Texas school shooting

I should have used quotations.

Anyway, I think all of them are just extreme method actors.

Fuck it. I'll continue the dirt humor. Why not? It's acceptable. Do you think a convent of nuns being mowed down would convince gun freaks like Corny to consider gun control?

Age limits for purchase.

If you have no training. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
We do have Gun Control in this Country. What I think Liberals mean by "Gun Control" is nobody should own a gun of any type. Any existing Guns should some how be taken out of the hands of all American Citizens and destroyed. On paper that might seem like a definitive solution to Gun Violence. But in reality that would be quite a task because the Criminal still exists and he'll find new ways to obtain firearms. It's estimated that there are enough guns in this country to literally supply each American Citizen with five Firearms each that's a lot of firearms. The Government won't ever get them all, ever. While the average Law abiding citizen may freely give in and relinquish his Firearms the criminal won't. That's one side of the equation that needs to be considered.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
We do have Gun Control in this Country. What I think Liberals mean by "Gun Control" is nobody should own a gun of any type. Any existing Guns should some how be taken out of the hands of all American Citizens and destroyed. On paper that might seem like a definitive solution to Gun Violence. But in reality that would be quite a task because the Criminal still exists and he'll find new ways to obtain firearms. It's estimated that there are enough guns in this country to literally supply each American Citizen with five Firearms each that's a lot of firearms. The Government won't ever get them all, ever. While the average Law abiding citizen may freely give in and relinquish his Firearms the criminal won't. That's one side of the equation that needs to be considered. Originally Posted by Levianon17

You started out like Cheswick. Ended very reasoned.

I think the world could use less nuns anyway. America's reputation is shit when it doesn't want to address the issue. Even when 19 4th graders are massacred.

Despite hundreds of mass shootings, the U.S. hasn't passed a gun control measure in a decade


The now largely forgotten assault weapons ban ended in 2004. It was passed in the wake of another school shooting.

Here & Now host Peter O’Dowd talks to Robert Spitzer, professor emeritus at the State University of New York Cortland and the author of “The Politics of Gun Control.”

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You started out like Cheswick. Ended very reasoned.

I think the world could use less nuns anyway. America's reputation is shit when it doesn't want to address the issue. Even when 19 4th graders are massacred.

Despite hundreds of mass shootings, the U.S. hasn't passed a gun control measure in a decade


Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

you can't ban what you can't buy.
texassapper's Avatar
Yeah. As I've said many times before, we are on a damn whore board and some of these idiots TRY to hold their heads up high because of their self righteous bullshit virtues. Hypocrisy at its best (or blah blah blah. . Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
we understand if you don’t think well of yourself. don’t worry. None of us has a high opinion of you either.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Herschel has the answer!


Y'all that think Biden lacks lucidity need to reflect on your your Senate choice in Georgia!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Herschel has the answer!


Y'all that think Biden lacks lucidity need to reflect on your your Senate choice in Georgia! Originally Posted by Chung Tran

speaking of nonsensical ..

Schumer rejects Republican school safety proposal


you know why Chuckie rejected this yeah? because Republicans backed and it makes sense. and no taking away guns which is what Schumer wants.

School shootings are an all-too-common part of the American news cycle. And when they do happen, politicians are quicker than ever to be seen taking action.

"This is on you until you choose to do something,” Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke said while confronting Gov. Gregg Abbott during a press conference. Congressional Democrats are echoing Beto’s call for action. “I just don't understand why people here think we're powerless — we aren't, and there's just not a coincidence that we're the high-income world's deadliest nation and we have the loosest gun laws,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) said after news broke of the shooting.

Taking action after crises is not a trait exclusive to Democratic politicians. Sens. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Rick Scott (R-FL), and Marco Rubio (R-FL) attempted to put forward a bill that would codify the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse into law this week. The database of information, available at SchoolSafety.gov, was established during the Trump administration. It provides faculty, parents, and students with resources on how to improve school safety, as well as grants from the federal and state governments intended to help achieve these goals.

“There’s nothing partisan about this bill whatsoever. It’s just a good idea that could save lives. … All this bill does now is codify it to make sure this clearinghouse stands the test of time — that it will always be there to provide the best practices on school safety,” Johnson said on the floor of the Senate.

The parents of Parkland, Florida, shooting victims Luke Hoyer and Alex Schachter, Tom and Gina Hoyer and Max Schachter, support Johnson’s bill. “So I called up Max, Tom, and Gina and asked them, what would you like me to do? They've been trying to get this codified, passed into law, for four years. I can't explain why it's not law,” said Johnson.

