happened while he was President?

Under that theory, Obama is complicit in the Fort Hood killings, which were committed by an American solder on American soil. And, unlike the Kent State killings, the Fort Hood killer was a member of the regular army directly under Obama's control, not a National Guardsman.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-10-2013, 12:19 AM
But Nixon had nothing to do with Kent State. The Ohio National Guard - NO the US army - was acting on the governor's orders.

So how was Nixon complicit? Merely because it happened while he was President?

Under that theory, Obama is complicit in the Fort Hood killings, which were committed by an American solder on American soil. And, unlike the Kent State killings, the Fort Hood killer was a member of the regular army directly under Obama's control, not a National Guardsman. Originally Posted by ExNYer

in case you haven't noticed on this board Obie is complicit when the neighbors cat shits in the flowerbed
rioseco's Avatar
Them two lieing,covering up.............naaaah !
Never happen !
cptjohnstone's Avatar

finally MSM is picking up on the story
Yssup Rider's Avatar
in case you haven't noticed on this board Obie is complicit when the neighbors cat shits in the flowerbed Originally Posted by CJ7
My point exactly!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then I'm sure this isn't a problem, either. After all, if Obama does it, it is only because it is the right thing to do:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
and if YOU post it, it's GOT to be true!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Go ahead, Assup. If it's wrong, prove it. Show the world I'm wrong. C'mon, Assup!

You won't. You can't. Just more of your impossible pursuit of relevance. Good luck, Assup!
Go ahead, Assup. If it's wrong, prove it. Show the world I'm wrong. C'mon, Assup!

You won't. You can't. Just more of your impossible pursuit of relevance. Good luck, Assup! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Great idea don't prove it just attack. Snick.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-11-2013, 07:48 AM
Go ahead, Assup. If it's wrong, prove it. Show the world I'm wrong. C'mon, Assup!

You won't. You can't. Just more of your impossible pursuit of relevance. Good luck, Assup! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

ok, youre wrong .. heres the transcript

SPEIER: You said earlier today the lawyers at state told you not to talk to Mr. Chaffetz when he came. That’s what I wrote down. Would you just verify that’s what you said?
HICKS: We were not to be personally interviewed by Congressman Chaffetz.
SPEIER: Now, in your interview with the committee you were asked the question, ‘Did you receive any direction about information that Congressman Chaffetz shouldn’t be given from Washington?’ Your answer was, ‘No, I did not.’ Is that still your testimony today?
HICKS: I don’t recall that phrase. I thought that I said, and I’d have to review again, that I did receive instructions exactly as I said them, but I did not know who gave them to me because I did not have at that time have access to my e-mail from my time as DCM in Tripoli.
DARRELL ISSA: If the gentle lady could just tell us what page of the transcript that is on.
SPEIER: Maybe the staff can get it from me. I’m reading from a separate document.
ISSA: Thank you.
SPEIER: You did say that you were told to make sure other State Department officials were present for meetings with Representative Chaffetz. As you stated, they told me not to be isolated with Congressman Chaffetz. Is that correct?
HICKS: Yes, that’s what I mean by not to have a personal interview with Congressman Chaffetz.
SPEIER: So it was more about not being in a situation where you did not have other people with you, is that correct? As opposed to not being interviewed?
HICKS: Again, that’s what I said, not to be personally interviewed by Congressman Chaffetz.
SPEIER: Well, you said they told me not to be isolated with Congressman Chaffetz.
HICKS: That’s the meaning of isolated, not to be personally interviewed.

see how you silly shitheads leave out a few words to bend the spin so it fits your horseshit ?

and you and JD want accountability .. that's fukn rich ..

glad I could show the world you were wrong, AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN, day after day after day .. yer welcome btw.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-11-2013, 08:05 AM
Then I'm sure this isn't a problem, either. After all, if Obama does it, it is only because it is the right thing to do:

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

cp'd from armedmommy facebook

Our next photo contest is right around the corner!!! Win a conceal carry purse from!!
~Deadline for entering is May 31st
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damn COF with your new found talent posting cartoons you should enter and win a purse to conceal your fucking pea brain