Over your head, huh? Originally Posted by bigtex
Not really, I know how to post videos. Let me give you an example.

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  • CJ7
  • 05-06-2014, 08:24 PM
Trolling 101

Trolling 101

Trolling 101

Trolling 101

Stop answering him. He'll never explain what civil due process is and how it applies or doesn't apply to Benghazi. At least in not in any meaningful way. Originally Posted by gnadfly

over your head too huh dipshit?

Im not trying to explain civil due process, I already did. Im just trying to get someone to explain how it applys to Benghzi, like LL says it does .... case and person

how about YOU troll guy ?
over your head too huh dipshit? Originally Posted by CJ7
Dipshit? I thought he was a smelly ol' Turdfly!
over your head too huh dipshit?

Im not trying to explain civil due process, I already did. Im just trying to get someone to explain how it applys to Benghzi, like LL says it does .... case and person

how about YOU troll guy ? Originally Posted by CJ7

OK lawyer man... explain civil due process... we are all ears
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

you haven't a clue wtf you're yammering about and haven't a clue what LL is yammering about either

due process Originally Posted by CJ7
In other words, you admit that you plagiarized from a source you don't understand. Thank you for your candor.

It's not that I don't know what I'm talking about, it's that no one can figure out what YOU are talking about. It's bad enough when you display your own ignorance. Now the vacuum of your lack of intellect is trying to sap the the intelligence of others on this board. Your postings in this thread have left all of us a little more stupid for having read them.
OK lawyer man... explain civil due process... we are all ears Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
OK "all ears" man....even if he explained "civil due process" in very simple terms....

You are still incapable of understanding.
OK "all ears" man....even if he explained "civil due process" in very simple terms....

You are still incapable of understanding. Originally Posted by bigtex

bigotexan... if I wanted any shit out of you I would squeeze your ears... LOL
bigotexan... if I wanted any shit out of you I would squeeze your ears... LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Oh wow, another bad ass . Will he invite you to Love Field?
Oh wow, another bad ass . Will he invite you to Love Field? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
He better NOT... I like the ladies!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Like the lady that comes and changes your drool bucket every day? Our the one who reads you all of those wonderful Dr. Seuss books? Not that cunt who makes you watch Mr. Rogers! She's fucking evil.

Maybe you should get out and take a plane to Love Field, RainMan! Then you could get on Fox News!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Listen to yourself In Bred you got swiftboated. How did it feel? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Your ignorant question was addressed and refuted with substantive facts which left you wallowing in your own stupidity, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. So, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, you ignorantly opted to deflect from the facts that show the White House withheld substantive evidence during the Congressional investigation: evidence that reveals that the White House lied about why the attack occurred and lied about lying to cover-up for Odumbo's political ineptness!
LexusLover's Avatar
OK "all ears" man....even if he explained "civil due process" in very simple terms...: Originally Posted by bigtex
He hasn't explained it, because he can't. Neither can you. And if he can't explain it, it means he doesn't understand it. Like you. Because if YOU DID you would not be siding with his struggle to look smarter than a goo-grub. Like you!

"Goo-Grubs" know about "Turd-Flies" .... it's their aspiration to be one.

It's the old .. "haves" and "have nots" .... you want wings and don't have them.
LexusLover's Avatar
hint ... apply civil due process to Benghazi ... case and person Originally Posted by CJ7
stand by ... #1 ... you are way behind. It's already been "APPLIED TO BENGHAZI" ... and if you actually had a clue as to what it meant you would know that ... but since you don't .... you wouldn't.

Case & Person:

"On Friday, (Senator) Issa issued a subpoena for Secretary of State John Kerry to appear before the House Oversight Committee to answer questions at a public hearing May 21. Issa says he wants Kerry to explain why the State Department initially withheld emails that show White House official Ben Rhodes coordinated talking points for then-Ambassador Susan Rice to emphasize that the events at the Benghazi consulate were rooted in an Internet video and not a broader failure of policy."

Kerry is now in the "due process"!

And here is the "DUE PROCESS" that got the "ball rolling" .... for more:

Case 1:13-cv-00198-EGS ...
Person: Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
See that "cv" on there .... that means "CIVIL"!
"haves" and "have nots" .... you want wings and don't have them. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Show's how little LexiLiar knows! A person has either earned a set of "wings." Or they "have" not earned a set of "wings." There is no in between!

You can count me in the "have" earned a set of "wings" category.

LexiLiar, are you in the "have" or "have not" earned a set of "wings" category?

Your ignorant question was addressed and refuted with substantive facts which left you wallowing in your own stupidity, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. So, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, you ignorantly opted to deflect from the facts that show the White House withheld substantive evidence during the Congressional investigation: evidence that reveals that the White House lied about why the attack occurred and lied about lying to cover-up for Odumbo's political ineptness! Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You are just a babbling Gibbon In Bred Wallowing in you inability to get out of that corner. Bitching about terminology.