The senator asked for unanimous consent for the bill’s passage, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) objected. “Hardening schools would've done nothing to prevent this shooting. In fact, there were guards and police officers already at the school yesterday when the shooter showed up,Schumer said. “More guns won't protect our children.”

i'll give Chuckie the clown a very little amount of leeway here .. news coming out late today contradicts this. the police story that Schumer used to oppose this is unraveling. butt that won't matter to Chuckie.

Codifying an existing program into law is not “more guns.” From a legislative perspective, the bill is not mutually exclusive with Schumer’s recently introduced gun control policies. Grants and resources provided by the federal government can help improve the security standing of low-income schools.

Schumer’s solution was purposefully strategic. He proposed tacking the bill as an amendment to the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act passed by the House of Representatives last week. Republicans were against the bill, and it failed to make it past the 60-vote threshold needed to pass the bill in the Senate on Thursday as all Republicans voted against it.

The majority leader was well aware that Republicans were going to vote against the bill before Thursday. He proposed tacking Johnson’s bill onto the domestic terrorism legislation in an attempt to coerce Republicans. Rather than judging a centrist proposal by its merits, Schumer decided school safety should be a pawn in a larger wish list to expand the surveillance state’s powers at home.

James Sweet is a summer 2022 Washington Examiner fellow.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Herschel has the answer!


Y'all that think Biden lacks lucidity need to reflect on your your Senate choice in Georgia! Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Unless you are directing your comment at somebody from Georgia on this board, you make no sense. Neither you or I or anybody outside of Georgia get to decide for the people of Georgia.

If all he can do is make an X on any bill put forward by Democrats as a no vote, then he is OK with me. It brings me no pleasure to say that, I wish every person in Congress had a good, logical head on their shoulder but they don't.

I'll take Walker over Omar and Tlaib and the rest of the squad any day. Are you proud of the two Democrats I mentioned?
bambino's Avatar
These Shootings never Add up. Details are always Sketchy, don't make sence. Any Trained Cop should've been able to take this Prick out, but they were Fired upon, so took Cover and in the Meantime Kids are being Murdered. Outside in the School Carpark One Parent was Pinned to the Ground by Cops, because he wanted to Save his Kid. The Shooter Walked in Unopposed and had the run of the School. Whats the Bet that there is no Video Evidence? All I've seen so far is Grainy Footage of someone Walking towards the School Building. In this Day and Age, Camera's are everywhere, this School maybe being the Exception! This has all the Foundations of a False Flag Event, real Deaths! Setup Shooting. As soon as Democrats give their Speeches about Gun Control within Hours, most People should be able to Work out what's going on here!
Michael8219's Avatar
I’m with bambino. Something doesn’t add up.

As the Great Carnac the Magnificent may have stated: Epstein, McAfee, Christmas ornaments.

“Name three things that don’t hang themselves.”

Prior to this week, who’d a thunk the duchess would visit Uvalde, Texas? Probably Vince Foster. Wait. That doesn’t make sense. But then again I’m still debating whether to get the combo COVID/ monkeypox vax. Thinking of holding out for $1MM lottery to incentivize me to take the combo vax or an OSHA rule. Haha

We’re living in bizarre times. I predict 42 months from approx December, 2019.
Herschel has the answer!


Y'all that think Biden lacks lucidity need to reflect on your your Senate choice in Georgia! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I'll give him a break. He took lots of hits to his head. The punishment he sustained on the Gridiron most people would be dead on the spot. So what's Biden's excuse?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
speaking of nonsensical .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

eccieuser9500's Avatar

I’m with bambino. Something doesn’t add up.

As the Great Carnac the Magnificent may have stated: Epstein, McAfee, Christmas ornaments.

“Name three things that don’t hang themselves.”

Prior to this week, who’d a thunk the duchess would visit Uvalde, Texas? Probably Vince Foster. Wait. That doesn’t make sense. But then again I’m still debating whether to get the combo COVID/ monkeypox vax. Thinking of holding out for $1MM lottery to incentivize me to take the combo vax or an OSHA rule. Haha

We’re living in bizarre times. I predict 42 months from approx December, 2019. Originally Posted by Michael8219
Michael8219's Avatar
What about ec9500?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What about ec9500? Originally Posted by Michael8219

our resident socialist? that's all you need to know.
we understand if you don’t think well of yourself. don’t worry. None of us has a high opinion of you either. Originally Posted by texassapper
... Hey mate - surely looks like YOU were correct
about the police being S L ... O .. W to responde to
the situation.

### Salty