Oh ya that was a sick burn, yo. Bet!Hi Stink Wr are having fun on your expense. Summer in July means even more stink in the pink. Keep up the good work. You are doing just fine. Pilli
Bosco, i can tell by the way you're hanging on to irrelevant posts from three years ago that you MIGHT BE more invested in this than me.
So in case you've been in jail or otherwise not able to have a life, allow me to catch you up:
I don't provide much anymore. I work a regular job. I go to regular school and have a regular life. I couldn't give two day old shits about your opinion of me. Not then and definitely not now. I see who I want when I want and I don't like seeing dumbasses who feel threatened by me and need to call me a drama queen. I've never done anything wrong to anyone here. I don't bullshit people, beg for money, complain about my situation or play the victim to try and get business. Not sure what your definition of drama is, but I certainly don't have it in my life or my business.
Now if you don't mind, please take your sorry begging ass off my stincky pussy threAD. The rest of us are here to have fun. Go kick rocks if you wanna be a sour puss. Originally Posted by THN