Talking about some Shithole Cities. Those cities are part of the USA.
Our whole country is a Shithole right now.
Thanks to your experiment with an Amateur Incompetent Reality TV Personality !!
Chump's Fascist Autocratic shit is coming full swing. He gonna have Barr the Stooge come out with a bogus report on the Mueller Report origins and then he gonna try to fuck with the vote.
It's his only chance.Cause people don't want him anymore.They didn't want him last time.He couldn't win a majority against Hillary.
Unemployment,Economic Depression,Viral Fuck Up,Civil Discord !!
You guys scare tactics about a Marxist program under Biden after he is elected is Bullshit !!
We got a Fascist Autocratic fucker in there now !!
Chump led us into this !! Large and In Charge right !! Originally Posted by sportfisherman
congrats. your posts make Biden look intelligent, which is nearly impossible.