Ladies and Gentlemen it's time for an official poll...

Grace Preston's Avatar
Almost dead for a month and then bumped up. Tell me again how you aren't trying to bring more harm to Kitty's reputation.
You can vote for me more than once, I got robbed not winning this thing anyway - it's under appeal. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Sounds like a possible hanging chad issue.

Almost dead for a month and then bumped up. Tell me again how you aren't trying to bring more harm to Kitty's reputation. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Funny, I never mentioned Kitty in my post. I only referenced the people in the poll, but yet you seem to be already turning this into more Kitty bashing. Get a life already and stay out of her business 24/7.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Who is the OP? Enough said. You wish to comment that I'm "in her business".. but I swear, if your hand were any further up her ass, she would be singing "It Ain't Easy Being Green".
Who is the OP? Enough said. You wish to comment that I'm "in her business".. but I swear, if your hand were any further up her ass, she would be singing "It Ain't Easy Being Green". Originally Posted by GracePreston
Once again, my post had nothing to do with the OP of this thread, it was about the people in the poll. You are so paranoid and worried that Kitty will catch on to your agenda of bashing her that you keep placing the blame on others to avoid any suspicion towards you.

Even Jasmine called you out on bashing Kitty. Oops I said Jasmine's name, that means I am trying to stir up trouble now for her too right?

You also better look into this "Chad" person I mentioned in my previous post above as well, and let "Chad" know that I am out to get him too.
Grace Preston's Avatar
1. Why would I give 3 flying fucks what Kitty thinks of me?

2. Nope, the only person you seem hell bent on bringing into the spotlight continually is Kitty. You have an agenda where she is concerned, and the more you post, the less I feel its a positive one.
Nope, the only person you seem hell bent on bringing into the spotlight continually is Kitty. You have an agenda where she is concerned, and the more you post, the less I feel its a positive one. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Which is why YOU are the one who brought her name up in this post when I never even mentioned her, and YOU continue to bring her name up over and over in this thread with every post you make.

I seriously hope you can get help for whatever obsession you have of her, and I really do wish you can eventually go at least 1 post without always bringing up her name.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Unfortunately, she IS the OP of this thread that you dredged up after it was dead for almost 30 days. You seem obsessed with anything to do with her. Oh well, at least it seems to have helped a little with your stalkerish obsession with vi
Unfortunately, she IS the OP of this thread that you dredged up after it was dead for almost 30 days. You seem obsessed with anything to do with her. Oh well, at least it seems to have helped a little with your stalkerish obsession with vi Originally Posted by GracePreston
It's !VI! not vi, and you have tried multiple times to hijack this thread and change the topic to Me, Kitty, and now !VI!

The topic of this thread is just as I posted before your hijacking began. It is about the voting, not about any of your paranoid delusions.
Grace Preston's Avatar
You really just can't leave people alone can you? And before you start with the "they started it". Learn to let go Originally Posted by motor
Kitty... you need to walk away from it. Otherwise it looks like you enjoy the attention you're getting from it.

And that's all you're doing here. This was NOT A good idea. Originally Posted by Guest092216
As always The Hot Nurse has some good advice Kitty. The reminds me of a track by the legendary punk band,'Bad Religion' called 'Against the Grain' Originally Posted by Kinky Boy

Spikebaby Originally Posted by Spikebaby
This thread is utter bullshit. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Holy Shit!

How fucking boring must your life be that you have to go and post this "horse"shit?
You have guys that see you, you have guys that won't see you.
You have people that hate you, you have people that like you.

Concentrate on the ones that want to see you and like you, not the others.

Life is too short to drag yourself down to the level of others that don't like you. I'm sure there are plenty of people that don't like me, guess's ok. Not everyone is going to like me. I don't waste 1 second of my life thinking about them or starting polls about what's wrong with them. Every time you post, respond, start polls or anything else you are giving them exactly what they want...control over your actions.

Not everyone is going to like you Kitty. Its a fact of fucking life. Learn to accept it and move on.

If you are truly retired, why are you even bothering with this site? Move on to the next stage of your life and be better for it.

The best response to any negative post towards you is living life happily in the next chapter of your life.

