ECCIE Favourite Frazes Repository

Missburger's Avatar
Provide some proof?
Bet u or anyone else can't!
Bc not happening Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
agreed I think its hysterical that they are accusing of that,

too funny
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Woke up with a case of the farts.....
AmishGangster's Avatar
Have I mentioned GodBrother yet? Its good enough to bring up twice I thinck
Mr. Nasty Pants
doctorisin's Avatar
"I have said nothing that wasn't a lie"

"Truer words were never spoken"

KaylaRyder's Avatar
"I have said nothing that wasn't a lie"

"Truer words were never spoken"

Originally Posted by doctorisin
LOL... very true!
"I have said nothing that wasn't a lie"

"Truer words were never spoken"

Originally Posted by doctorisin
What do you think? Was it self realization or a case of the oblivious double negative?
What do you think? Was it self realization or a case of the oblivious double negative? Originally Posted by Taskmaster
I have been wondering the same myself.
Ceremony's Avatar
What do you think? Was it self realization or a case of the oblivious double negative? Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Freudian slip.
thanks fer the ...threADs up Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Gift that keeps on giving....
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Repositng whew

Its not the face you fuck..Its the fuck you face..... Originally Posted by naughtyreppirts
I need a new hobby....
doctorisin's Avatar
We had a very interesting and tri-sensual tryst today.

Tri-sensual = all three inputs??? Or you only used touch, taste and smell? You were blindfolded with noise cancelling headphones on? Or two chicks?

Tri-sensual... fuckin' Paulie!