Interesting Numbers... Originally Posted by AlbanyBlonde
rooster, the stats are the stats u can spin em any way u like.This country has a lot of problems and gun control isn't at the top of the list. Americans embrace every kind of vice you can think of. Some of you have said we have a gun fetish. Heck, America has a violence fetish among other things. With all the violence in our media is it any surprise when a troubled person goes off the deep end. Like I said before if a child gets harmed it will far more likely be at the hands of a parent or other family member than by a lunatic with a gun. The culture is at fault too and that's not an easy thing to change. Increasing gun control is like putting a band aide on an amputation. If someone is real intent on creating havoc he will find a way to do so. The media is saturated with violence, drugs, even teen promiscuity. Also the degradation of women in the music industry. We have a generation of young people that have grown up watching this stuff. There's bound to be some ill fallout.
we have a gun problem in this country, period.
end of story. Originally Posted by bjwstw
Concerning blaming religion for wars, is a common misconception.
The revolutionary was about avoiding taxes
The civil war was about state rights
ww1 was about an assignation in a country that no longer exists
Ww2 was about a dictator that wanted to rule more land,
Napolian same thing
Polpot same thing
Sadaam hussein same thing
It is reaaly human evil, more so than religion, some use religion to mask it Originally Posted by lostforkate
OSD, if you keep paying me these compliments, I may just have to break my "No Travel" rule ;-) Originally Posted by AlbanyBlondeerrr ahhhhh I'm having a hard time keeping up with the 3 I see now. Even with the kickbacks, errrrr driver, bats, take shopping etc. But but but darn it. for you do I will drive ya around for free. And make sure you met some of the nicer guys. (errr easy if I use OSD for the standard for not nice)
Keep going OSD, Keep going!you better show and pay her well(very well)and be on your best behaving. oh and a 100 buck bone pleaseOriginally Posted by Tiger
ummm no actually gp u idiot, that quote was directly from the me that gave the press conference and talked about the wounds from the weapon used.Uh huh! Keep talking like that and I'm sure everyone is going to believe you.
ur clueless.
I also have a famil y member that is a surgeon and has said the same thing.
ur an idot. Originally Posted by bjwstw