Anyone know where Mercianna is at?

Matters not. It is still theft. Yes, you can charge someone with theft for never returning a borrowed item, regardless of circumstance. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Alas Grace, i suspect you're wasting your keystrokes with this one!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Would not be the first time, Tony m'dear.
Matters not. It is still theft. Yes, you can charge someone with theft for never returning a borrowed item, regardless of circumstance. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Okay, so now we know you can charge anyone with theft. Now, What's the chances of them getting convicted or the police Getting to Mercianna before she strips the car down to the frame?

Damn, has anyone recon that she leave the state or country?

Dude, if that was my car, I would have Dallas on Lock right now. F-u-c-k being on Eccie at the moment.
novacain's Avatar
Ohhhhhh please please sweet little 7 pound 8 ounce baby Jesus swaddled in gold fleece, all I want for Christmas is for you to allow this to become a legal matter that ends up as an episode of Judge Judy!
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'd hope that the gent had the presence of mind to at least get her real name before allowing her use of the vehicle.
Ohhhhhh please please sweet little 7 pound 8 ounce baby Jesus swaddled in gold fleece, all I want for Christmas is for you to allow this to become a legal matter that ends up as an episode of Judge Judy! Originally Posted by novacain
Judge Judy for Ameripro's car.
The Maury Show for Mercianna's Drama!
Texasquest's Avatar
Judge Judy for Ameripro's car.
The Maury Show for Mercianna's Drama! Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby

Come on this is ECCIE drama we talking about it should at least be on JERR
GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 11-27-2012, 08:11 PM
Well Mary Ann was the island slut all the guys want to do Mary Ann. :-)
pyramider's Avatar
GingerKatt is new to the drama of the hobby. I suggest we give her a pass, this time. Now when is she, or someone else, going to post some taint?
A horse huh? Priorities seem to be in order
Guest032213's Avatar
i think its all come 2 a head now! so OP u ready to test drive a LEXUS..
Brownsugarbaby does have a point though. If he doesn't know her real name, going to be hard explaining that one, plus it won't be high on their priority list
A horse huh? Priorities seem to be in order Originally Posted by BrockLanders21
Damn, you know that horse probably ended up in a glue factory.
Guest032213's Avatar
ze wanted to have that for her freezer, would have made great party favors!!!! Horse balls & eye samwich...
Damn, you know that horse probably ended up in a glue factory. Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
Guest032213's Avatar
<<<<<<Still waitting for a update from the OP!!