In other words:


TM Originally Posted by texasmarine
Ahh, another thread by Kitty Lamour that I'm sure will be good for business. You just don't get it, you think you've moved on but you're still the same person you've always been here - a drama queen and train wreck that's her own worst enemy.

Maybe you've fucked over enough people here that some will never leave you alone. Maybe some like fucking with you because you're an easy mark. And some may just not like you. Either way Tony was right, you make your living here, not us. You have much more to lose playing stupid games than us. I've been a nice guy here and I've been a troll, you'd be amazed of how much more interest I get from the ladies being a troll - ladies always love the bad guy. And amazing how many gals I get contacted by that just hate you. They're just smarter than you by not getting involved with the drama here.

You can post whatever you want about me, I, from the bottom of my heart, could not give two shits about your opinion of me. You're always saying you're so busy and don't need icky yet you post these threads saying we're hurting your business.

Which is it Kitty?

And why did you send me a PM?

And how's your attorney coming along with my signature being a copyright infringement?

And when are you paying the money to the people you owe?

Come on Kitty - let's play. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
It would seem that the majority of this thread was actually about Kitty-- you knew full well that this was just another clusterfuck thread of hers.

More to the point, the voting had long ended, so there was no actual purpose in reviving the thread, other than to remind people of yet another episode of "Kitty Has Issues"
It would seem that the majority of this thread was actually about Kitty-- you knew full well that this was just another clusterfuck thread of hers.

More to the point, the voting had long ended, so there was no actual purpose in reviving the thread, other than to remind people of yet another episode of "Kitty Has Issues" Originally Posted by GracePreston
Look who's talking. You just posted like 10 negative comments about her, your agenda is looking pretty good isn't it.

I actually never even read any posts in this thread, I don't even know what Kitty said in it at the beginning. All I looked at was the poll and then mentioned the people in it.

For all I know you just copied all that BS above from somewhere else. I am sure you have a huge collection of stuff on Kitty to make her look bad. So funny how YOU keep bringing her up and YOU keep posting links to all this negative stuff about her, but yet you say I am the one trying to make her look bad.

You either have a serious agenda against Kitty, or you have some serious delusions of paranoia and persecution. So which is it?
Grace Preston's Avatar
First two pages of the thread. I don't have to keep a collection on Kitty-- it is all right here on Eccie. Not reading the thread before opening your dick sucker is your fault, not mine. Agenda is a strong word for having the minimum level of intelligence it takes to read a thread and point out how wrong you were in regards to me "hijacking" the thread. The barn had long burned on that notion.

I'm still not sure why you feel I have an agenda with Kitty. My only agenda at this precise moment is you-- and even that is only mild amusement mixed with annoyance combined with having much more free time than normal on my hands during recovery.

Delusions of paranoia and persecution is A. A medical speculation and B. would relate to me feeling that people are out to get ME. Nobody is out to get me... those who have tried in the past have failed miserably.

Can we add this asshat to the poll? He doesn't seem to add any value to the board aside from trolling. Constant attempts to bring up banned providers. Tries to run other ladies off the board. Questions the reputations of anyone who points out his folly. Yep. Certified. Though.. I'm not sure if Steve has the qualifications to be considered a man.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Who is the OP? Enough said. You wish to comment that I'm "in her business".. but I swear, if your hand were any further up her ass, she would be singing "It Ain't Easy Being Green". Originally Posted by GracePreston
Unless you get Kitty's copyright attorney involved I'm stealing that line - love it.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Sounds like a possible hanging chad issue.
Originally Posted by SteveOTX
Good political reference. You're saying there may have been corruption in the voting? If this is true I demand a recount as Tony and Manny got nothing on me and my trolling skillz.
Good political reference. You're saying there may have been corruption in the voting? If this is true I demand a recount as Tony and Manny got nothing on me and my trolling skillz. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
I think the fix was on because you clearly should have won this vote.

Uh-oh, I just replied to a thread started by Kitty. Guess that same girl that stalks Kitty 24/7 is gonna accuse me of bashing her when I replied to this thread.
pyramider's Avatar
Have you noticed the foil cap you wear might be too tight?