LexusLover's Avatar
That 'bout sums it up mate.

Cheers. Originally Posted by WTF
Quit flirting with him. It's obvious you're not his type.

He just said as much.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Are you fucking nuts?

Tough on Criminals? - An innocent man was going to executed. Changes in the science of fires and understanding how they spread and how they start was about to prove him innocent. So what does Perry do? He dissolved the state panel about to give a report on the findings which would have a direct effect on the case. Nation wide this change in the science has changed a number of cases. Perry dissolved the panel and had the guy executed post haste although there was ample evidence he was innocent.

He has passed numerous laws that protect companies so that employees and consumers have absolutely no rights what-so-ever. I sincerely hope that some company cheats you just so you can see just what Perry has done for you.

He cut funding on this NOT because of the DA but because they were about to look into his handled of millions of dollars of funds which were basically given to his friends. He has gutted the school systems in the state, tried to do it to the Universities until his big, old money supports told him to STFU and stay away. Originally Posted by BigLouie
OK - Louie, of all the things Perry has done, I'm most concerned over the execution of that guy who was convicted of starting the fire and thereby killed his family doing it. If I were in Perry's shoes, I'd roll the dice and let it be fully investigated. Speaking as someone with no knowledge of the case, based on what I know from the outside, there is some small sliver of doubt. Best to put all the facts out there and if Perry is wrong, he isn't President, doesn't deserve to be, and has to live with what he has done. If he is right about that case, and he gets exonerated on the case about the DA, which I believe he will and triumphantly so, you guys might have made a President out of someone who previously had no chance.
Kay Bailey Hutchison beat Ronnie Earle when he ran the unit and left that motherfucker in the dust, his legacy tarnished and his soul tormented. She got a directed verdict of acquittal after his monumental fuckup. After that, she was basically untouchable, even with her husband making millions off bond issues.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Speaking of deflecting you asian slave fucker....

how about we let the judicial system play out just like we should in Ferguson Mo. In the mean time you keep on embarrassing your religion. Originally Posted by WTF
You still haven't addressed the Blago situation - typical of you to avoid the subject when you step in the shit and it stinks up the place.

Blago was going to pocket the money, WTFuckhead!! ExNyer was right, and I hate him more than I hate you (but not as much as Assup), but I'm on his side on this one!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
(concerning WTFagboy)

"objectively"? He prefers incompetent government officials.

Otherwise you wouldn't be able to profit from illegal aliens as workers here.

Apparently, he doesn't want a budget surplus and positive job growth.

Just drunk, belligerent, obnoxious, butt-ugly DA's. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That 'bout sums it up mate.

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  • WTF
  • 08-24-2014, 04:33 PM
You still haven't addressed the Blago situation - typical of you to avoid the subject when you step in the shit and it stinks up the place.

Blago was going to pocket the money, WTFuckhead!! ExNyer was right, and I hate him more than I hate you (but not as much as Assup), but I'm on his side on this one! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Sounds about what Perry has done in this State.

attempting to extort the owners of the Tribune Company to fire editors at the Chicago Tribune who criticized the governor's handling of state affairs.
abuse of power concerning release of US$8 million of state funds to Children's Memorial Hospital expecting to obtain a $50,000 campaign contribution.[8][11]
seeking graft in the form of $2.5 million in campaign contributions (through 2008) from companies and individuals who have received state contracts or appointments.[22] On January 2, 2009 Governor Blagojevich's federal security clearance was revoked by the United States Department of Homeland Security.[23]
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You still haven't addressed the Blago situation - typical of you to avoid the subject when you step in the shit and it stinks up the place.

Blago was going to pocket the money, WTFuckhead!! ExNyer was right, and I hate him more than I hate you (but not as much as Assup), but I'm on his side on this one! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Intolerance and hatred.

You're still trying to make people believe you're Jewish?


You still threatening people's asses with your bare fists?

How about them $10,000 bets in escrow?

You HAVE to "hate" me. you're too fucking stupid to understand!

Wow! You've slipped down the slope, haven't you, Dipshitz?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Sounds about what Perry has done in this State.

attempting to extort the owners of the Tribune Company to fire editors at the Chicago Tribune who criticized the governor's handling of state affairs.
abuse of power concerning release of US$8 million of state funds to Children's Memorial Hospital expecting to obtain a $50,000 campaign contribution.[8][11]
seeking graft in the form of $2.5 million in campaign contributions (through 2008) from companies and individuals who have received state contracts or appointments.[22] On January 2, 2009 Governor Blagojevich's federal security clearance was revoked by the United States Department of Homeland Security.[23] Originally Posted by WTF
Seriously, are you that fucking stupid? Are you just fucking with me?
Blago was going to pocket the money - Rick wasn't going to let the state misuse its funds - big difference, you fucking idiot.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rick Perry was only out to get investigations into he and other corrupt assholes quashed.

It was never about protecting taxpayer funds, precious few that were involved.

You're a fucking imbecile.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Rick Perry was only out to get investigations into he and other corrupt assholes quashed.

It was never about protecting taxpayer funds, precious few that were involved.

You're a fucking imbecile. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That is not the finding or the statement of an investigator on the case. He said ole' Rick was not accused of wrongdoing in the investigation of the economic development unit. You guys are turning a lightweight into a hero.
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