For the whores:It can vary. And by age also. Its not just the older gents that may have either trouble cumming/performing, it happens to younger ones also just so you know but im sure you do know that you're just an asshole.
Sometimes (always) we see male lesbians listing numerous activities which they report having taken place while renting the ass of one prostitute or the other, creating the impression that they're performing for an hour or more at a time.
In your experience, how long after one of the senior citizens is able to find his dick does it take before he's dribbling watery splooge into the rubber or wherever else? Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
So ... I can personally say I've had older guys who can cum like multiple times. One I had seen always was able to cum like in the double digits granted some were dry orgasms they still happened. I think we had beat his previous record lol cant remember what the number was though.
I try to not rush into things involving the cock, as I am aware one can be quickly aroused and therefore cum quicker than they'd prefer. So i try to take my time and draw it out 😋
I personally love playing with pre-cum if that happens, teasing him with it on his cock.
I would say a lot of my hour appts theres probably at least 45 min of activities and they cum an average of 2 times?